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Em "Práticas em Psicologia: compartilhando experiências de uma universidade na formação profissional para promover saúde" encontramos experiências de professores e alunos, no contexto dos estágios e atividades do curso de Psicologia. A obra traz contribuições à formação do psicólogo, com um conteúdo que abrange a multiplicidade do campo de atuação na contemporaneidade, na medida em que a Psicologia se insere em inúmeros contextos. Esta publicação é destinada a estudantes, pesquisadores, profissionais e interessados em ampliar o seu conhecimento psicológico e em formar novos profissionais comprometidos com a realidade na qual estão inseridos.
A presente coletânea é fruto de um esforço coletivo de estudantes, egressos e professores do curso de psicologia da Faculdade Santa Maria, de compartilhar suas produções científicas. Trata-se de um registro inspirador do desejo em fazer pesquisa no país desigual em que a escassez de recursos destinados a pesquisa, se apresenta para a região nordeste. O leitor irá ter a oportunidade, de se aproximar da psicologia presente no sertão paraibano, de forma singular e ao mesmo tempo plural, com uma sensibilidade particular a partir da diversidade temática. Assim, a obra é um convite ao debate e reflexão de temas como suicídio, adolescência, educação, cognição e outros.
O livro A alegria de conversar sobre Ensino e Aprendizagem é uma obra que o encantará do princípio ao fim, pois está impregnada de aprendizagens e paixão pela Educação. É um livro que conversará com você, leitor, de forma única e atual; que estimulará professores, gestores e acadêmicos da docência a quererem aprender e reaprender. Com temas como Educação Emocional, Autorregulação, Cultura de Paz, Bullying, Mindfulness, Avaliação da Aprendizagem e muitos outros, e de linguagem simples, clara, reflexiva, transparente e motivadora, os textos presentes neste livro causarão inquietação, curiosidade, amplitude e desejo de conhecer os diversos caminhos que a educação pode nos conduzir. Permita-se abrir para o novo! Sinta a conexão entre o coração e a razão! Ouse, desafie-se e experimente diferentes saberes!
As media environments and communication practices evolve over time, so do theoretical concepts. This book analyzes some of the most well-known and fiercely discussed concepts of the digital age from a historical perspective, showing how many of them have pre-digital roots and how they have changed and still are constantly changing in the digital era. Written by leading authors in media and communication studies, the chapters historicize 16 concepts that have become central in the digital media literature, focusing on three main areas. The first part, Technologies and Connections, historicises concepts like network, media convergence, multimedia, interactivity and artificial intelligence. The...
Our lives are full of small tensions, our closest relationships full of struggle: between woman and man, artist and customer, purist and commercialist, professional and client—and between the dominant and the submissive. In Dominatrix, Danielle Lindemann draws on extensive fieldwork and interviews with professional dominatrices in New York City and San Francisco to offer a sophisticated portrait of these unusual professionals, their work, and their clients. Prior research on sex work has focused primarily on prostitutes and most studies of BDSM absorb pro-domme/client relationships without exploring what makes them unique. Lindemann satisfies our curiosity about these paid encounters, shining a light on one of the most secretive and least understood of personal relationships and unthreading a heretofore unexamined patch of our social tapestry. Upending the idea that these erotic laborers engage in simple exchanges and revealing the therapeutic and analytic nature of their work, Lindemann makes a major contribution to cultural studies, anthropology, and queer studies with her analysis of how gender, power, sexuality, and hierarchy shape all of our social experiences.
What can we learn from looking at married partners who live apart? In Commuter Spouses, Danielle Lindemann explores how couples cope when they live apart to meet the demands of their dual professional careers. Based on the personal stories of almost one-hundred commuter spouses, Lindemann shows how these atypical relationships embody (and sometimes disrupt!) gendered constructions of marriage in the United States. These narratives of couples who physically separate to maintain their professional lives reveal the ways in which traditional dynamics within a marriage are highlighted even as they are turned on their heads. Commuter Spouses follows the journeys of these couples as they adapt to c...
How did civil society function as a locus for reconciliation initiatives since the beginning of the 20th century? The essays in this volume challenge the conventional understanding of reconciliation as a benign state-driven process. They explore how a range of civil society actors - from Turkish intellectuals apologizing for the Armenian Genocide to religious organizations working towards the improvement of Franco-German relations - have confronted and coped with the past. These studies offer a critical perspective on local and transnational reconciliation acts by questioning the extent to which speech became an alternative to silence, remembrance to forgetting, engagement to oblivion.
A motivation and learning strategies textbook that bridges research and practice! Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success, Second Edition teaches college students how to become more self-directed learners. Study skills are treated as a serious academic course. Students learn about human motivation and learning as they improve their study skills. The text does not offer "recipes" for success or lists of "quick tips." Rather, the focus is on relevant information and features designed to help students to identify the components of academic learning that contribute to high achievement, to master and practice effective learning and study strategies, and then to complete self-manage...