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Buku ajar ini berisi pembahasan mengenai struktur sel, jaringan, dan organ yang terbagi datam 17 bab. Sebetum masuk pada pembahasan struktur, pada Bab I dijetaskan metode-metode yang dipakai untuk mempelajari set dan jaringan. Pada Bab II sampai Bab V berisi pembahasan tentang empat jaringan dasar tubuh, selanjutnya organ-organ dalam sistem organ tubuh manusia dibahas pada Bab VI sampai dengan Bab XVII. Untuk lebih mudah memahami penjelasan, dalam setiap bab disertakan beberapa gambar itustrasi dan foto-foto sediaan histotogi dari beberapa spesies hewan dan sampel dari manusia yang merupakan koleksi Departemen Histotogi dan Biologi Sel FK-KMK UGM. Histologi merupa kan satah satu cabang ilmu kedokteran dasar yang dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan fungsi suatu jaringan atau organ. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dalam setiap bab Buku Ajor Histologi ini disertakan beberapa korelasi klinis berupa kelainan atau gangguan fungsi jaringan dan organ. Di akhir setiap bab, tersedia pula soal-soal yang dapat dipakai untuk penitaian diri dengan kunci jawaban yang disediakan di halaman lain.
Sistem respiratorius yang terdiri atas cavitas nasi, pharynx, larynx, trakea dan pulmo adalah sistem vital bagi tubuh manusia. Tak berhenti bekerja meskipun sekejab. Dalam buku ini, saluran respiratorius akan dibahas dari berbagai aspek ilmu kedokteran. Diawali dengan pemaparan struktur makro dan mikro organ-organ sistem respiratorius yang meliputi saluran napas atas, saluran napas bawah, organ, dan jaringan pendukungnya. Dilanjutkan dengan elaborasi pemahaman struktur sistem respiratorius terhadap tugas, fungsi, dan mekanisme kerja yang dilakukan setiap komponen untuk menopang homeostasis tubuh. Fungsi utama sistem ini adalah menyediakan oksigen yang cukup untuk kebutuhan metabolisme tubuh ...
This atlas illustrates the latest available data on the cancer epidemic, showing causes, stages of development, and prevalence rates of different types of cancers by gender, income group, and region. It also examines the cost of the disease, both in terms of health care and commercial interests, and the steps being taken to curb the epidemic, from research and screening to cancer management programs and health education.
The study of evolution at the molecular level has given the subject of evolutionary biology a new significance. Phylogenetic 'trees' of gene sequences are a powerful tool for recovering evolutionary relationships among species, and can be used to answer a broad range of evolutionary and ecological questions. They are also beginning to permeate the medical sciences. In this book, the authors approach the study of molecular evolution with the phylogenetic tree as a central metaphor. This will equip students and professionals with the ability to see both the evolutionary relevance of molecular data, and the significance evolutionary theory has for molecular studies. The book is accessible yet s...
While a number of books have looked at the intersection between human health in general and other topics, such as climate change or diet, this book focuses specifically on cancer as it impacts and is impacted by social justice issues. The massive explosion of research knowledge of cancer immunology and genomics is holding out great promise of therapeutic advances, yet other human actions—climate change, pollution, business decisions, advertising – are fostering health inequalities as well as increasing risks. Those involved in cancer care and research are in a unique position to let their experiences and knowledge inform the public, yet very often have not taken strong public roles when ...
understanding the mechanisms involved in liver regeneration is of crucial importance for clinical medicine, not only regarding carcinogenesis and diabetes treatment, but also for the use of stem cells for cell therapy and liver surgery. This graduate-level text provides an overview of the current state of knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of liver regeneration. Hepatic stem cells are introduced and the important players involved in regeneration such as oval cells, bone marrow and stellate cells are reviewed. The cell signaling pathways that initiate liver regeneration and regulate the switch between proliferation and apoptosis are presented and the role of liver stem cells in tumorigenesis is discussed. The book also treats the epigenetic regulation of liver stem cells and the roles of inflammation and angiogenesis in liver regeneration. This compact overview of the fascinating regenerative capacity of the liver will be of interest to graduate students and post-docs in molecular biology, biochemistry and medicine.
This rewritten, expanded and updated 7th edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education encompasses the whole range of methods currently employed by educational research at all stages. It offers plentiful and rich practical advice, underpinned by clear theoretical foundations, research evidence and up-to-date references. Chapters new to this edition cover: Causation, critical educational research, evaluation and the politics of research, including material on cross-cultural research, mixed methods and participatory research Choosing and planning a research project, including material on sampling, research questions, literature reviews and ethical issues Meta-analysis, r...
Tissue regeneration is a vast subject, with many different important aspects to consider. Regenerative medicine is a new branch of medicine that tries to change the course of chronic diseases and, in many cases, regenerates the organ systems that fail due to age, disease, damage, or genetic defects. The main purpose of this book is to point out the interest of some important topics of tissue regeneration and the progress in this field as well as the variety of different surgical fields and operations. This book includes 7 sections and 11 chapters that provide an overview of the essentials in tissue regeneration science and their potential applications in surgery. The authors of each chapter have given consolidated information on ground realities and attempted to provide a comprehensive knowledge of tissue engineering and regeneration. This book will be useful to researchers and students of biological and biomedical sciences (medical and veterinarian researchers).
but also the possibility of intervention in specific stages. In Human behavior, including stress and other factors, plays an important role in neoplasia, although too little is known addition, variables which affect cancer development as well on the reasons for such development. Carcinogens, which as some endogenous factors can be better delineated help initiate the neoplastic process, may be either synthetic through such investigations. The topics of this volume encompass premalignant non or naturally-occurring. Cancer causation may be ascribed to invasive lesions, species-specific aspects of carcinogenicity, certain chemicals, physical agents, radioactive materials, viruses, parasites, the...