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This book describes the pathogenesis and treatment of several representative hematological disorders in children, with a special focus on genetic and molecular aspects. Research on the pathogenesis of hematological disorders in children has made remarkable strides; especially molecular target therapy has shown outstanding effects in refractory and conventional therapies for childhood leukemia. The findings presented in this book will broaden readers’ understanding and hopefully spark new discussions leading to the development of new therapies including cell therapy and molecular target therapy, allowing clinicians to use more effective and less toxic approaches in the future. Hematological Disorders in Children will appeal to a wide readership, from medical students and beginning investigators to experienced scholars in the field of pediatric hematology and oncology seeking to broaden their understanding and keep up with the latest developments. It will also be of interest to the parents of pediatric patients, and to co-medical staffs.
This book discusses key aspects of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), presenting the latest research on the biology and treatment of the disease and related issues. The cure rate for ALL has improved dramatically due to advances such as supportive care, treatment stratification based on relapse risk, and the optimization of treatment regimens. Gathering contributions by eminent scholars Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is a valuable resource for pediatric hematologists as well as for medical students, interns, residents and fellows. It not only offers comprehensive insights, but also provides a springboard for future research.
SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2018 BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION She Has Her Mother’s Laugh presents a profoundly original perspective on what we pass along from generation to generation. Charles Darwin played a crucial part in turning heredity into a scientific question, and yet he failed spectacularly to answer it. The birth of genetics in the early 1900s seemed to do precisely that. Gradually, people translated their old notions about heredity into a language of genes. As the technology for studying genes became cheaper, millions of people ordered genetic tests to link themselves to missing parents, to distant ancestors, to ethnic identities . . . But, award-winning science writer Carl Zi...
О наследственности и человеческом наследии в самом широком смысле. Речь идет не просто о последовательности нуклеотидов в ядерной ДНК. На то, что родители передают детям, влияет целое множество факторов: и митохондриальная ДНК, и изменяющие активность генов эпигенетические метки, и симбиотические микроорганизмы… И культура, и традиции, география и экономика, технологии и то, в к...
Z tej książki dowiesz się: • Jak to się dzieje, że dziedziczymy florę bakteryjną? • Dlaczego wciąż nosimy w sobie geny odpornościowe neandertalczyków? • Jaką rolę w rozwoju genetyki odegrał groszek? • Kiedy XX + XY = XY, a kiedy XX? Wszystkim nam się wydaje, że z dziedziczeniem jesteśmy na ty. Już wiele wieków temu ludzie dostrzegali podobieństwa dzieci do rodziców – podobny kolor oczu lub sposób zachowania w określonych sytuacjach. Nie zastanawiali się jednak, dlaczego tak się dzieje, i nie nazwaliby tego dziedziczeniem. Dziedziczenie oznacza dar lub klątwę. Definiuje to, jacy jesteśmy, na podstawie naszej biologicznej przeszłości. Daje nam również ...
Charles Darwin desempeñó un papel crucial a la hora de convertir la herencia en una cuestión científica y, sin embargo, fracasó estrepitosamente a la hora de responderla. El nacimiento de la genética, a principios del siglo XX, pareció hacer precisamente eso. Poco a poco la gente tradujo sus antiguas nociones sobre la herencia a un lenguaje de genes. A medida que la tecnología para el estudio de los genes se abarató, millones de personas pidieron pruebas genéticas para relacionarse con padres desaparecidos, con antepasados lejanos, con identidades étnicas... Pero, escribe Zimmer, "cada uno de nosotros es portador de una amalgama de fragmentos de ADN, cosidos a partir de algunos de...
FINALIST AL PREMIULUI BAILLIE GIFFORD PENTRU NONFICȚIUNE 2018 Ca două picături de apă prezintă o perspectivă profund originală asupra a ceea ce transmitem de la o generație la alta. Charles Darwin a jucat un rol crucial în transformarea eredității într-o problemă științifică, dar, cu toate acestea, tentativa sa de a oferi un răspuns s-a soldat cu un eșec spectaculos. Nașterea geneticii la începutul anilor 1900 a părut să facă exact asta. Treptat, oamenii și-au tradus vechile noțiuni despre ereditate în limbajul genelor. Pe măsură ce tehnologia de studiere a genelor a devenit mai ieftină, milioane de oameni și-au comandat teste genetice care să îi aducă aproap...