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Sepakbola, olah raga terpopuler sejagat ini dimainkan oleh manusia juga. Karenanya ada saja hal-hal aneh dan di luar kelaziman yang terjadi dalam dunia sepakbola. Bukankah manusia itu tempatnya salah dan khilaf? Buku ini mengangkat peristiwa-peristiwa aneh nan lucu yang pernah terjadi di jagat bola bundar. Bacalah, dan Anda akan tahu betapa ternyata sepakbola itu tak hanya seru, tapi juga lucu.
Blogger nggak bisa nulis buku? Kok bisa sih! Blogger itu ya penulis, hanya medianya saja yang berbeda. Blogger memakai blog, sedangkan penulis lewat media massa--cetak maupun online. Ritme aktivitas seorang blogger dan penulis itu sama persis. Mulai dari memikirkan ide tulisan, membuat tulisan baru dari hari ke hari, mengedit tulisan, dan mempublikasikan hasil karyanya. So, jangan ngaku-ngaku blogger deh kalau nggak bisa nulis buku!
The Scope of the Work The main purpose of this work is to give a critical edition of a Javanese text - the Serat Cabolek - together with an Introduction, an English trans lation of the text, and Notes. The present publication is a slighdy revised version of a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Australian National Univer sity in 1967. The Introduction to the text begins with a brief description of each of the extant MSS of the Serat Cabolek to be found in the Manuscript Sections of the Jakarta Museum Library and the Lembaga Kebudayaan Indonesia and in the Griental Manuscripts Section of the Leiden University Library. In addition, a description is given of a printed version of the Serat Ca...
This book deals with the role and authority of such traditionalist Muslim scholars as A. Mustofa Bisri and Emha Ainun Nadjib in seeding religious pluralism in Indonesia. It shows that it is not necessary to base religious pluralism on "liberal" or "modernist" stances but rather on "traditionalist" attitudes. Religious pluralism can be smoothly connected to "traditionalism", so that this may preserve greater credibility in the population. Traditionalist scholars may play a considerable role in promoting religious pluralism in the society, in general, and among anti-pluralist groups, in particular. The account of the role and authority of these traditionalist scholars is significant in revealing the prospects for religious pluralism in the country. (Series: ?Southeast Asian Modernities, Vol. 17) [Subject: Religious Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, Islamic Studies]
An important collection of writings on Javanese gamelan and vocal music.
The present "Literature Qf Java, Catalogue Raisonne Qf Javanese Manuscripts" is a publicatiQn of the Library Qf the University Qf Leiden. It is no. IX Qf the series "CQdices Manuscripti" published by this Library, and it is made available tOo the public by the RQyal Institute Qf Linguistics and AnthropQoIDgy. Originally the wQrk was Qnly meant to be a sequel tOo Dr H.H. Juynboll's "Supplement Dp "den CatalQgus van de J avaansche en Madoereesche Handschriften der Leidsche "Universiteits-BibliQtheek" in two volumes. The second volume appeared in 1911. It soon became clear, hQwever, that this was the Dpportunity tOo publish an English Catalogue which could be used as an introductiDn to the stud...
At the completion of this critical bibliography which forms another step in the direction of the realization of the bibliographical project inaugurated in 1955 by Dr. Voorhoeve's survey of the languages of Sumatra, I acknowledge with gratitude the valuable assistance received from various people. I am indebted to my colleagues Prof. Dr. G. W. J. Drewes, Dr. J. Noorduyn, Dr. Th. Pigeaud, Prof. Dr. A. Teeuw and Dr. P. Voorhoeve, who read all or part of the manuscript and who generously put their extensive knowledge of the Java languages at my disposal. Heartfelt thanks are due to Mr. B. J. Hoff and Mr. A. G. Sciarone, both members of my staff, who verified many of the biblio graphical details. I am grateful to the library of the University of Leiden and to the library of the Institute in The Hague because of their readiness in giving me all the facilities I needed for the preparation of this book. Most useful was the cordial assistance received from my colleague Prof. Dr. P. E. de Josselin de Jong, who spent much time correcting the many imperfections of my English text, which greatly promoted the readability of the narrative sections of this survey.
By publishing this handlist on the occasion of the Snouck Hurgronje centenary commemoration the Leyden University Library wishes to express its deep-felt gratitude to that great Arabist and Islamic scholar who directed our Oriental Library Department as Interpres for nearly 30 years and greatly enriched its collections by leaving us his books and manuscripts. Up to now only Snouck Hurgronje's Malay manuscripts were accessible through a printed catalogue made by Prof. dr. Ph. S. van Ronkel. Now the Arabic manuscripts belonging to his collection and numbering nearly three hundred, are being made known for the first time through this list. This is the first catalogue of oriental manuscripts mad...
Mereka yang Tak Pernah Mati adalah kisah tentang orang-orang yang patut menjadi suri tauladan. Lewat perspektif budayawan Emha Ainun Najib, kita akan belajar menjadi manusia yang lebih arif dalam berelasi dengan sesama, dan terutama menaruh hormat terbesar kepada Sang Pencipta. anusia disayang dan dicintai oleh Penciptanya. Dia diperintahkan hidup di Bumi dengan perjanjian cinta: Allah mencintainya dan manusia juga mencintai-Nya. Mencintai Allah berarti mengarahkan hidup untuk kembali menyatu dengan-Nya. Hendak menjadi apa pun di dunia—seniman, petani, pejabat, pengusaha, atau lainnya—sama saja: Manusia harus mengelola seluruh faktor dalam hidup agar tiba kembali dan diterima di rumah-Nya. Namun, cara Allah menunjukkan cinta kepada hamba pilihan-Nya bisa dalam macam-macam rupa, dan terkadang seperti siksaan bagi jasad fana ini. Padahal bisa jadi Allah sedang menjaga manusia pilihan itu dengan memagarinya dari berbagai kemungkinan buruk.
Buku ini merekam dentam panggung musik dan detak diskusi literasi di pergelaran tahunan MocoSik Festival pada tahun 2018 di Yogyakarta. “Puisi itu Membuat saya bahagia. Saya mencoba membagi kebahagiaan dengan orang lain.” – Sapardi Djoko Damono, Penyair “Menulis adalah mencurahkan perasaan dengan terlebih dahulu direnungkan. Kata-kata akan berbicara lebih bila direnungkan dahulu: itu yang disebut sebagai proses kreatif.” – Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Prosais “Konser Festival MocoSik 2018 yang memadukan buku dengan lagu ini bagus. Kita mengajak semua anak-anak remaja untuk kembali ke buku. Giat dan gemar membaca buku. Dengan buku, kita akan tambah pengetahuan dan cepat mengingatnya. S...