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This publication is a result of the joint conference held by MATSDA and Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, in Tilburg in June 2017. MATSDA is an international materials development association founded in 1993 which serves to bring together researchers, teachers, materials developers and publishers in an effort to improve the effectiveness of language learning materials. The 2017 conference centred on issues related to the development of meaning-focused materials for language learning, and attracted presenters from twenty-five countries stretching from Greenland to Brazil. These issues are reflected in the chapters in this volume, with each one focusing on a different aspect of meaning-focused materials and many of them introducing the reader to previously unexplored facets of the theory of meaning-focused instruction and its application to materials development. The contributions here are of essential value to post-graduate students, to teachers, to materials developers and to researchers. They are written to be academically rigorous, but at the same time accessible to newcomers to the field and to experienced experts alike.
Reflecting the increased use of English as lingua franca in today’s university education, this volume maps the interplay and competition between English and other tongues in a learning community that in practice is not only bilingual but multilingual. The volume includes case studies from Japan, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Catalonia, China, Denmark and Sweden, analysing a range of issues such as the conflict between the students’ native languages and English, the reality of parallel teaching in English as well as in the local language, and classrooms that are nominally English-speaking but multilingual in practice. The book assesses the factors common to successful bilingual learne...
"This collection explores how migrations across South Asia have shaped key aspects of globalization since the 1830s. With original research from colonial India, Fiji, Mexico, South Africa, North America and the Middle East, the essays explore indentured labour and its legacies, law as a site of regulation and historical biography. Showcasing a world history outside empire and nation, this book presents histories from below with global implications"--
This multidisciplinary collection of essays provides a critical and comprehensive understanding of how knowledge has been made, moved and used, by whom and for what purpose. To explain how new knowledge emerges, this volume offers a two-fold conceptual move: challenging both the premise of insurmountable differences between confined, autarkic cultures and the linear, nation-centered approach to the spread of immutable stocks of knowledge. Rather, the conceptual focus of the book is on the circulation, amalgamation and reconfiguration of locally shaped bodies of knowledge on a broader, global scale. The authors emphasize that the histories of interaction have been made less transparent throug...
English as a lingua franca has become a hot topic in Applied Linguistics and English Studies. While it has been a subject of controversy for some time, linguistic observations on actual use have largely been missing out of the debate. This is now changing fast, and the study of English as a lingua franca has become a vibrant research field. This book reflects achievements in the growing field; it presents a good selection of empirical findings, thus providing substance to arguments. It comprises contributions from pioneers and established scholars in the field, along with reports from substantial ongoing research projects. The papers offer insights into the workings of English as a lingua fr...
In a world of increasing migration and technological progress, multilingual communication has become the rule rather than the exception. This book reflects the growing interest in understanding communication between members of different linguistic groups and contains a collection of original papers by members of the German Science Foundation's research center on multilingualism at Hamburg University and by international experts, offering an overview of the most important research fields in multilingual communication. The book is divided into four sections dealing with interpreting and translation, code-switching in various institutional contexts, two important strands of multilingual communication: rapport and politeness, and contrastive studies of Japanese and German grammar and discourse. The editors' preface presents the relevant theoretical and methodological background to the issues discussed in this book and points to useful directions for future research.
Mehrsprachigkeit wirkt auf verschiedensten Ebenen. Innerhalb der EU sind insbesondere Ansprüche sozio-politischer Art augenfällig. Der Band hinterfragt die europäische Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance und Herausforderung für die Wissensgesellschaft. Ausgangspunkt der Beiträge ist ein verbal-Workshop während der 36. Österreichischen Linguistiktagung (Wien, 2008). Dabei tauschten sich mit Wien assoziierte oder eng kooperierende Forschende aus den zwei EU-Großprojekten DYLAN (Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity) und LINEE (Languages in a Network of European Excellence) über erste Ergebnisse aus. Die schriftliche Fassung der Beiträge zeigt die Mehrdimensionalität und die Fragmentiertheit des Konzepts und des Forschungsbereichs Mehrsprachigkeit auf und lädt gleichzeitig zum Überschreiten disziplinärer wie geografischer Grenzen ein.
Zärtlich und präzise: Cornelia Hülmbauers Debüt ist ein Buch, dem wir genau zuhören und von dem wir nicht genug bekommen können. In Momentaufnahmen und Gedächtnisbildern beschreibt Cornelia Hülmbauer eine Kindheit und Jugend auf dem Land. Eine Autowerkstätte, eine vierköpfige Familie bilden den Hintergrund des Aufwachsens, intime Augenblicke stehen neben eindringlichen, mit feinem Humor geschilderten Szenen. So dicht ist ihr Textgewebe und so präzise ihre Beschreibungen, dass Geschmäcker und Gerüche, Gefühle und Sehnsüchte geradezu körperlich spürbar werden. Vor unseren Augen entsteht ein "Bildnis der Autorin als junges Mädchen". Mühelos gelingt es Cornelia Hülmbauer, in kurzen Passagen sowohl die Vergangenheit selbst als auch das Erinnern und die Geburt einer schriftstellerischen Sensibilität sichtbar zu machen.
We are living through the consequences of a linguistic revolution. Dramatic linguistic change has left us at the beginning of a new era in the evolution of human language, with repercussions for many individual languages. In this book, David Crystal, one of the world’s authorities on language, brings together for the first time the three major trends which he argues have fundamentally altered the world’s linguistic ecology: first, the emergence of English as the world’s first truly global language; second, the crisis facing huge numbers of languages which are currently endangered or dying; and, third, the radical effect on language of the arrival of Internet technology. Examining the interrelationships between these topics, Crystal encounters a vision of a linguistic future which is radically different from what has existed in the past, and which will make us revise many cherished concepts relating to the way we think about and work with languages. Everyone is affected by this linguistic revolution. The Language Revolution will be essential reading for anyone interested in language and communication in the twenty-first century.