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How do we conceptualize and theorize about the social organization of ideology? How should we think methodically—in theoretically and empirically informed ways—about the institutionalization of indoctrination and propaganda? How should we approach the study of the social and political instrumentation of ideology in regimes that assume that historical missions of messianic social change are the stringent organizing and legitimization principles of their very existence? This book is an attempt to answer these questions. On the one hand, this book explores key elements of conceptualization and theoretical framing of the phenomena associated with the institutionalization of indoctrination. N...
Romania and World War II is a collection of studies, in English and Romanian, by distinguished American, European, and Romanian historians on the situation of Romania during World War II presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Romanian Studies held in Ia?i on 25-26 May 1995, commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. This book reveals the results of research by leading specialists from around the world addressing many important aspects of Romania’s involvement in World War II. The papers published in this volume include Charles King, The Moldovan ASSR on the Eve of the War: Cultural Policy in 1930s Transnistria; Kurt W. Treptow, A...
Founded in 1927, Romania’s Legion of the Archangel Michael was one of Europe’s largest and longest-lived fascist social movements. In Holy Legionary Youth, Roland Clark draws on oral histories, memoirs, and substantial research in the archives of the Romanian secret police to provide the most comprehensive account of the Legion in English to date. Clark approaches Romanian fascism by asking what membership in the Legion meant to young Romanian men and women. Viewing fascism "from below," as a social category that had practical consequences for those who embraced it, he shows how the personal significance of fascism emerged out of Legionaries’ interactions with each other, the state, ot...
The collection of well-researched essays assesses the uses and misuses of history 25 years after the collapse of Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe. As opposed to the revival of national histories that seemed to be the prevailing historiographical approach of the 1990s, the last decade has seen a particular set of narratives equating Nazism and Communism. This provides opportunities to exonerate wartime collaboration, casting the nation as victim even when its government was allied with Germany. While the Jewish Holocaust is acknowledged, its meaning and significance are obfuscated. In their comparative analysis the authors are also interested in new practices of ?Europeanness?. Therefore the...
The work represents a synthesis published and printed in two volumes (the 1st volume in 2002, the second one, in 2004) under the aegis of Mica Valahie Publishing House in Bucharest. Being elaborated on the basis of some documents discovered in the Romanian and foreign archives, the two volumes cover the period up to 1929 in the first volume and the period from 1929 to 2005 in the second one. The paper reveals the role and place of Romanian oil in the evolution of the national and worldwide history, especially during the World War between 1939 and 1945 and in the development of the so-called “cold war”. The book insists upon the prospects of the specific “black gold” evolution.In the addendum there are to be found some interesting documents and the complete bibliography of oil.
The studies included in this volume reflect on the history and culture of Romania during the twentieth century, a critical century for the country that saw such realizations as the achievement of national unity, as well as the horrors of two world wars and the installation of a brutal communist dictatorship, ending in the overthrow of the totalitarian regime and the hopes for a freer and more prosperous future. These papers, written in English and Romanian, were presented at the Eighth International Conference of the Center for Romanian Studies, held in Iasi, Romania, on 24-25 June 2002, on the theme "Twentieth Century Romania: A Retrospective." Studies include: Dumitru Sandru, Arestarile Op...
Eugenics movements gained momentum throughout Eastern Europe between World Wars I and II. Maria Bucur demonstrates that the importance of the eugenics movement in Romania rests not so much in the contributions made to the study of science as in the realm of nationalist ideology and social policy making.The notion that the quality and quantity of the human species could and should be controlled manifested itself through social engineering projects ranging from reshaping gender roles and isolating ethnic undesirables to introducing broad public health measures and educational reform. Romanian eugenicists sought to control such modernization processes as urbanization and industrialization without curbing them, yet they also embraced attitudes more typically identified with anti-modernists in Romanian politics and culture. Bucur is the first historian to explore the role of eugenics as a response to the challenges of nation- and state-building in Eastern Europe. She presents a balanced assessment of the interwar eugenics movement's success and failures and identifies connections and discontinuities between the movement and the post-war communist regime.
O analiză a perioadei 1945-1965, cunoscută şi sub denumirea de “obsedantul deceniu”, prin intermediul unor scrieri literare şi ideologice revelatoare pentru atmosfera vremii, dominată de stalinismul pur şi dur. Romane, piese de teatru, texte critice, culegeri de articole cu caracter agitatoric, volume de versuri. În paralel se urmăreşte evoluţia intelectuală a unor scriitori, critici şi activişti comunişti, confruntarea dintre dogmatismul stalinist şi ulterioarele clarificări. Sunt comentate cu precădere textele ultradogmatice ale respectivilor.
Prezentul volum se doreşte a fi o sumă de portrete ale unor personaje conexate mai mult sau mai puţin direct fenomenului legionarismului românesc interbelic. După 1990, conceptul de naţionalism a fost supus unor critici vehemente, adesea nenuanţate, fiind echivalat cu xenofobia, antisemitismul sau chiar cu rasismul. Legionarismul a reprezentat expresia cea mai radicală şi mai controversată a naţionalismului românesc. Adepţi şi simpatizanţi ai Mişcării Legionare au pierit într-un număr semnificativ, fie în Mişcarea de Rezistenţă Anticomunistă din România postbelică, fie în închisorile regimului comunist, în perioada 1948-1964. Fără a fi niciodată de acord cu vi...