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Democratic institution-building experiences, innovative forms of social organization, and the development of multiple state-society interfaces represent a significant political phenomenon in Latin America in the last half-century. By comparing the two largest countries of the subcontinent, Brazil and Mexico, Democratizing the State examines social accountability and social control regimes. These regimes are conceived configurations of relationships between actors, organizational structures, norms, and resources, all arranged in a stable and institutionalized manner to exert social control over state actors and functions. The book addresses the contrasting characteristics and different functions through which the citizenry and civil society exert control over state action in both countries. Characterizing these experiences broadly as regimes is novel and enlightening regarding the work of practitioners and scholars on political participation, social accountability, and democracy in the global South and the global North.
Multiple environmental crises and persistent patterns of intersecting inequalities are major global concerns. This edited volume contributes to a better understanding of environments of inequality by examining their various formations and expressions, from the colonial period to the present, with a strong (but not exclusive) focus on the Americas. The nine case studies especially reflect on the interrelationship between social inequality and the natural environment. The authors address crises, conflicts, and comparisons of inequalities from various disciplinary and regional perspectives. The volume has three thematic sections: first, conflicts and contests over resources and territory; second, crises of environmental politics; and third, constructions of inequality: discourses of disruption. Drawing on ongoing innovative research projects, the chapters in this volume discuss highly relevant issues and show that intersectionality is key to understanding environmental inequalities.
This book offers a comprehensive comparative perspective on the increasingly significant development cooperation activities of the BRICS. Providing a powerful set of insights into the drivers for engagement within each country, it brings together leading experts from Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and OECD countries. The authors review the empirical evidence for the BRICS’ modes of development cooperation and their geographical reach, and explore the historical background and patterns of international development engagement of each country. They also present a cutting-edge analysis of the broader geopolitical shifts, distinctive ideologies and normative discourses that are influencing and informing their engagement in increasingly ambitious joint projects such as the New Development Bank. This collection is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the rapidly changing landscape of international development.
Through deep attention to sense and feeling, Go with God grapples with the centrality of Evangelical faith in Rio de Janeiro's subúrbios, the city's expansive and sprawling peripheral communities. Based on sensory ethnographic fieldwork and attuned to religious desire and manipulation, this book shows how Evangelical belief has changed the way people understand their lives in relation to Brazil's history of violent racial differentiation and inequality. From expressions of otherworldly hope to political exhaustion, Go with God depicts Evangelical life as it is lived and explores where people turn to find grace, possibility, and a future.
"É com grande satisfação que cumprimento o lançamento desta obra coletiva, dedicada à análise aprofundada e abrangente da Lei de Crimes Ambientais. Sua iniciativa em trazer luz a um tema tão crucial é louvável, destacando-se pela compreensão da relevância da legislação ambiental para a segurança jurídica de nossa sociedade. A Lei de Crimes Ambientais, ao prever punições rigorosas para condutas que atentam contra nosso ecossistema, traz previsibilidade e confiabilidade ao sistema jurídico. Esta obra é, sem dúvida, uma contribuição valiosa para acadêmicos, profissionais e todos aqueles comprometidos com a proteção do meio ambiente e a construção de um futuro mais jus...
Quando ainda estava na faculdade – e talvez por um arroubo juvenil de quem apenas estava iniciando seus estudos de direito processual –, disse ao meu chefe de estágio que a teoria geral do processo precisava ser totalmente revista. Meu chefe, o hoje consagrado processualista Ricardo Alexandre da Silva – talvez por sua excessiva cordialidade ou por não querer me desincentivar –, não questionou a afirmação. Com seu profundo conhecimento de direito processual teria sido fácil desconstruir a intuição pouco embasada de um jovem estudante.
A Editora Contracorrente tem o prazer de anunciar a publicaçãodo livro Direito Empresarial Aplicado –vol. 4, organizado por Fernando Antonio Maia da Cunha e Alfredo Sérgio Lazzareschi Neto. A obra integra uma coleção que se destaca por retratar o momento atual do Direito Empresarial e se configurar em uma fonte sólida de pesquisa sobre o tema. Em seus 28 artigos, 40 renomados autores proporcionam uma ampla visão do contexto prático e teórico do Direito Empresarial, passando pelos mais diversos temas que permeiam o cotidiano das empresas. Nas palavras do prefaciador, Ministro do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Marco Aurélio Bellizze, "O Direito Empresarial é,de fato, um dos ramos ...
No primeiro semestre de 2020, o acadêmico e jurista Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro se mobilizou, junto ao Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Reseach, em Reggio Calabria, Itália, para organizar um programa mundial de pós-doutorado. Mesmo diante das incertezas da pandemia COVID-19, o professor Angelo conseguiu juntar noventa e sete doutores para a primeira edição do Pós-Doutorado, e mais cinquenta e sete participantes externos, de trinta países e além de parceria de pesquisa com mais de setenta universidades em todo o mundo. O professor Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro é Doutor em Direito pela Facoltà di Giurisprudenza pela Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (2007) e, at...
A new history of Brazil told through the lens of the often-overlooked interior regions.
This volume takes as its starting point the question of whether there is a pluriversal generation, a younger group of scholars who do not necessarily collaborate or know each other, but who are currently forming a radical structure that is viral in thought production and reflective on the current global recalibration of social relations, brought about by the necropolitical and necrocapitalist governmentality emerging worldwide. The 23 articles assembled in this volume transcend geographical boundaries, conceive of the world as a single entity, and develop strategies for radical change. They are presented in five subchapters with two lines of demarcation, one for entry, invention, and potentiality, and the other for a grim threshold.