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Fibrosis is a condition with globally high unmet medical need, and as such is a highly active area of academic and pharmaceutical research covering multiple treatment targets, organs, tissues and therapeutic approaches. Anti-fibrotic Drug Discovery is a single source reference for the latest drug-discovery approaches to tackle fibrosis in various tissues, comprehensively covering recent success and future perspectives on emerging therapeutic intervention points. The book highlights significant pre-clinical and clinical drugs currently being developed globally for this disorder. This book is ideal for postgraduate students and researchers with an interest in anti-fibrotic drug discovery as well as clinicians specialising in liver, kidney, heart and lung disease, in which fibrosis plays a key role in pathology.
The First Monograph On this fast rising artist best known for his giant paintings inspired by personal aviary of tropical birds who share his vast Chelsea loft.
This book embraces an emerging paradox of human geography: the growth of cities along international boundaries. For many years the world system was ordered in such a way that international boundaries remained essentially free of human settlement. In the last three decades, however, the axioms of traditional geopolitical organization have been shattered; in a number of areas in the world, including the United States-Mexico, United States-Canada, and western European border regions, boundaries have come to house large-scale cities. -- From Preface (page xi).
인체 해부학의 기원에서 근력운동에 관한 최신 과학까지 정형외과 의사가 들려주는 근육 교양 강의! 근육은 인체에서 움직임을 담당하는 가장 다재다능한 일꾼이다. 근육은 달리기를 하거나 무거운 물건을 들 때만 쓰이지 않는다. 눈을 깜빡이고, 호흡하고, 소화하고, 혈액을 운반할 때도 근육이 관여한다. 또한 근육은 많은 비밀을 간직하고 있다. 근육은 어떻게 작동할까? 근육통은 왜 생기는 것일까? 운동을 하지 않고 근육을 키울 수 있을까? 화성 여행에서 근육이 문제를 일으키는 이유는 무엇일까? 『우리는 어떻게 움직이는가』는 정형외과 의사가 직접 쓴, 근육에 대한 거의 모든 것을 담은 교양과학서다. 저자는 근육의 신비를 풀기 위해 해부학, 생리학, 생물학, 역사, 그리고 피트니스에 이르기까지 광범위한 분야를 탐험한다. 이 책을 통해 독자들은 근육의 종류와 작동 원리부터 근육 통증과 근육 건강 관리법까지 근육에 관한 과학 지식을 탄탄히 다질 수 있을 것이다.
In this work, magnetic atoms on surfaces are studied with low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. Motivated by the idea to use single atoms as magnetic bits, the factors that allow or prevent long-term stability of their magnetic moments are investigated. Lifetimes of up to several minutes can be achieved for the magnetic moments of holmium atoms on a Pt(111) surface, resulting from the combined symmetries of the system. Corresponding theoretical calculations are presented and evaluated.
Tras un excelente arranque como violinista y director de orquesta por varias capitales de Europa, el compositor sevillano, Fabio Cienfuegos, regresa a su ciudad natal, sorprendido por las graves secuelas de la gentrificación y turistificación que están sufriendo sus paisanos. Para consolidar su trayectoria profesional, todo apunta que será el próximo director de la Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla. A pesar de su euforia, no sabe todavía lo que le espera. Su amigo de la infancia, Leo Medina, además de ser uno de los periodistas e influencers más carismáticos de las redes sociales, se ha convertido en el nuevo guitarrista de Los Buhaira, la mítica banda de rock andaluz que anuncia su regreso. Será él quien le haga llegar un encargo secreto: una poderosa mujer con un pasado oculto está buscando un músico que le ayude a componer una sinfonía para saciar su sed de justicia, anhelando que esta obra resuene en el alma de aquél que le hizo un daño irreparable. Sin embargo, un enigmático cuadro de un antepasado del protagonista agitará todo lo planeado, transformando su realidad en una espiral de situaciones imprevisibles.