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Kod Adı Pegasus
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 204

Kod Adı Pegasus

1920 yılında Ankara’daki bir bağ evinde, Atatürk’ün de katıldığı gizli bir toplantı gerçekleşti. Bu toplantının etkileri, 2000’li yıllarda bile görülüyor olacaktı. 1939 yılına, Avusturya’nın haritada yeri bile belli olmayan küçük bir köyüne kadar uzanıyordu olaylar zinciri. Nazilere ait gizemli bir cihazın gömülü olduğu köyle birlikte Hitler’in anneannesinin mezarı da Nazi subayları tarafından tümüyle yok edilecekti. II. Dünya Savaşı’nın seyri Almanya aleyhinde değişince, o küçük köydeki gömülü cihaz dört Gestapo ajanı tarafından Tarsus’a kaçırılacaktı. 2012 yılında Tarsus’ta bir polisin öldürülmesiyle medyanın gündemine düşen “hazineci cinayeti” yıllar önce cereyan eden bu tarihi olaylara dayanıyor. Tarsus’taki gecekondu mahallesinde yer alan evlerden biri, büyük bir sırrı saklıyor aynı zamanda. Aylar boyunca ülke gündemini meşgul eden ve gizemi hâlâ çözülememiş Tarsus kazısını konu alan KOD ADI PEGASUS adlı bu roman, gerçek olaylara ve belgelere dayanan, nefes kesici, gizem dolu bir kurgu...

Citizenship Education in Turkey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 147

Citizenship Education in Turkey

This book investigates the evolution of citizenship education curriculum in parallel with the ideological transition of the country in a crucial period in which political power switched from secular-militant to Islamic nationalism. It sheds light on the ways in which a combination of internal and external influences shaped the curriculum which include the power struggle between the two forms of nationalism and the role of the United Nations, the European Union and Council of Europe. In most countries, the national curriculum is modified when there is a change of government. In Turkey, the alignment of the national curriculum to the dominant ideology in power is to be expected. Therefore, the investigation offers more than a descriptive account of the transformation of citizenship education curriculum. Against the backdrop of the ideological transformation of the national education from 1995 to 2012, the book presents a nuanced and critical account of curriculum change in citizenship education.

Ne İçin Varsan Onun İçin Yaşa
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 229

Ne İçin Varsan Onun İçin Yaşa

“Tüm muhteşem hikâyeler iki şekilde başlar. Ya bir insan bir yolculuğa çıkar ya da şehre bir yabancı gelir.” -Tolstoy Demirden keskin bir düdük sesi yükseldi o sırada. Ayrılığın ciddiyeti buz gibi sardı bedenimi. Kapılar kapandı sonra... Çantam sağımda, yalnızlık karşımda... Gidiyorum! Hayır bir saniye! Filmlerde böyle olmazdı ki... Son anda muhakkak bir kalma sebebi yazardı senarist. Tam hareket etmek üzereyken trenden atlayıverirdi esas adam. Oysa şimdi rayların üzerinde kaymaya başlamıştı bile tren... Ayrılığın göğsüme oturan ağırlığıyla camdan dışarı bakıp el sallayan insanlarla dolu peronu izledim. Beni uğurlamaya gelmeyen herkese teşekkür eder gibi bir damla gözyaşı bıraktım oraya.

Social Media and Politics in Turkey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 141

Social Media and Politics in Turkey

This book focuses on media and zeroes in some critical and oppositional aspects of internet usage within Turkey. It does not radically challenge some works on Turkey’s recent grand narrative but presents empirical and minor accounts to this. However, in elaborating the long history of relatively resilient and multilayered oppositional digital media networks in Turkey, this book insists that an idea of authoritarian turn may be misleading as the internet communications are exposed to repressive measures and surveillance tactics from the very beginning of the country’s recent past. While discussing from citizen journalism practices to political trolls and from Gezi Park protests to disinformation campaigns, this book pays tribute to digital activists and points out that mobilizing through digital networks can present glimmers of hope in challenging authoritarian regimes.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Sciences
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 373

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Sciences

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Sciences is a collection of essays on educational issues confronting educators and researchers from three continents (Africa, Asia, and Europe). The essays are grouped into three sections. The first, “Human Resources Management”, discusses issues such as consumer innovativeness, employee expectations, enterprise competitiveness, the global economy, human resources, internet advertising, job performance, the labour market, privatisation policies, profitability, transformational leadership, and work behaviour. The second part, “International Relations”, encompasses topics such as administrative reforms, elections, EU enlargement, mass media, migration, nationalism, and totalitarian thought, while the third, “Sociology”, looks at divorce, everyday life practices, the family structure, feminism, gender issues, the legalisation of prostitution, and women’s rights. The book will appeal to educators, researchers, and students involved in social sciences.

Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 3429

Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-09-15
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  • Publisher: Thieme

Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Third Edition is a completely revised edition of the most authoritative guide to the management of pediatric neurosurgical disorders encountered in clinical practice. Written by leaders in the field, it provides pediatric neurosurgeons with a clear understanding of the current standards of practice and treatment in the subspecialty. Key Features: Now in full color, with more than 1,000 images An increased emphasis on clinical management strategies in pediatric neurosurgery Seven new chapter topics, including cellular therapy for pediatric neurosurgical disease, conjoined twins, lipomeningoceles, and skeletal syndromes Pearls and pitfalls in every chapter This book is an essential reference for all residents and practitioners in pediatric neurosurgery and pediatric neurology.

The Yezidi Oral Tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Language: ku
  • Pages: 326

The Yezidi Oral Tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan

The Yezidis are a Kurdish-speaking religious minority, neither Muslim, Christian nor Jewish. At a time when studies of Kurdish nation-building are developing, this book is the first to consider Kurdish oral traditions within their social context and explain their relevance for a large Kurdish community.

Almanac Turkey 2005 : Security Sector and Democratic Oversight
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

Almanac Turkey 2005 : Security Sector and Democratic Oversight

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Dcaf


Current Debates in Public Relation, Cultural & Media Studies
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 506

Current Debates in Public Relation, Cultural & Media Studies


Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-01
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  • Publisher: Routledge

How can excellence in the teaching of research methods be encouraged and ensured? This question has become increasingly important following the adoption of research methodology as a core part of many postgraduate and undergraduate courses. There has, however, been little discussion about the aims and methods of teaching the subject. In this volume; a number of authors from a variety of countries and disciplines employ their knowledge and experience towards the development of a 'pedagogical culture' in research methods. Their aim is to establish the extent of common concerns and challenges and to demonstrate ways in which these are being met. Intended to provide both a stimulus and source materials for the development of a more substantial and systematic literature in the field, the book will be of great interest to all those teaching research methods courses within social science disciplines.