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It is not soul, not intellect, not imagination, opinion, reason and not understanding, not logos, not intellection, not spoken, not thought, not number, not order, not greatness, not smallness, not equality, not inequality, not likeness, not unlikeness, not having stood, not moved, not at rest, not powerful, not intepowerful, not light, not living, not life, not eternity, not time, not intellectual contact with it, not knowledge, not truth, not kingship, not wisdom, not one, not unity, not divinity, not goodness, not spirit , not sonhood, not fatherhood, ..., not something among what is not, not something among what is, not known as it is by beings, not a knower of beings as they are. There is neither logos, name, or knowledge of it. It is neither dark nor light, not error, and not truth. There is universally neither postulation nor abstraction of it. While there are produced postulations and abstractions of those after it, we neither postulate nor abstract it. Since beyond all postulation is the all-complete and single Cause of all; beyond all abstraction: the preeminence of that absolutely free of all and beyond the whole. (Dionysius the Areopagite, De mystica theologia V).
Caribbean countries have had to navigate multiple crises, which have tested their collective resolve through time. In this regard, the region’s landscape has been shaped by an interplay of vulnerability and resilience which has brought to the fore possibilities and contradictions. It is within this context that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic must be considered. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on COVID-19 and the Caribbean, Volume 2: Society, Education and Human Behaviour provides a comprehensive, multi- and interdisciplinary assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, using the Caribbean as the site of enquiry. The edited collection mobilises critical perspectives brought to be...
This book is a reflection on the meaning of spiritual darkness--especially those difficult places in human experience where meaning seems to elude us, where we are emptied out and are compelled to dig deeper into who we truly are. Douglas E. Christie takes up this facet of experience, in ordinary human experience, but also in relation to the Christian contemplative and mystical traditions, where such experience is often understood to be both painful and transformative, allowing the mind and heart to open in love.
This philosophical work is a research about the meaning and importance of language. The author investigates the different comprehensions about language through various civilizations and philosophies. She proposes to understand it as a technique for survival, allowing culture and democracy. She notes that, even if it may be used for manipulation and exploitation, it is the best tool for freedom.
„Nu este nici cuvânt al ei, nici nume, nici cunoștință. Nu este nici întuneric, nici lumină, nici eroare, nici adevăr. Nu este defel nici postulare (thesis) a ei, nici îndepărtare (aphairesis). Ci, făcând postulările și îndepărtările a celor de după ea, nici nu o postulăm, nici nu o îndepărtăm, de vreme ce cauza deplină și una a tuturor este hyper toată postularea; și hyper toată îndepărtarea, ca cea care este preeminența (hyperoche) liberă de toate și dincolo de (epekeina) toate.” (Dionisie Areopagitul, Despre teologia mistică, V).
This book confronts the question of immortality: Is human life without immortality tolerable? It does so by exploring three attitudes to immortality expressed in the context of three revolutions, the Soviet, the Nazi and the Communist revolution in China. The book begins with an account of the radical Russian tradition of immortalism that culminates in the thought of Nikolai Fedorov (1829-1903), then contrasting this account with the equally radical finitism of Martin Heidegger (1889-1976). Both these strands are then developed in the context of modern Chinese philosophical thinking about technology and the creation of a harmonious relation to nature that reflects in turn a harmonious relation to mortality, one that eschews the radicality of both Fedorov and Heidegger by discerning a “middle way.”
Putem vorbi, într-o accepţie mai largă, despre Logos şi erezie prin atragerea şi includerea în limbajul teologic al jocului raţiunii în actul de filosofare, ca identitate deplin configurată şi deschisă alterităţii, fără a permite acesteia din urmă să pătrundă în individul autosuficient prin universalitatea şi dimensiunea ei transcendentă atotţiitoare. Şi totuşi, această deschidere spre celălalt nu se poate realiza prin cuvinte doar, ci prin iubirea-fiinţă, fiinţă ca persoană, Persoană divină ce irumpe luminos în fenomenalitatea umană şi mundană spre a o conştientiza de propria identitate în comuniunea transfiguratoare, mistică şi mântuitoare.
Theosis shapes contemporary Orthodox theology in two ways: positively and negatively. In the positive sense, contemporary Orthodox theologians made theosis the thread that bound together the various aspects of theology in a coherent whole and also interpreted patristic texts, which experienced a renaissance in the twentieth century, even in Orthodox theology. In the negative sense, contemporary theologians used theosis as a triumphalistic club to beat down Catholic and Protestant Christians, claiming that they rejected theosis in favor of either a rationalistic or fideistic approach to Christian life. The essays collected in this volume move beyond this East–West divide by examining the re...