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Aşa cum se ştie, începând cu anii ’60 ai secolului trecut, în Europa Occidentală, iar mai apoi cu anii ’90, în Europa Răsăriteană, au pătruns şi proliferat tot felul de grupări neoreligioase, al căror mesaj, pe fondul unei secularizări tot mai accentuate a lumii creştine, a avut un impact deosebit în special în rândul tinerilor. La dezvoltarea şi răspândirea acestora au contribuit numeroase cauze, particulare sau generale, dar şi recursul noilor mişcări religioase la diverse strategii, metode şi mijloace mai mult sau mai puţin convenţionale. În acest context, s-a vorbit şi s-a scris relativ mult despre tehnici de „manipulare mintală”, „spălarea creierului” sau „programare sectară” folosite de aceste grupări pentru a-şi procura şi păstra adepţii. La fel de mult s-a vorbit şi s-a scris despre lipsa de ştiinţificitate a unor asemenea supoziţii. Prin urmare, nu este deloc surprinzător faptul că unii analişti le-au plasat undeva între mit şi realitate, unele ţinând de sfera fabulaţiei, altele confirmate ştiinţific. (Prof. dr. pr. Nicolae Achimescu)
Într-o lume care își trăiește la cote maxime prezentul, scrutarea lumii antice și, mai ales, a instituției familiei din acele vremuri demult apuse reprezintă, înainte de toate, un demers de cunoaștere și autocunoaștere. În contextul actual de criză care erodează ceea ce înțelegem prin familia tradițională, vechii romani încă mai au lucruri valoroase să ne învețe în această privință și, analizând, evaluând și comparând, inevitabil ne aplecăm și asupra a ceea ce (mai) înseamnă pentru noi, cei de astăzi, instituția familiei.
This book is an anthology of seventeen cerebral articles from well-known Buddhist scholars associated with major universities across the globe deliberating many a topic associated with Buddhist religion and its philosophies as part of our constant striving to understand the fundamental nature of what the Buddha wanted us to realize.
The authors of this volume examine theory and practice regarding past and present roles of Jewish, Christian and Islamic religious education in nurturing tolerance, interpreted as mutual respect for and recognition of other groups, in Eastern (Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Romania) and Western (Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia and Spain) Europe, Israel, Nigeria and Uzbekistan. They also explore potential roles of religion and exclusivism in fostering (Islamic state, NGOs, etc.), but also averting (Islamic legal theory, authority, Sufism, etc.) radicalization, and of secular states in allowing, but also banning minority religious education in public schools.With...
The book aims to put forth an amalgamation of ideas on abortion from varying Lenses of social, political, medical, psychological, and legal perspectives.
Birth Control: A Reference Handbook provides a breadth and depth of discussion about birth control throughout human history and in the modern day, with attention paid to the controversies related to it. Birth Control: A Reference Handbook covers the topic of birth control from the earliest pages of human history to the present day. The book is divided into two parts. The first two chapters provide a historical background to the topic and a review of current issues and problems. The remainder of the book consists of chapters that aid the reader in continuing her or his own research on the topic, such as an extended annotated bibliography, chronology, glossary, noteworthy individuals and organizations in the field, and important data and documents. This book differs from other works on its subject primarily because of the variety of resources provided, such as further reading, perspective essays on the topic, a historical timeline, and useful terms in the field. It is intended for readers of high school through the community college level, along with adult readers who may be interested in the topic.
Originally published in French in 2004, Matei Cazacu’s Dracula remains the most authoritative scholarly biography of the Wallachian prince Vlad III the Impaler (1448, 1456-1462, 1476). Its core is an exhaustively researched reconstruction of Dracula’s life and political career, using original sources in more than nine languages. In addition Cazacu traces Dracula’s metamorphosis, at the hands of contemporary propagandists, into variously a bloodthirsty tyrant, and an early modern “great sovereign.” Beyond this Cazacu explores Dracula’s transformation into “the vampire prince” in literature, film and folklore, with surprising new discoveries on Bram Stoker’s sources for his novel. In this first English translation, the text and bibliography are updated, and readers are provided with an appendix of the key sources for Dracula’s life, in fresh and accurate English translations.
The volume The Spectacle of the Body in Late Medieval England represents a study on the human body representation in medieval England by approaching the concept of the spectacle as a space of manifestation. The author clarifies the ways of understanding the body as a physical and metaphorical reality, but also the medieval conceptualization of violence. On top of that, the author is making an investigation on the violent character of spectacles' representation in pursuit of picturing this subject more clearly and more relevant. The approach of the volume is dominantly Christian reviewing the representations of the body through outstanding figures of Christianity (crucifixion of Jesus Christ, body of Virgin Mary).