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"Dangerous Days" is a singular penned by means of Mary Roberts Rinehart, an American writer acknowledged for her contributions to thriller and suspense fiction. The narrative is ready towards the backdrop of World War I and explores the gripping story of espionage, intrigue, and personal transformation. The tale unfolds as the protagonist, a young and lively female named Phyllis, finds herself inadvertently entangled in an internet of espionage and international intrigue. As the struggle rages on, Phyllis becomes a witness to clandestine activities that threaten the protection and safety of the state. Her adventure is marked with the aid of threat, suspense, and the complexities of navigatin...
The small town of Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina was a simple and unassuming farming community, unheard of to most people. But all that changed during the summer of 1981, and it has since been the meeting place of millions of pilgrims. In Fingerprints of God, author Stephen J. Malloy chronicles the reported miracles and extraordinary supernatural activity that have occurred in Medjugorje since that time. It all started when five teenagers and a ten-year old boy began to report in tandem that they were having heavenly visions. According to their witness, the Madonna, the Virgin Mary had begun appearing to them in order to call the world to an urgent conversion, reconciliation, and peace throu...
A collection of stories from the author's thirty years as presenter for the Irish radio program Seascapes focusing on Irish maritime history.
In 1981, six young people in the village of Medjugorje, in what was then Yugoslavia (now Bosnia-Herzegovina), reported that the Virgin Mary had appeared to them. The Medjugorje visionaries say that Mary has returned every day since then, bringing them important messages from heaven to convey to the world. Over the past three decades the Medjugorje visionaries have been subjected to extensive medical, psychological, and scientific examination, even while undergoing their visionary experiences. Daniel Klimek analyzes the scientific studies on the visionaries in juxtaposition with the major scholars and debates surrounding religious experience, and concludes that a multidisciplinary approach grants a more holistic and deeper understanding of such extraordinary religious experiences.
2,000 years ago, the Son of God prayed to His Father, βThy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.β This prayer, the greatest ever uttered by the lips of man, will not go unanswered. Jesus has revealed to an Italian mystic named Luisa that the time has now at last arrived for its fulfillment; that is, for the restoration of what was destroyed by Adam 6,000 years ago in the Fall of Man. In brief: the entire world is about to be radically transformed like never before in its history. This is probably something you should know about. This book has been written to inform you about the transformation and to enable you to take part in it and hasten it. But this transformation will not be ach...
A wordless picture book featuring a sandcastle that takes on a life of its own.