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The 20th century was marked by the emergence of human rights and their power to transform international relations, but not everyone who claimed human rights wanted to make the world a better place, while sometimes the benefits of human rights were unintended. Eckel recounts a history that is complex, polycentric, and does not provide easy lessons.
Human rights language is abstract and ahistorical because advocates intend human rights to be valid at all times and places. Yet the abstract universality of human rights discourse is a problem for historians, who seek to understand language in a particular time and place. Lora Wildenthal explores the tension between the universal and the historically specific by examining the language of human rights in West Germany between World War II and unification. In the aftermath of Nazism, genocide, and Allied occupation, and amid Cold War and national division, West Germans were especially obliged to confront issues of rights and international law. The Language of Human Rights in West Germany trace...
Shark-tastic! Stink gets to sleep with the fishes after his parents win an aquarium sleepover. But wait — what’s that lurking beyond the KEEP OUT sign? When Stink’s parents win tickets for the whole family to sleep over at the aquarium (along with Stink’s two best friends), it sounds like a science freak’s dream come true. Stink loves the sea-creature scavenger hunt (Bat ray! Brain coral!), the jellyfish light show, and the shiver of sand tiger sharks with razor-sharp teeth. And of course Stink is nuts about gross stuff, but after some spooky stories around the virtual campfire, can he manage to fall asleep thinking about the eating habits of the vampire squid? Especially Bloody Mary, the mutant, glowing Frankensquid that’s supposed to be on the prowl?
Spurred by a newfound awareness of false advertising, Stink Moody becomes the proverbial kid in a candy store as his letter-writing campaign yields him heaps of free rewards. When Stink buys a mammoth jawbreaker that doesn't break his jaw, he writes a letter of complaint to the manufacturer - and receives a ten-pound box of 21,280 jawbreakers for his trouble! This unexpected benefit of acing the art of letter-writing in school sure gets Stink thinking. Soon Stink is so preoccupied with getting free stuff sent to him that he overlooks a scribbly envelope in the mail pile - until his best friend, Webster, starts acting standoffish and looks as mad as a hornet. In this hilarious new episode from Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds, Judy Moody's shorter sibling truly comes into his own. As a delightful bonus for both teachers and kids, thirty-six common idioms - from "two heads are better than one" to "a leopard can’t change its spots" - are sprinkled throughout the story; seven of the idioms are humorously illustrated by Stink, and all are listed at the end to inspire a search for idioms that’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Der Band präsentiert herausragende Arbeiten aus der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung. Dabei werden Fragen nach der Bedeutung von Geschlecht in Bezug auf Ingenieurwissenschaften ebenso gestellt wie auf Raumwissenschaften, Erziehungswissenschaften und Transkulturalität. Auch wird erstmalig in diesem Zusammenhang der Blick auf Unternehmerinnen wie auch Versorgungsforschung gelegt. Darüber hinaus befassen sich die AutorInnen mit den aktuellen Herausforderungen der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung als einer kritischen Wissenschaft, welche die gegenwärtigen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen (Anti-Genderismus durch Rechtspopulismus etc.) verstärkt in den Blick nehmen.
Migration, Zuwanderung, Flucht - das waren die Stichworte, die ab dem Spatsommer des Jahres 2015 die politische Debatte und private Diskussionen in Deutschland in besonderem MaSSe pragten. IM Sommersemester 2016 bildeten sie - mit dem Ausspruch des Vizekanzlers (Gabriel) und der Bundeskanzlerin (Merkel) "Wir schaffen das!" als Bezugspunkt - den Gegenstand einer Ringvorlesung an der Universitat Vechta. WIssenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten nahmen abwagend, skeptisch, zustimmend Stellung. IHre Beitrage werden hier in uberarbeiteter Form zur Diskussion gestellt.
Determined to be the world's greatest detective, Zaiba is always on the lookout for a crime to solve. She knows everything there is to know about running an investigation - in theory... At her cousin's Mehndi party, Zaiba gets her first challenge: to discover the identity of the VIP staying at the same hotel. With the help of her best friend Poppy and brother Ali, Zaiba puts her sleuthing skills to the test. And when the celebrity's precious dog disappears, along with its priceless diamond collar, it's up to the trio to save the day! The first in a fun, fresh and exciting new detective series, for fans of Robin Stevens, Katherine Woodfine, HIGH RISE MYSTERYand NANCY DREW.
Wachstum, Gewinnorientierung, Rentabilität: Diese Begriffe spielen in unserem ökonomisch orientierten Denken, Planen und Handeln eine besondere Rolle. Ihre Bedeutung erstreckt sich inzwischen über den Bereich der Wirtschaft hinaus auf andere Bereiche menschlichen Lebens. Droht angesichts dieser Entwicklung nicht das Humanum zu verkümmern? Ist der Mensch nur ein Homo oeconomicus? Oder sind nicht auch andere (ethische, ästhetische, religiöse) Dimensionen bestimmend für sein Leben? Die Beiträge des Bandes s uchen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven (Wirtschaftspolitik, Pädagogik, Musikpädagogik, Geschichte, Theologie) nach Antworten auf diese Fragen.
Danielle is a shy, sheltered, teenage girl from a conservative, middle American family. She’s fresh from high school, with dreams of maybe becoming an actor or model, rather than stocking shelves, working in a factory, or becoming a nursing assistant as her mom and dad dictate. Jessica is a highly successful woman of the world who’s heading for the big four-oh. She’s college educated, owns homes, businesses, and buildings, traveling around the world doing work in the motion picture industry. She knows exactly who she is, and that includes being a girl who likes girls, not guys. At one point she had a girl in every port, but these days they’ve all run off to find their own place in th...