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In this "Tropical Peatland Eco-management" book, eco-management is new terminology as an abbreviation of "ecology-based management for natural capital enhancement". Key concept on this eco-management is derived from previous book: "Tropical Peatland Ecosystem"(Springer, 2015, eds. by M. Osaki and N. Tsuji). Based on this new concept, this book thoroughly examines tropical peatland eco-management for scientists, political decision makers, governmental officials, land managers, students, and NGO/NPOs who are interested in 1) what the impact of peatland on climate change and ecosystem function, 2) how the management of disturbed peatland, and 3) drawing global scale restoration mechanisms of pe...
This book is an excellent resource for scientists, political decision makers, and students interested in the impact of peatlands on climate change and ecosystem function, containing a plethora of recent research results such as monitoring-sensing-modeling for carbon–water flux/storage, biodiversity and peatland management in tropical regions. It is estimated that more than 23 million hectares (62 %) of the total global tropical peatland area are located in Southeast Asia, in lowland or coastal areas of East Sumatra, Kalimantan, West Papua, Papua New Guinea, Brunei, Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak and Southeast Thailand. Tropical peatland has a vital carbon–water storage function and ...
This book contains papers presented at the International Workshop on Tropical Wetlands, held in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. This workshop discussed wetland mapping and characterization as well as wetland management for sustainable agriculture. This volume contains selected papers on tropical wetlands, more specifically, peatland, tidal land, and acid sulphate soils. This book presents an international overview of wetland and peatland mapping experiences from Indonesia, Congo, Brazil, Australia, and Scotland. Several innovative techniques are discussed, including integrated digital soil mapping and remote sensing techniques, as well as geodatabase processing and field surveying. This book further discussed tropical wetland management for agriculture as practiced in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. The contents of this book are suitable and should be a good reference for those who are involved in research, development, and management of tropical wetland, including academics, soil scientists, environmentalists, researchers, agriculturists, students, agri-businessmen, policy makers, land managers and farmers.
This book provides a precise and meticulous overview of the technology of developing energy cane. It highlights how technology has transformed the opinion of growers to cultivate sugarcane from an agronomic to a purpose-grown crop. Chapters in this book provide essentials for developing sugarcane for high-sugar contents, bioethanol, and biodiesel to meet the emerging demands of the world.
Melihat Keberhasilan Pembangunan Irigasi Pada Periode Pertama Presiden Joko Widodo
Food systems in Indonesia and worldwide have experienced major transformations in the wake of agricultural modernisation. Once intact eco-systems have declined dramatically, along with human diets, long term food security and social cohesion. Using long-term ethnographic research, we documented this loss of traditional food systems in Java, Bali, East Timor and India, but also a recent revival and reinvention of sustainable production methods and community-based distribution systems. A growing movement of small farmers now reject the dominant paradigm of aggressive capitalist development, and are re-creating food systems based on moral ecology – a new concept we introduce to characterise food systems that regenerate the natural environment and serve the common good, rather than maximise profit. Small farmers like these already feed two thirds of humanity using only a third of agricultural land. With proper support, we argue, they could feed the entire world, using sustainable and socially responsible approaches to eradicate world hunger.
The extraordinary works and contributions of writers with different backgrounds ranging from academics to bureaucrats make this book rich in treasures to see how far the scientific development of public administration is dealing with global conditions which are currently starting to show signs of revival. At the same time, we can learn from when local to national governments have to work hard to provide public policies in the form of a stimulus to help the country get out of the problems caused by disease outbreaks. This book is contained of 38 selected writings that can be an excellent literature for for those who seek for reference on public policy. In addition, this book is expected to ignite further discussions within the scientific scope. Apart from the various shortcomings, we apologize profusely and hopefully this book can provide benefits to the wider community. We thank the authors and editors who have contributed their best energy, thoughts, and works.
Pemerintah sejak lama mengembangkan daerah rawa dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi pangan, khususnya beras. Dalam sejarah ekstensifikasi pertanian di Indonesia, lahan rawa tercatat mulai dibuka dan dikembangkan sejak tahun 1920an sebagai areal usaha tani padi, jagung, sayuran, dan buah-buahan dan beberapa tanaman tahunan seperti karet, kakao, jeruk dan lainnya. Secara besar-besaran pemerintah membuka daerah rawa melalui Proyek Pembukaan Persawahan Pasang Surut (P4S) antara tahun 1979-1984 dengan rencana pembukaan 5,25 juta hektar di bawah Departemen Pekerjaan Umum (PU), tetapi terealisasi hanya 17%. Kemudian pembukaan 1 juta hektar melalui Proyek Pembukaan Lahan Gambut (PLG) Sejuta Hektar di ...
Buku Food Estate: Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Era Pandemi ini berisi tentang informasi serta edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang proyek food estate yang akan dilaksanakan di Kalimantan Tengah dengan memanfaatkan lahan yang berada di Kalimantan Tengah untuk food estate sehingga ketahanan pangan di era Pandemi dapat terwujud. Semoga dapat memberikan khazanah ilmu pengetahuan bagi pembaca baik itu masyarakat pada umumnya, para praktis dan akademisi.
Buku ini merupakan sejumlah tulisan yang mulanya terserak dalam bentuk artikel (jurnal), makalah, dan laporan riset ini, pelan-pelan dapat kami kumpulkan dan dibuhul dalam satu buku, seperti yang ada di tangan pembaca saat ini. Ide menerbitkan buku ini tidak terlepas dari semangat yang akan mewarnai Polri ke depan, yakni Polri yang Presisi. Sebagaimana yang telah digagas oleh Bapak Kapolri Jenderal Pol. Sigit Listyo Prabowo, konsep Presisi hadir melalui penekanan pada upaya pendekatan pemolisian yang Prediktif, Responsibilitas, dan Transparansi Berkeadilan (yang disingkat menjadi Presisi). Pemolisian yang prediktif artinya mengedepankan kemampuan anggota Polri untuk memprediksikan situasi da...