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For hundreds of years, psychology has looked into the dysfunctions and symptoms of the mind. It’s only over the last few decades that the field has started to pay attention to what constitutes a functional and content life. Instead of using disease to understand health, positive psychology studies the components of a good life and helps people not only avoid mental health problems but develop happiness. The work done in positive psychology is now at a point where applications are being developed in positive psychotherapy and extended to those with psychiatric diagnoses in positive psychiatry. While these fields are a recent development they hold the promise of helping all of us live a fulf...
This is a question-and-answer guide that allows you to evaluate your mastery of the subject matter as you progress through the companion textbook. It is made up of approximately 295 questions and each answer is accompanied by a brief discussion that not only addresses the correct response but also explains why other responses are not correct.
Many thousands of international graduate physicians from diverse medical specialties serve the health care needs of the United States, and one-in-four psychiatry residents are international medical graduates. International Medical Graduate Physicians: A Guide to Training was created by prominent leaders in academic psychiatry to support the success of these international medical graduate physicians as they complete their clinical training and enter the physician workforce in this country. This insightful title has been developed as a valuable resource, filled with key information and personal narratives, to foster optimal wellbeing and decisionmaking of IMG physicians as they navigate their careers. The text is thorough in scope and replete with perspectives, reflections, and tailored guidance for the reader. Many of the chapters are based on the direct and diverse life experiences of the authors. A unique and thoughtful contribution to the literature, this Guide will be of great value to international physicians and to their teachers and supervisors in psychiatry as well as other specialties of medicine.
In this issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest editors Drs. Tami D. Benton, Barbara Robles–Ramamurthy, and Wanjiku F.M. Njoroge bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Bringing the Village to The Children: Addressing the Crisis of Children's Mental Health. In this biannual AACAP presidential issue, top experts in the field discuss how child and adolescent psychiatrists can leverage strategic partnerships to shape the future of children's mental health by advancing policy, practice, and research in health care innovation; promoting school and community-based interventions and community partnerships; and reimagining their role from clinicians and researchers to p...
當代最權威、完整的正向心理研究巨作 【正向精神醫學.正向心理治療.正向心理學】 全球第一本彙集三大領域成果的集大成之作, 13個國家、共48位專家的研究與經驗, 由理論到實務,協助人們尋見生命的意義、得到幸福, 是精神科醫師、心理師、社工師不可或缺的實用指南。 近幾十年來,正向心理學慢慢獲得重視,正向精神醫學也逐漸被強調,但在正向心理健康領域,卻從來沒有系統性的研究與教育。本書是全球第一本將正向心理學、正向心理治療和正向精神醫學的創新成果融為一體的著作,對於想從相關研究和經驗...
This book provides a comprehensive review of the complex, growing mental health challenges faced by culturally diverse populations of children and adolescents.Suicide Among Diverse Youth: A Case-Based Guidebook is the first book of its kind, and is designed specifically to bridge the knowledge and skills gap encountered by most clinicians dealing with youth from diverse cultural backgrounds, particularly those different than that of the clinician. The title begins with two introductory chapters, which cover cultural aspects of suicidality among youth, culturally informed treatment of suicidality with diverse youth, and examples of preventative approaches. These are followed by population spe...
The American Latino: Psychodynamic Perspectives on Culture and Mental Health Issues focuses on the culture of the Hispanic population in the United States and replaces stereotypes with portrayals based on factual information. The scope of the material covered is vast and includes the topics of ethnic identity, gender roles, religion and spirituality, family resilience, and the joys and sufferings of leading a bicultural life. Opening with a thorough survey of Latin-American immigration to the United States and closing with an illustration-rich discourse on being a Hispanic-American psychotherapist in this country, the contributors examines with both normative and psychopathological realms. H...
Посібник «Дихай і живи» повертає до життя через любов. До нормального життя. Попри війну. Ці ефективні психологічні техніки та вправи можна застосовувати, коли йдеться про тривогу, стрес, ПТСР, психологічну травму, втрату, провину вцілілого, депресивні стани. А що почасти книжку написано як діалог психологині з клієнткою, то замість нудьги від сухої теорії читач відчуває присутність у своєму житті психолога, з яким можна «на ти» і який запитує «Як ти?».
Balance ist eine Frage der geistigen Ökologie. Dieses Buch enthält einen Ansatz zur Inventarisierung von beobachtbaren Phänomenen im Zusammenspiel zwischen Körper, Geist und Umwelt. Die Systematik wendet eine fraktale Sichtweise auf eines der bekanntesten Balancemodelle aus dem Bereich der Psychotherapie an. Es handelt sich um die vier Bereiche des Lebens in der Positiven und Transkulturellen Psychotherapie, also Körper und Sinne, Leistung, Kontakt sowie Fantasie und Zukunft. Das Buch ist als Denkanstoß gedacht, der durch die Verwendung der Systematik eine Vielfalt von Lernprozessen, Zielerweiterungen und Perspektivwechseln ermöglicht. Es entstand in der Krisenzeit, die durch die Corona-Pandemie geprägt war, und enthält deshalb eine Anwendung der Systematik auf die Auswirkungen, die die von Shut-Down und Kontaktverboten geprägten Lebensbedingungen auf das menschliche Erleben haben.