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Immerse yourself into BLITZ, the new shonen manga series exploring the elite world of chess, where intuition and mental agility are precious assets on the way to victory! After the incident with Caïssa, Tom's chess level has improved considerably. Back at school, he reunites with Harmony, Laurent, Saori, as well as Anne, Marius, and Zhang. These seven chess club members of the International School of Shibuya must now battle each other to determine who will qualify for the prestigious roles of school representatives to compete in the Kantô region Junior High School Tournament. Facing skilled opponents, our heroes’ abilities and characters will be put to the test... Memories, rivalries, unexpected reunions... Can the young ISS team come out victorious? As Bonus Material included in each volume, chess games are explained move by move to allow you to better understand the strategy. To facilitate further understanding, a chess lexicon and annotations are included. Bonus material included: In each volume, chess games are explained move by move to allow you to better understand the strategy. To facilitate further understanding, a chess lexicon and annotations are included.
Immerse yourself into BLITZ, the new shonen manga series exploring the elite world of chess, where intuition and mental agility are precious assets on the way to victory! After the incident with Caïssa, Tom's chess level has improved considerably. Back at school, he reunites with Harmony, Laurent, Saori, as well as Anne, Marius, and Zhang. These seven chess club members of the International School of Shibuya must now battle each other to determine who will qualify for the prestigious roles of school representatives to compete in the Kantô region Junior High School Tournament. Facing skilled opponents, our heroes’ abilities and characters will be put to the test... Memories, rivalries, unexpected reunions... Can the young ISS team come out victorious? As Bonus Material included in each volume, chess games are explained move by move to allow you to better understand the strategy. To facilitate further understanding, a chess lexicon and annotations are included.
As seen in the pages of Shonen Jump, BLITZ is a new shonen manga exploring the elite world of chess! Immerse yourself into the world of chess, where intuition and mental agility are precious assets on the way to victory! Tom, a young high school student, has a crush on his classmate Harmony. When he learns about her passion for chess, Tom quickly decides to sign up for the school's chess club.But he doesn’t even know the rules! To impress Harmony, he is left with no choice: he must learn quickly and train seriously. Soon Tom discovers the existence of Garry Kasparov, the greatest player in the history of chess. He stumbles upon a virtual reality machine that promises to help him analyze the most legendary matches of the master! In an unexpected twist of event, Tom soon is granted access to the highest echelons of the chess... Bonus material included: In each volume, chess games are explained move by move to allow you to better understand the strategy. To facilitate further understanding, a chess lexicon and annotations are included.
Get caught up on BLITZ, the shonen sports manga about the game of chess, with this collected set of the first three volumes at a special price! Tom, a young high school student, has a crush on his classmate Harmony. When he learns about her passion for chess, Tom quickly decides to sign up for the school's chess club. But he doesn't even know the rules! To impress Harmony, he is left with no choice: he must learn quickly and train seriously. Soon, Tom discovers the existence of Garry Kasparov, the greatest player in the history of chess. He stumbles upon a virtual reality machine that promises to help him analyze the most legendary matches of the master! In an unexpected twist of event, Tom soon is granted access to the highest echelons of the chess... And, as his passion and skills grow, he becomes an asset to his team in competition. The Chess Club’s rise in prestige brings ever-greater challenges, however, and Tom and his teammates will have to utilize strategy and strength of character to overcome them!"
Das iPhone 5s ist bereits die siebte Generation von Apples Kult-Handy. Es kommt in neuen Kleidern daher, ausgestattet mit einer Menge neuer Features, und es kommt nicht allein. Das goldene, silberne oder spacegraue 5s hat nun ein buntes Pendant, das iPhone 5c. Apple hat mit dem 5s wieder einmal alle Hebel der Superlative gezogen. Ein A7-Chip und 64-Bit-Prozessor machen es noch besser und schneller. Die Kamera ist jetzt noch vielseitiger und professioneller einsetzbar. Und in Punkto Sicherheit bringt es ein absolutes Novum mit: den Fingerabdrucksensor Touch ID. Auch iOS 7 ist gegenüber seinen Vorgängern nicht nur optisch gründlich überarbeitet worden, es hat außerdem viele Änderungen und Neuerungen an Bord. Einige davon lassen sich intuitiv bedienen. Doch vieles entdeckt man nicht auf den ersten Blick, und wer will sich schon auf eigene Faust auf die Suche machen, wenn er alles gezeigt und erklärt bekommen kann? Das Buch zum iPhone 5s und 5c bringt alle Neuigkeiten auf den Punkt und zeigt darüber hinaus mit viel Insiderwissen und einer Menge Tipps und Tricks, was Sie alles aus Apples Kult-Gadgets herausholen können.
Antonio Giangrande, orgoglioso di essere diverso. ODIO OSTENTAZIONE, IMPOSIZIONE E MENZOGNA. Si nasce senza volerlo. Si muore senza volerlo. Si vive una vita di prese per il culo. Tu esisti se la tv ti considera. La Tv esiste se tu la guardi. I Fatti son fatti oggettivi naturali e rimangono tali. Le Opinioni sono atti soggettivi cangianti. Le opinioni se sono oggetto di discussione ed approfondimento, diventano testimonianze. Ergo: Fatti. Con me le Opinioni cangianti e contrapposte diventano fatti. Con me la Cronaca diventa Storia. Noi siamo quello che altri hanno voluto che diventassimo. Facciamo in modo che diventiamo quello che noi avremmo (rafforzativo di saremmo) voluto diventare. Rappresentare con verità storica, anche scomoda ai potenti di turno, la realtà contemporanea, rapportandola al passato e proiettandola al futuro. Per non reiterare vecchi errori. Perché la massa dimentica o non conosce. Denuncio i difetti e caldeggio i pregi italici. Perché non abbiamo orgoglio e dignità per migliorarci e perché non sappiamo apprezzare, tutelare e promuovere quello che abbiamo ereditato dai nostri avi. Insomma, siamo bravi a farci del male e qualcuno deve pur essere diverso!
Immerse yourself into BLITZ, the new shonen manga series exploring the elite world of chess, where intuition and mental agility are precious assets on the way to victory! The intercollegiate championship of the Kanto region continues under the watchful eyes of Karl, who came to watch the potential emergence of new talents and opponents. Although capable of true excellent, Tom is obsessed by his desire to beat the rival Kô, and lets himself be overwhelmed by his emotions that are undermining his concentration... Can Tom and his teammates come out of his tournament stronger? Or will they be defeated both on and off the board? As Bonus Material included in each volume, chess games are explained move by move to allow you to better understand the strategy. To facilitate further understanding, a chess lexicon and annotations are included.