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The Plurality and Synergies of Legal Traditions in International Arbitration
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 560

The Plurality and Synergies of Legal Traditions in International Arbitration

  • Categories: Law

The cultural diversity characterizing international arbitration today is as much a source of enrichment as it is sometimes a source of practical difficulties affecting both the arbitration procedure and the application of substantive law. Consequently, it is becoming clearer that the critical project for international arbitration in the immediate future will be how to best answer the fundamental question of cultural pluralism. This book presents an informative and well-argued discussion on many aspects of international arbitration, clarifying the main procedural and substantive similarities and differences between different legal systems around the world, focusing not only on common and civi...

Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 591

Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration

  • Categories: Law

Interim measures by courts as well as tribunals are often critical to succeed in arbitration proceedings and to effectively safeguard the rights of parties pending the final adjudication of their dispute. This important book comprises a comprehensive review of interim measures in international commercial arbitration granted by courts and tribunals across jurisdictions that have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law to critically assess the practical fault lines in the Indian arbitration regime. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the following: all reported judgments of the Indian Supreme Court and the High Courts from 1993 to 2022 on issues concerning interim measures; practical application ...

Treaty Shopping in International Investment Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 401

Treaty Shopping in International Investment Law

Analysing how arbitral tribunals have dealt with the value judgment at the core of the distinction between 'objectionable' and 'unobjectionable' treaty shopping, this book suggests how States could reform their international investment agreements in order to make them less susceptible to the practice of treaty shopping.

Dano Social
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 369

Dano Social

  • Categories: Law

O consenso da reparabilidade do dano moral não significou coerência, previsibilidade ou segurança jurídica; ao contrário, a plasticidade da responsabilidade civil e corrosão de seus elementos apenas reforçaram críticas de um protagonismo errático, atrelado ao assoberbamento do Judiciário e à loteria das decisões, enquanto se multiplicam os danos de repercussão difusa. Da sedutora importação de institutos estrangeiros, surge a figura do dano social, uma 'nova categoria' compatível com o ordenamento pátrio e apta ao incremento da função punitiva da responsabilidade. As experiências internacionais e a justificativa econômica, social e jurídica, contudo, devem servir de premissas à adequada conceituação e aplicação do dano social. Busca-se, portanto, contemplar tais balizas e limites, a fim de reconhecer a sua reparabilidade, sem incorrer na distorção ou insegurança de outras tantas figuras.

Latin America and international investment law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 372

Latin America and international investment law

  • Categories: Law

Latin America has been a complex laboratory for the development of international investment law. While some governments and non-state actors have remained true to the Latin American tradition of resistance towards the international investment law regime, other governments and actors have sought to accommodate said regime in the region. Consequently, a profusion of theories and doctrines, too often embedded in clashing narratives, has emerged. In Latin America, the practice of international investment law is the vivid amalgamation of the practice of governments sometimes resisting and sometimes welcoming mainstream approaches; the practice of lawyers assisting foreign investors from outside a...

Balancing the Protection of Foreign Investors and States Responses in the Post-Pandemic World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 356

Balancing the Protection of Foreign Investors and States Responses in the Post-Pandemic World

  • Categories: Law

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the debate on reform of the international investment agreement regime to the fore with renewed force. In this important and timely book, top professionals in the field collectively offer an in-depth investigation of the measures that States have taken, or failed to take, to deal with the pandemic’s consequences and whether these actions or inactions can be construed as investment arbitration risks. In an extensive overview of the impact of COVID-19 on States and investors – including perspectives from UNCTAD, the European Union, the United States, Russia, India, South Korea and the African Union – this comprehensive guide on State defences and investor...

Responsabilidade Civil pela Formação de Cartel
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 481

Responsabilidade Civil pela Formação de Cartel

  • Categories: Law

Embora ainda incipiente, o universo de ações de reparação de danos ocasionados por cartel vem crescendo gradativamente em solo brasileiro. Na presente obra, é apresentado ao leitor todo o histórico de evolução da responsabilidade civil por danos de cartel no Brasil e nos principais ordenamentos jurídicos em matéria de concorrência, desde os primórdios da identificação do cartel como ato ilícito, até a recente entrada em vigor da Lei no 14.470/22, que trouxe importantes alterações à Lei de Defesa da Concorrência brasileira, justamente para fomentar o ajuizamento de ações reparatórias por prejudicados pela atuação cartelizada. A partir do estudo, ora apresentado, dos aspectos teóricos e práticos da responsabilidade civil por cartel, o leitor poderá identificar, de antemão, os gargalos enfrentados pelos prejudicados pela atuação cartelizada na busca pela reparação dos danos no direito brasileiro, além das alternativas de solução para cada um deles à luz da experiência prática brasileira e internacional.

Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 521

Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts

  • Categories: Law

This book focuses on a review of how sixty years of case-law and regulatory activity transformed the European continent and the world. It provides a critical analysis of the key features of EU integration and how this integration is perceived (internally and externally). In this context, this book also explores the EU's interactions with a number of other countries and organisations with the objective of assessing the EU's role in global governance.

Dano Moral por Inadimplemento Contratual
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 317

Dano Moral por Inadimplemento Contratual

  • Categories: Law

Este jovem jurista apresenta ao leitor um panorama detalhado do tema proposto, buscando soluções consentâneas com a realidade atual. Fruto de dedicação, o texto de Alex Trevisan Braz filia-se ao melhor da tradição jurídica. Traz reflexões valiosas que, com caráter crítico, contribuem para a evolução do Direito Civil brasileiro e, por isso, sua leitura é recomendável a todos. In Prefácio de Patrícia Faga Iglecias Lemos.

ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 452

ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues

  • Categories: Law

The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has played a leading role in establishing the field of foreign investment law. It is primarily due to the ICSID that it is no longer peculiar for individuals and corporations to have legal standing in claims against governments — probably the most notable development of international law of the last half century. Now, in its fiftieth year and ratified by more than 150 states, the ICSID received in 2015 its 500th case. This book celebrates this anniversary with an overview and analysis of ICSID case law to date and, focusing particularly on unsettled issues, assesses possible developments in the institution’s next phas...