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From the executive producer of 24 and co-creator of Homeland, this exciting follow-up to Gideon’s War involves a harrowing attempt to stop a homegrown terrorist plot to destroy the U.S. government. THE RIVETING SEQUEL TO GIDEON ’S WAR, HOWARD GORDON’S “AHEAD -OF -THE -CURVE THRILLER” (Alex Berenson) WITH A HERO WHO “TAKES SAVING THE WORLD TO THE NEXT LEVEL” (Vince Flynn). . . . “Move over, Jack Bauer,” raved Vince Flynn when international peacemaker Gideon Davis burst onto the literary scene in a blockbuster debut novel from Howard Gordon, the executive producer of 24. Now, the action and suspense intensify in his harrowing new thriller. Settled into academic life and weeks...
When Gideon Davis, ex-international peacemaker, is approached by a slippery crystal meth addict with information about an impending terrorist attack, even though his career with the government are over, something about the man's story makes him sit up and listen. Calling on Nancy Clement, his old FBI colleague, Gideon decides to hand the evidence over to new SS boss, Ray Dahlgren. But when Dahlgren refuses to take Gideon seriously, he is left with only one option - to launch his own investigation. Enlisting the help of his brother, Tillman, to infiltrate Colonel Jim Verhoven's white supremacist group, which may be involved, Gideon is thrown into the thick of a revenge plot designed not only to overthrow the government but bring an end to democracy itself. But when things get messy and the brothers are forced to play along with Verhoven's plan in order to avoid detection, they'll need Nancy's help if they are to slot the final piece of the puzzle into place and prevent disaster.
Il volto segreto degli assassini seriali: Chi sono e cosa pensano? Come e perché uccidono? La riabilitazione è possibile? I serial killer sono sempre più presenti ormai nell’immaginario collettivo, come “mostri” al centro di film o romanzi, che ne danno però spesso una rappresentazione distorta, incentrata sulla morbosità. Questo libro intende mostrare al lettore il volto reale dei serial killer: chi sono, perché uccidono, quali sono le strategie per catturarli. Per illustrare la loro psicologia, nella prima parte sono riportati brani di diari, lettere e interviste; la seconda parte esamina invece le efferatezze compiute dagli assassini seriali. Analizzando un campione di 2230 as...
In this volume, the geologic and planetary science communities explore impact events and how they affected the evolution of Earth and other planetary bodies. these papers are the outcome of a conference held every five years.
Sie sind Stoff für unzählige Verfilmungen: die Taten von Serienmördern. Auch wenn oder gerade weil ihre Handlungen immer unbegreiflich bleiben werden, üben sie eine große Faszination auf uns "normale" Menschen aus. Die erste Frage muss wohl lauten: Gibt es überhaupt so viele Serienmörder, dass damit eine ganze Enzyklopädie gefüllt werden kann? Die Antwort: Es gibt sie, wie die sechste ergänzte und überarbeitete Auflage der "Großen Enzyklopädie der Serienmörder" beweist. Und es sind nicht die Unbekanntesten, die in dieser Sammlung vermerkt sind: Jack the Ripper beispielsweise, dessen Treiben im nebeligen London schon so manche Verfilmung erlebt hat. Fritz Haarmann, dem Schauspie...