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It is necessary for every discipline to take stock of its own current state every 20-30 years. Such review helps determine the discipline's path and tasks for the coming decades, and it also facilitates reflection upon the changes and challenges of the scientific and non-scientific world around it. For this purpose, the Committee of Ethnography of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences organized a series of conferences on the current state and the future of ethnography between 2018 and 2020. Those papers of international interest have been translated and are presented in this volume. The first section discusses the dilemmas of ethnography/ethnology as an independent discipline. Articles in the se...
Magyarország 2013 nyarán az Egyesült Államok legnagyobb szabású szabadtéri rendezvényének, a Washington szívében évente megrendezett Smithsonian Folklife Festival-nak a vendége volt 10 napon keresztül. In the summer of 2013, Hungary was the guest of honor for 10 days at one of the largest outdoor events in the United States, the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival. A Hungarian Heritage – Roots to Revival (Magyar Örökség – A gyökerektől az újjászületésig) címet viselőprogram Magyarország népművészeti hagyományait mutatta be a zene, a tánc, a kézművesség, az öltözködés, a gasztronómia terén. Kétszer öt napig, június 26-30. és július 3-7. közö...
Though the volume covers 22 papers by 36 authors from 12 countries, the history in the background is bound to Hungary where, in 1973 Andras Pn§kopa started to lay the foundation of a scientific forum, which can be a regular meeting spot for experts of the world in the field. Since then, there has been a constant interest in that forum. Headed at present by Tamas Rapcsak, the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decisions Systems of the Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences followed the tradition in every respect, namely conferences were organized almost in every second year and in the same stimulating area, in the Matra mountains. The basic fields were kept, prov...
One has to make everything as simple as possible but, never more simple. Albert Einstein Discovery consists of seeing what every body has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. Albert S. ent_Gyorgy; The primary goal of this book is to provide an introduction to the theory of Interior Point Methods (IPMs) in Mathematical Programming. At the same time, we try to present a quick overview of the impact of extensions of IPMs on smooth nonlinear optimization and to demonstrate the potential of IPMs for solving difficult practical problems. The Simplex Method has dominated the theory and practice of mathematical pro gramming since 1947 when Dantzig discovered it. In the fifties and sixties seve...
This new edition of Stochastic Linear Programming: Models, Theory and Computation has been brought completely up to date, either dealing with or at least referring to new material on models and methods, including DEA with stochastic outputs modeled via constraints on special risk functions (generalizing chance constraints, ICC’s and CVaR constraints), material on Sharpe-ratio, and Asset Liability Management models involving CVaR in a multi-stage setup. To facilitate use as a text, exercises are included throughout the book, and web access is provided to a student version of the authors’ SLP-IOR software. Additionally, the authors have updated the Guide to Available Software, and they hav...
This Palgrave Handbook examines the ways in which researchers and practitioners theorise, analyse, produce and make use of testimony. It explores the full range of testimony in the public sphere, including perpetrator testimony, testimony presented through social media and virtual reality. A growing body of research shows how complex and multi-layered testimony can be, how much this complexity adds to our understanding of our past, and how creators and users of testimony have their own complex purposes. These advances indicate that many of our existing assumptions about testimony and models for working with it need to be revisited. The purpose of this Palgrave Handbook is to do just that by bringing together a wide range of disciplinary, theoretical, methodological, and practice-based perspectives.
The editors draw on a 3-year project that analyzed a Portuguese area in detail, comparing this study with papers from other regions. Applications include the estimation of technical efficiency in agricultural grazing systems (dairy, beef and mixed) and specifically for dairy farms. The conclusions indicate that it is now necessary to help small dairy farms in order to make them more efficient. These results can be compared with the technical efficiency of a sample of Spanish dairy processing firms presented by Magdalena Kapelko and co-authors.
Ez a kötetet elsősorban a fiataloknak szól. Az újabb generációknak, akik számára más generációk jelene nagyon gyorsan ismeretlen múlttá tud válni. Az egyetem falai ugyanazok maradhatnak, de ha hiányzik a múlt ismerete, akkor csak a jelenlegi szereplőket látjuk a falak között. Pedig az eltűnt generációk lépteikkel nem csak a lépcső kopását mélyítették, de másként is mély nyomokat hagytak, még ha tudatlanságunkban ezeket észre sem vesszük. 2019-ben 90. éve volt, hogy a szegedi egyetem bölcsészkarán megalakult a Neveléslélektani Intézet Várkonyi Hildebrand Dezső vezetésével, amelyet a ma fennálló Pszichológiai Intézet jogelődjének tekint. Ez jelentős lépés volt a pszichológia magyarországi intézményesülésének folyamatában, különösen azért, mert ez az intézet tekinthető az első tartósan működő, az egyetemi rendszerbe formálisan beépülő, korszerű lélektani képző- és kutatóintézetnek Magyarországon, hat évvel megelőzve a Harkai Schiller Pál vezette lélektani intézet létrejöttét a budapesti egyetemen. Ez az esemény adja a jelen kötet megszületésének hátterét.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations, LSSC 2009, held in Sozopol, Bulgaria, in June 2009. The 93 revised full papers presented together with 5 plenary and invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on multilevel and multiscale preconditioning methods multilevel and multiscale methods for industrial applications, environmental modeling, control and uncertain systems, application of metaheuristics to large scale problems, monte carlo: methods, applications, distributed computing, grid and scientific and engineering applications, reliable numerical methods for differential equations, novel applications of optimization ideas to the numerical Solution of PDEs, and contributed talks.