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Auto Repair For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119543619) was previously published as Auto Repair For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9780764599026). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. The top-selling auto repair guide--400,000 copies sold--now extensively reorganized and updated Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now accounting for one third of this $34 billion automotive do-it-yourself market. For new or would-be do-it-yourself mechanics, this illustrated how-to guide has long been a must and now it's even be...
Buying a car is never easy. Besides spending a sizeable amount ofmoney on this investment, your liveliness probably relies on thisvehicle. You need to know that your car will get you from point Ato point B in a timely and safe manner--so buying a lemon isnot something you can afford to do. Buying A Car For Dummies is for you if you need to findout how to buy, sell, insure, drive, protect, or rent a vehicle. Itdoesn't matter how old you are (as long as you can legallydrive and have a license), this book can make your experience withcars a smooth ride. Buying A Car For Dummies can help you save a truckload ofmoney over the life of your vehicle as you find out all you need toknow about new and ...
From Motorbooks, the leader in automotive publishing for over 4 decades, comes the most practical car care guide ever produced to help the average car owner maintain and repair his or her vehicle - How to Repair Your Car. In this easy-to-follow guide, author Paul Brand, a nationally known automotive expert, takes you through the steps of auto maintenance and repair—simple steps that could add years to a car’s life and save a driver thousands of dollars in repairs. This is also the only car maintenance and repair guide on the market to contain 50 do-it-yourself projects in full-color, step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow and understand. Focusing on post-1985 cars (with occasi...
Cars continue to be more complicated — and more costly to repair. Expert, Dave Stribling, gives readers the basic knowledge and a lot of know-how in Idiot's Guides: Auto Repair and Maintenance. Dozens of step-by-step, full-color photos and illustrations make DIY car repairs and maintenance so much easier, regardless of make or model. And when a repair calls for an expert, this book gives readers the knowledge they need to avoid unnecessary repairs and cost.
How Cars Work is a completely illustrated primer describing the 250 most important car parts and how they work. This mini test book includes wonderfully simple line drawings and clear language to describe all the automotive systems as well as a glossary, index, and a test after each chapter. How Cars Work provides the basic vocabulary and mechanical knowledge to help a reader talk intelligently with mechanics understand shop manuals, and diagnosis car problems. Tom Newton guides the reader with a one topic per page format that delivers information in bite size chunks, just right for teenage boys. How Cars Work was the most stolen book at Kennedy High School in Richmond California! Teachers like our title and so do librarians. The History channel, Modern Marvels-2000, Actuality Productions, Inc is using How Cars Work to train staff for a documentary on automobiles.
The nuts and bolts of bike repair for bicycle commuters, serious cyclists, and casual riders Bike Repair & Maintenance For Dummies provides expert guidance and tips for bicyclists who are hitting the bike trail or just spinning around the neighborhood. If you have a little or a lot of experience in using tools on your bike, this book can show you how to keep your bike in top working order, from tires to handlebars, without all the technical jargon. If biking is already a part of your life — or you'd like it to be mdash; this book can help you tackle your own bike maintenance and repair, so you don't have to take it to the shop for routine tune-ups or call for help if you break down in the ...
A thorough explanation of the tenets of biomechanics At once a basic and applied science, biomechanics focuses on the mechanical cause-effect relationships that determine the motions of living organisms. Biomechanics for Dummies examines the relationship between biological and mechanical worlds. It clarifies a vital topic for students of biomechanics who work in a variety of fields, including biological sciences, exercise and sports science, health sciences, ergonomics and human factors, and engineering and applied science. Following the path of a traditional introductory course, Biomechanics for Dummies covers the terminology and fundamentals of biomechanics, bone, joint, and muscle composi...
Today's cars are complex. They have ABS, DOHC, EFI, CV, PCV, and dozens of other acronyms. How can anyone except a certified mechanic try to maintain or repair older vehicles, much less modern cars? The easiest way is to follow clear, illustrated instructions. The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Car Care and Repair Illustrated offers hundreds of helpful photos and drawings that not only describe how cars run, they also show readers exactly what to do when they don't run. Finally, readers will truly learn how to handle common repairs without a mechanic. The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Car Care and Repair Illustrated covers maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing your car from bumper to bumper. It clearly covers selecting tools and parts, changing oil, checking transmission and steering fluids, replacing filters, troubleshooting engine noises, installing brakes, fixing door dings, and keeping the car's battery alive longer.
One of the most popular automotive theory texts available, "Auto Fundamentals" provides a study of the design, construction, and operation of all major automotive systems. Content centers around the theory of automotive operation--how and why systems interact.