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Why did Volodymyr Zelensky doubt that Russia was preparing a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022? Why did British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain decide to 'do business with Herr Hitler' in Munich in 1938? And how was it that Israeli elites dismissed intelligence warnings of the Hamas attack in 2023? Had they not learned their lesson from the Egyptian‒Syrian attack on Yom Kippur fifty years earlier? In all these cases, smart decision makers misjudged their adversaries, largely because they failed to understand how their enemies' actions and strategies were shaped by different values and beliefs to their own. We may think such beliefs are irrational merely because we do not share them. They may appear confusing and ill judged. But as Beatrice Heuser ably shows in this pithy book, strategy making is a tricky business, marred by bias, irrationality, bureaucratic politics, colliding government interests, and complex procedures and structures. Assessing our adversaries as not only irrational but also illogical is a dangerous game that can lead to flawed and, on occasions, catastrophically bad decisions. This book explains why.
Covers receipts and expenditures of appropriations and other funds.
The state of affairs of contemporary higher education has been described as chaotic, highly competitive, and constrained with institutional roadblocks and bureaucracy. Despite obstacles, several academic leaders defied conventional wisdom and took on an aggressive path toward innovation and change. This book captures the viewpoints of thought leaders in the contemporary education landscape. With insights from academic administrators and experts from around the world, this book is poised to be the official “how to guide” for success in the management of educational institutions. Volume II focuses on the organizing and controlling management functions of universities.
Ausgrenzung und Vertreibung, Exil und Remigration führten zu einem irreversiblen Bruch im Leben des Ehepaars Leibholz – auch in der eigenen Familie Bonhoeffer. Gerhard Leibholz (1901–1982) war als einflussreicher Jurist und langjähriger Richter am Bundesverfassungsgericht weithin bekannt. Seine Frau Sabine (1906–1999) stand vor allem als Zwillingsschwester von Dietrich Bonhoeffer in der Öffentlichkeit. Aus einer jüdischen Familie stammend musste Leibholz ab 1933 Ausgrenzung und Zurückweisung erleben, die 1935 in seiner frühzeitigen Emeritierung gipfelte. Begleitet war dies von Demütigungen und Anfeindungen der Familie, auch durch Nachbarn und Freunde. Die Emigration nach England...
The clergy abuse scandal has posed the greatest threat to the traditional understanding of the Catholic priesthood since the Protestant Reformation. Now, as then, the deadliest attacks are coming from within the Church. In an attempt to improve a system that allowed a small minority of the clergy to violate children and ameliorate the gross negligence of some bishops who recycled these predators, the American bishops instituted the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in 2002. It is, unfortunately, doing the Church more harm than good. In Hope Springs Eternal in the Priestly Breast, Fr. James Valladares shows how justice and charity have been violated by some bishops in de...
There have been many well-publicized cases of invasive species of plants and animals, often introduced unintentionally but sometimes on purpose, causing widespread ecological havoc. Examples of such alien invasions include pernicious weeds such as Japanese knotweed, an introduced garden ornamental which can grow through concrete, the water hyacinth which has choked tropical waterways, and many introduced animals which have out-competed and displaced local fauna. This book addresses the broader context of invasive and exotic species, in terms of the perceived threats and environmental concerns which surround alien species and ecological invasions. As a result of unprecedented scales of enviro...
An exploration of the Green Belt conservation project between the former East and West Germanies and its relationship to emergent ecosystems, trauma, and memorialization. The first book-length scholarly treatment of Germany’s largest conservation project, the Green Belt, Mnemonic Ecologies by Sonja Pieck presents a new interdisciplinary approach: that effective restoration and conservation of wounded land must merge ecology with memory. Since the Cold War’s end in 1989, German conservationists have transformed the once-militarized border between East and West Germany into an extensive protected area. Yet as forests, meadows, and wetlands replace fences, minefields, and guard towers, ecol...
The Congressional Directory presents short biographies of each member of the Senate and House, listed by state or district, and additional data, such as committee memberships, terms of service, administrative assistants and/or secretaries, and room and telephone numbers. It also lists officials of the courts, military establishments, and other Federal departments and agencies, including D.C. government officials, governors of states and territories, foreign diplomats, and members of the press, radio, and television galleries.
The Lloyd's Register of Shipping records the details of merchant vessels over 100 gross tonnes, which are self-propelled and sea-going, regardless of classification. Before the time, only those vessels classed by Lloyd's Register were listed. Vessels are listed alphabetically by their current name.