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Artificial Intelligence Research and Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 406

Artificial Intelligence Research and Development

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-11-09
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  • Publisher: IOS Press

Artificial intelligence is no longer solely the preserve of computer scientists and researchers; it is now a part of all our lives, and hardly a day goes by without discussion and debate about the implications of its many applications in the mainstream media. This book presents the proceedings of CCIA 2023, the 25th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, held from 25 - 27 October 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. CCIA serves as an annual forum welcoming participants from around the globe. The theme of the 2023 conference was Supportive AI, the main goals of which are to strengthen collaboration between research and industry by sharing the latest advances in ...

Clifford Algebras and Their Application in Mathematical Physics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 458

Clifford Algebras and Their Application in Mathematical Physics

Clifford Algebras continues to be a fast-growing discipline, with ever-increasing applications in many scientific fields. This volume contains the lectures given at the Fourth Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, held at RWTH Aachen in May 1996. The papers represent an excellent survey of the newest developments around Clifford Analysis and its applications to theoretical physics. Audience: This book should appeal to physicists and mathematicians working in areas involving functions of complex variables, associative rings and algebras, integral transforms, operational calculus, partial differential equations, and the mathematics of physics.

Crime Scene Spain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 243

Crime Scene Spain

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-01-10
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  • Publisher: McFarland

This essay collection examines the changing cultural, political and physical landscape of Spain as represented in Spanish crime fiction of the last three decades. The first several essays focus on crime fiction set in Barcelona and look at, among other topics, the symbiotic relationship between the city and the detective in Francisco Gonzalez Ledesma's long-running Inspector Mendez series, Manuel Vazquez Montalban's treatments of the 1992 Summer Olympic Games, and place and identity in Alicia Gimenez-Bartlett's Petra Delicado series. Other essays examine regional and cultural illiteracy in Jorge Martinez Reverte's Galvez series and Spain's changing urban centers as represented in Andreu Martin's El blues de la semana mas negra.

Snakes of the World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1190

Snakes of the World

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-04-22
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species-the first catalogue of its kind-covers all living and fossil snakes described between 1758 and 2012, comprising 3,509 living and 274 extinct species allocated to 539 living and 112 extinct genera. Also included are 54 genera and 302 species that are dubious or invalid, resulting in reco

Mistero di strada
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 275

Mistero di strada

Méndez è un vecchio poliziotto, praticamente una carogna. Ma tanti anni sulla strada non gli hanno ancora estirpato dal cuore la ribalda innocenza del ragazzino che sognava di salvare il mondo da se stesso. David è un padre che ha perso l’unico figlio e, con lui, il gusto della vita. Uno che cerca testardamente la morte e non s’accorge che la bellezza della vita ha ancora in serbo per lui una sorpresa. Eva Exposito è nata nel posto sbagliato nel momento sbagliato e sembra che faccia sempre le cose più sbagliate. Ma forse sono solo le più sagge, in un tempo che ha smarrito la saggezza. E poi c’è un assassino senza scrupoli che è anche un abile e spregiudicato imprenditore. Vecch...

Szomszédom a halál
  • Language: hu
  • Pages: 293

Szomszédom a halál

A hetvenes évek Barcelonájában egy fegyveres rablótámadás tragédiába torkollik: lelőnek egy ártatlan kisfi út. Több mint harminc évvel később az egyik rablógyilkost megölik. A társa biztos benne, hogy a kisfiú halálába beletörődni nem képes apa a tettes, aki rajta is bosszút akar állni. Elkezdődik tehát a gyilkos bújócska a vélt tettes és a bűnöző között. Ricardo Méndez felügyelőnek pedig minden ravaszságát latba kell vetnie, hogy megelőzzön egy újabb tragédiát… A regény elnyerte a bűnügyi regényeknek alapított rangos Premio Internacional de Novela Negra RBA nemzetközi irodalmi díjat. „Nyers és őszinte. Bemutatja a valódi Barcelonát, ahol a tökéletesség csak látszat, a hősiesség pedig csupán a túlélés eszköze.” The New York Times

Una novela de barrio
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 303

Una novela de barrio

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-11-01
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  • Publisher: RBA Libros

Hace años, un atraco a mano armada cometido en un banco acabó en tragedia: los dos ladrones, en su huida, mataron a un niño.Tiempo después, uno de aquellos atracadores aparece asesinado. El otro teme por su vida y sospecha quién puede ser el culpable. El inspector Méndez, un policía poco ortodoxo que conoce las calles de Barcelona como nadie, tendrá que navegar entre pasado y presente para evitar que se produzcan más muertes.

Advances in Computer Graphics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 717

Advances in Computer Graphics

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 38th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2021, held virtually in September 2021. The 44 full papers presented together with 9 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 131 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topics: computer animation; computer vision; geometric computing; human poses and gestures; image processing; medical imaging; physics-based simulation; rendering and textures; robotics and vision; visual analytics; VR/AR; and engage.

Snakes of the World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 796

Snakes of the World

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-08-27
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species, published in 2014, was the first catalogue of its kind and covered all living and fossil snakes described between 1758 and 2012. This new volume will be a supplement to this important herpetological reference and will include new published data on snakes named and recognized since 2012. Key Features Supplements and updates Wallach et al. – Snakes of the World – the only work to cover all living snakes in the world. Includes updates for fossil snakes named since the publication of Wallach et al. Summarizes the systematic snake literature published since the appearance of Wallach et al. Genera and species are listed alphabetically for ease of reference. Related Titles Wallach, V., K. L. Williams, and J. Boundy. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species (ISBN 978-1-138-03400-6) Aldridge, R. D. and D. M. Sever, eds. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes (ISBN 978-1-57808-701-3) Caldwell, M. W. The Origin of Snakes: Morphology and the Fossil Record (ISBN 978-1-4822-5134-0)

Juan Luis Martínez’s Philosophical Poetics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 249

Juan Luis Martínez’s Philosophical Poetics

Juan Luis Martínez’s Philosophical Poetics is the first English-language monograph on this Chilean visual artist and poet (1942–1993). It has two principal aims: first, to introduce Martínez’s poetry and radical aesthetics to English-speaking audiences, and second, to carefully analyze key aspects of his literary production. The readings undertaken in this book explore Martínez’s intricate textual formalisms, the self-effacement that characterizes his poetry, and the tension between his local (Latin American, Chilean) aspect and the cosmopolitanism or transnationalism that insists on the global relevance of his work. Through his artistic engagement with a number of esoteric concep...