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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României EURAU 2016 - In between scales - European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design : abstracts : Bucharest, September 28-30th, 2016 / ed.: conf. dr. arh. Andra Panait. - Bucureşti : Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2016 ISBN 978-606-638-140-6 I. European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design - EURAU 2016 (2016; Bucharest) II. Panait, Andra (ed.) 72(063) Graphic design: Andra Panait We acknowledge the help in preparing this volume to the following peoples: Beatrice-Gabriela JÖGER, Daniel COMŞA, Marina MIHĂILĂ, Mihaela ZAMFIR, Oana DIACONESCU, Anda SFINTEȘ, Daniel ARMENCIU, Cătălin CARAGEA, Delia P...
Proceedings - EURAU2016 is the digital printing version (CD/DVD) of the volume of the full papers accepted for publication at European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design - EURAU2016. This is the eight edition of the conference, organized since 2004 in Marseille and Lille (2005) (France), Bruxelles-LiegeMons (2006, Belgium), Madrid (2008, Spain), Napoli (2010, Italy), Porto (2012, Portugal) and Istanbul (2014, Turkey) and now at the University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, Bucharest, on 28th -30th of September 2016. Under the title theme In between Scales, EURAU2016 proposes a debate of the subject defining some new principles of nowadays architectural, des...
International Conference on Architectural Research - ICAR RESEARCH THROUGH ARCHITECTURE ISSN 2393 - 4425 ISSN-L 2393 - 4425 Coordinating editor Assoc.Prof. Beatrice-Gabriela JÖGER, Arch, PhD Editors Assoc.Prof. Daniel COMŞA, Arch, PhD Assoc.Prof. Elena Codina DUŞOIU, Arch, PhD Assoc.Prof. Françoise PAMFIL, Arch, PhD Assoc.Prof. Andra PANAIT, Arch, PhD Lect. Marina MIHĂILĂ, Arch, PhD Assist.Prof. Daniel ARMENCIU, Arch, PhD Assist.Prof. Raluca BOROŞ, Arch, PhD student Assist.Prof. Oana DIACONESCU, Arch, PhD Assist.Prof. Mihaela ZAMFIR, Arch, PhD Graphic Design Assoc.Prof. Andra PANAIT, Arch, PhD Introduction Under the title theme Re[Search] through Architecture, ICAR 2015 proposes a deb...
Editors Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger, PhD Arch Andra Panait, PhD Arch Marina Mihăilă, PhD Arch Daniel Comşa, PhD Arch Design Andra Panait, PhD Arch We acknowledge the help in preparing this volume to the following assistants PhD candidates: arch.Dorin Dascalu, arch.Ionuţ Mândrişcanu, arch.Irina Paţa, arch. Livia Rus, arch.Matei Stoian, arch.Ovidiu Teleche. © “ I o n M i n c u ” P u b l i s h i n g H o u s e B u c h a r e s t ICAR 2012 General Chair: prof.dr.arch. Emil Barbu Popescu Local arrange chair: lect.dr.arch. Daniel Comşa Visual identity and publications coordinator: Andra Panait Sections Committees 1. Town in history versus possible / future town (Urban and Terri...
International Conference on Architectural Research - ICAR 2015 RESEARCH THROUGH ARCHITECTURE ISSN 2393 - 4433 ISSN-L 2393 - 4433 Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României Re[search] through architecture / ed.: conferenţiar dr. arh. Andra Panait. - Bucureşti : Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2015. – (International Conference on Architectural Research - ICAR 2015, ISSN 2393-4433, ISSN L-2393-4433) ISBN 978-606-638-112-3 I. Panait, Andra (ed.) 72 Graphic design: Andra Panait We acknowledge the help in preparing this volume to the following peoples: Daniel Comşa, Arch.PhD; Elena-Codina Duşoiu, arch.PhD; Francoise Pamfil, arch.PhD; lectur...
I contributi contenuti in questo volume indagano il rapporto tra città e guerra dal punto di vista dell’archeologia, della storia e dell’architettura, saperi tra loro sempre fortemente connessi e collaboranti per studiare, analizzare, decodificare e ricostruire criticamente tracce, memorie e parole che riguardano i contesti urbani e i conflitti dall’antichità a oggi, all’interno di un paesaggio in eterno divenire. Proprio nella peculiarità degli approcci della ricerca, i diversi contributi disegnano un ricco mosaico di casi studio, di oggetti di indagine e di progetto che lascia appena intravedere l'estrema complessità di un tema di stringente attualità.
Mission to China - Attualità del Bauhaus - Leonardo, Neoleonardo, Iperleonardo
Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, 1987 in Toronto gegründet, ist heute eines der interessantesten Büros in Nordamerika. Bekannt wurden sie mit ihren ästhetisch avancierten Entwürfen für Kulturinstitutionen wie das Toronto International Film Festival oder das Minnesota Orchestra in Minneapolis. Ein respektvoller, sensibler Umgang mit historischer Bausubstanz ist für zahlreiche ihrer Arbeiten charakteristisch – wie beispielsweise die National Ballet School in Toronto. Ökologisch innovative Konzepte wie für Manitoba Hydro Place in Winnipeg entstehen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Klimaingenieuren, hier mit Transsolar. Eigens für große Unternehmen oder Institutionen als Bauherren entwickelte KPMB den Ansatz des integrativen Entwurfsprozesses, der in mehreren Stufen zahlreiche Mitarbeiter – und somit spätere Nutzer des Gebäudes – einbezieht. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bilden Bildungseinrichtungen wie das Centre for Innovation and Governance Campus in Waterloo, Ontario und das Social Sciences Building für die Princeton University oder die Joseph L. Rotman School of Management in Toronto.
ARHITECTURI CONTEMPORANE. DE LA OBIECT LA TERITORIU CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURES. FROM OBJECT TO TERRITORY ISBN 978-606-638-170-3 Editura Universitară ”Ion Mincu” / “Ion Mincu” University Press Bucureşti / Bucharest, 2018 UNIVERSITATEA DE ARHITECTURĂ ŞI URBANISM “ION MINCU”, BUCUREŞTI “ION MINCU” UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, BUCHAREST CENTRUL DE STUDII ARHITECTURALE ŞI URBANE ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING STUDY CENTER Ediţie îngrijită şi coordonată de / Edition coordinated by prof. dr. arh. / prof. PhD arch. Ana-Maria Dabija asist. dr. arh. / assist. PhD arch. Anda-Ioana Sfinteş AUTORI: Mihaela ZAMFIR, Marina MIHAILA, Lavinia DRAGAN, Diana GOGOASA-FILIMON, Silvia IONESCU, Laura SABAU TATAR, Daniel COMSA, Mariana Cristina STAN
This book discusses the concepts and technologies associated with the mitigation of urban heat islands (UHIs) that are applicable in hot and humid regions. It presents several city case studies on how UHIs can be reduced in various areas to provide readers, researchers, and policymakers with insights into the concepts and technologies that should be considered when planning and constructing urban centres and buildings. The rapid development of urban areas in hot and humid regions has led to an increase in urban temperatures, a decrease in ventilation in buildings, and a transformation of the once green outdoor environment into areas full of solar-energy-absorbing concrete and asphalt. This s...