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This completely rewritten classic text features many new examples, insights and topics including mediational, categorical, and multilevel models. Substantially reorganized, this edition provides a briefer, more streamlined examination of data analysis. Noted for its model-comparison approach and unified framework based on the general linear model, the book provides readers with a greater understanding of a variety of statistical procedures. This consistent framework, including consistent vocabulary and notation, is used throughout to develop fewer but more powerful model building techniques. The authors show how all analysis of variance and multiple regression can be accomplished within this...
For two centuries, the school system has been a central point around which other players have gravitated: local authorities, voluntary organizations and the world of work. Over the course of the 20th century, this school centric configuration underwent a transformation, with local authorities tending to become integrated into the vertical culture of the school system. This was only the beginning of a process that brought schools and socio cultural players into constant contact. Cultural, Training and Educational Spaces first examines the relationships with knowledge generated by the links between the school system and other cultural, training and educational spaces, taking a historical, pedagogical and philosophical perspective. Easy access to learning materials creates different relationships with knowledge than those observed in schools. The book then looks at the pedagogical practices in these different cultural educational spaces, such as libraries and media libraries, museums and historical sites, places of heritage, history and entertainment, social networks and other multimedia formats.
Now in its seventh edition, this landmark textbook has helped to define introductory ecology courses for over four decades. With a dramatic transformation from previous editions, this text helps lecturers embrace the challenges and opportunities of teaching ecology in a contemporary lecture hall. The text maintains its signature evolutionary perspective and emphasis on the quantitative aspects of the field, but it has been completely rewritten for today’s undergraduates. Modernised in a new streamlined format, from 27 to 23 chapters, it is manageable now for a one-term course. Chapters are organised around four to six key concepts that are repeated as major headings and repeated again in streamlined summaries. Ecology: The Economy of Nature is available with SaplingPlus.An online solution that combines an e-book of the text, Ricklef’s powerful multimedia resources, and the robust problem bank of Sapling Learning. Every problem entered by a student will be answered with targeted feedback, allowing your students to learn with every question they answer.
Today's financial crisis has led to a widespread lack of confidence in the laissez faire style of economic policy. In The Keynes Solution author Paul Davidson provides insights into how we got into the crisis—but more importantly how to use Keynes economic philosophy to get out of this mess. John Maynard Keynes was committed to making the market economy work—but our current system has been a dismal failure. Keynes advocated for an interventionalist government role, in cooperation with private initiative, to mitigate the adverse effects of recessions, depressions and booms. His economic policy helped the world out of the great depression and was an important influencer in the thinking behind FDR's new deal policies. In this book Keynesian expert Davidson makes recommendations and details plans for spending, monetary policy, financial market rules and regulation, and wages—all to reverse the effects of our past policies. Keynes renewed influence can be seen everywhere: in Barack Obama's planned stimulus package, for example—and this book explains the basic tenant of Keynesian economics as well as applied solutions to today's critical situation.
With an increasing focus on the knowledge and service economies, it is important to understand the role that entrepreneurial universities play through collaboration in policy and, in turn, the impact they have on policy. The authors evaluate how universities engage with communities while also balancing stakeholder considerations, and explore how universities should be managed in the future to integrate into global society effectively.
Thoroughly revised and updated, Discover Biology, Second Edition, presents the essential concepts of modern biology in a text designed specifically for nonmajors. The authors emphasize a level of detail appropriate for nonmajors, freeing instructors to focus on the scientific issues-HIV, global climate change, DNA fingerprinting, genetic engineering, cancer-that students read about in the paper, vote on in elections, and face in their daily lives. With two new chapters, refined pedagogy and art programs, and a powerful ancillary package, Discover Biology, Second Edition, is the best choice for the nonmajors introductory course.
Du fait de l'immigration, la diversité culturelle et linguistique de nos sociétés a tendance à augmenter. Du fait d'interdépendances multiples, nous devons aussi de plus en plus fonctionner au niveau d'entités plurinationales, comme l'Union européenne, qui connaissent une diversité culturelle et linguistique sensiblement plus grande que chacune de leurs composantes. N'est-il pas d'autant plus difficile d'organiser durablement une solidarité généreuse au sein d'une population qu'elle est plus hétérogène culturellement et linguistiquement ? Si c'est le cas, les politiques dites " multiculturelles " sont-elle de nature à adoucir cette tension ou au contraire à l'exacerber ? C'est autour de ces questions que Philippe Van Parijs a rassemblé des chercheurs de divers horizons, mondialement réputés, pour deux jours de discussion intense. Ce livre reprend l'ensemble des communications et commentaires, suivi de conclusions personnelles par Brian Barry, Will Kymlicka et Philippe Van Parijs.
Professionalization has become a given in the worlds of work and education. For a wide variety of professions, public and private organizations and training and further education courses, professionalization is an inescapable reality. However, it takes on diverse, even contradictory meanings, according to what it represents: a managerial imperative imposed by public or managerial policies, or a set of goals defined by an ideal of service or quality of work. The purpose of Encyclopedia of Professionalization is to discuss the current challenges facing professionalization and, by exploring major research traditions, to clarify the meanings associated with this concept and the various phenomena it encompasses. Three major notions of professionalization are examined: the manufacturing of professions in pursuit of autonomy, the rise of professionalisms embodying notions of a job well done, and the construction of renewed professionalities at the very heart of work situations and training systems.
Sustainable and intelligent territorial marketing and entrepreneurship represent a transformative approach to economic growth while preserving historical and environmental integrity, ensuring community well-being. By integrating innovative marketing strategies with sustainable practices, territories can effectively promote their unique attributes, such as natural resources, cultural heritage, or technological hubs, attracting new investors, business owners, and entrepreneurs. This framework addresses the challenges of urbanization and environmental degradation while empowering local entrepreneurs to thrive. Further exploration into these techniques may assist local economies in prioritizing ...