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The work of women designers has not traditionally been the focus of mainstream histories of design. By revealing the untold story of female design pioneers, this comprehensive introduction celebrates their crucial role in the history of modern processes of making. Arranged chronologically, this guide considers the structural barriers to professional success and how women overcame these hurdles, charting the success of designers including Anni Albers at the Bauhaus, the architect Eileen Grey, interior decorator Elsie de Wolfe and fashion icon Mary Quant, focusing on the key subjects of architecture, craft, fashion, furniture, graphics, interior, product and textile design. The link between early twentieth-century revolutionary design and lifestyle is explored, as well the ideas of shopping and consumerism as a liberating activity. The important contribution of designers during and after the Second World War is also discussed, along with design activism, design collectives and the current success of women working transnationally in architecture and design.
The long nineteenth century (c.1780–c.1920) in Western Europe saw an unprecedented rise in the production and possession of material goods. The material culture diversified and led to a rich variety of expressions. Dovetailing with a process of confessionalisation that manifested itself quite simultaneously, material religion witnessed its heyday in this period; from church buildings to small devotional objects. The present volume analyses how various types of reform (state, societal, and ecclesiastical) that were part of the process of modernisation affected the material devotional culture within Protestantism, Anglicanism, and Roman Catholicism. Although the contributions in this book st...
If we want to decolonize the history of art, argues Kristopher Kersey, we must rethink our approach to the historical record. This means dispensing with Eurocentric binaries—divisions between Western and non-Western, modern and premodern—and making a commitment to artworks that challenge the perspectives we build upon them. In Facing Images, the question takes elegant and intriguing form: If the aesthetic hallmarks of “modernity” can be found in twelfth-century art, what does it really mean to be “modern”? Kersey’s answer to this question models a new historiography. Facing Images begins by tracing the turbulent discourse surrounding the emergence of Japanese art history as a m...
"I think that art per se is actually always striving to develop new conventions for seeing the world," says the Austrian artist Werner Reiterer. Known for his ironic leaps of the imagination, Reiterer is a professional questioner who investigates stereotypical ways of seeing and undermines expectations.
Why the world of today is like it is, and why it will continue to be characterized by these events for many years to come. This is elucidated by the selected "junctures" of the last 200 years from politics, business and economics, technology, and the arts. From the Congress of Vienna to the EU elections, from the talkies to cyborgs, this book presents a panoramic look at our modern world from 14 different perspectives.
Edited by Thomas Trummer. Foreword by Harry Philbrick.
"Christian Brandstatter has assembled a team of Austrian and German historians, critics, and writers who investigate the origins, development, and consequences of Vienna's cultural flowering. Vienna 1900 is illustrated with over 700 paintings, drawings, poster, photographs, and ephemera drawn from public and private collections and archives. The book is rounded off with a compact but detailed appendix that offers information on the significant figures of this period." --BOOK JACKET.
Mario Pricken hat mehr als 300 Produkte, Objekte und Ereignisse über deren gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg sorgfältig analysiert, um in seinem neuen Buch erstmals jene Muster offenzulegen, die Dinge besonders wertvoll machen. Dabei hat er 80 Parameter identifiziert, die sich zum Beispiel in den Biografien wertvoller Autos, Uhren, Genussmittel, Designermöbel, Kunstwerke oder Dienstleistungen wiederfinden - etwa Elemente der Einzigartigkeit, der Verknappung, der Wirkung von Zeit oder inszenierter Übergaben. Zudem bietet das Buch einen umfassenden Fragenkatalog als Trigger für eigene Ideen, um Produkten jene Aura zu verleihen, die Begehren auslöst. "Die Aura des Wertvollen" ist gleichzeitig ...
Das Buch beleuchtet die Facetten des ultimativen, von modischen Torheiten – scheinbar – verschonten Kleidungsensembles aus Rock, Weste, Hemd, Hose und Halsbinder. Der Anzug ist Zeuge von Revolutionen, Aufständen und Kriegen, überdauert als Symbol für Geschäftstüchtigkeit, Ehrbarkeit, Konformität und Reaktion die Jahrhunderte und begleitet und bekleidet gleichzeitig die Emanzipation der Frau. Anhand signifikanter Selbstporträts vom Ende des 18. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert werden in diesem Buch die bewegte Geschichte des Anzugs und seine enge Verknüpfung mit sozialpolitischen Entwicklungen nachgezeichnet. Die Betrachtung von fotografischen, grafischen und malerischen Werken gibt Aufschluss über die mannigfaltigen Bedeutungen des Anzugs und die Positionierung seiner Träger*innen: Er ist auf der Haut getragene politische Meinung, öffentlich zur Schau gestellte wirtschaftliche Situation und zugleich Austragungsort künstlerischer Überzeugung.