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Traditional studies of literature have developed approaches ranging from historical, hermeneutic, critical, close reading and author studies perspectives. The present volume shows that there is much, much more to analysing literary texts, their readers, the literary system, movies, their structure and their effects. These diverse new ways of looking at literature are exemplified in this volume. The volume shows how these various approaches can be carried out in concrete projects in the area of literary studies. Twenty-three chapters encompass research on literary studies from perspectives of psychology, linguistics, anthroplogy, history, sociology, computer science. The contributors demonstrate in non-technical language the amplitude of detail and insight that can be gained from such a wider perspective on the study of literary texts. The interdisciplinary diversity of the study of literature may launch itself as a New Beginnings in Literary Studies indeed.
The 2nd Annual Conference of Engineering and Implementation on Vocational Education (ACEIVE-2018) is a scientific forum for scholars to disseminate their research and share ideas. This conference was held on November 3, 2018 on the Digital Library of Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The ACEIVE’s theme is Engineering and Aplication for Industry 4.0. The conference was attended by researchers, experts, practitioners, and observers from all around the globe to explore various issues and debates on research and experiences, discuss ideas of empowering engineering and implementation on vocational education for Industry 4.0. This event has been carried out well and produced many benefits to increase the knowledge of conference participants based on research results, particularly the implementation of vocational education for industrial revolution 4.0.
Entrepreneurship in context has been described as the third wave in entrepreneurship research. Accordingly, specific socio-economic, political, market, and institutional contexts are key to fostering, enabling, and enacting entrepreneurial activity and behaviours. These contexts shape everyday entrepreneurship experiences. This book is based on the premise that how gender is articulated within the entrepreneurial debate has to acknowledge context. However, context is not a construct that only applies to those economies and situations that differ from the presumed norm of Western developed nations. Adopting a more critical appraisal of how context is positioned within current theorizing aroun...
Buku yang sedang anda baca ini juga merupakan bukti lain betapa civitas akademika Unika SOEGIJAPRANATA tidak pernah diam dalam keterbatasan yang ada melainkan justru kepanikan akan pandemik ini telah memunculkan semangat untuk semakin peduli dan terlibat dalam wacana publik. Dalam masa kurang dari 3,5 bulan atau sekitar 110 hari, tercatat lebih dari 50 artikel telah dibuat dan dimuat dalam berbagai media massa. Artinya hampir 2-3 hari sekali selalu muncul gagasan, pendapat dan ungkapan pemikiran yang dimuat dan bisa dibaca oleh publik. Tentu saja, bukan berarti Unika SOEGIJAPRANATA mengharapkan agar pandemic tidak berlalu sehingga bisa memaksa civitas akademika untuk tetap produktif menghasi...
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the third edition of the International Conference on of Education and Science. The 3rd International Conference of Education and Science (ICES) Universitas Kristen Indonesia will be an annual event hosted by Education and Teacher Training Faculty, Universitas Kristen Indonesia. This year (2021), will be the third ICES UKI will be held on 17-18 November 2021 at Education and Teacher Training Faculty, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia. This conference has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world. The theme of ICES 2021 was “Research and Education Sustainability Post COVID-19 in Asian Context” . The 3rd Intern...
Kumpulan catatan tentang mengenal, bertahan hidup, dan berhasil melewati berbagai tantangan selama merantau di Steel city, Sheffield, Inggris. Ada cerita tentang lansekap, tip dan trik berbelanja hemat, layanan kesehatan, ragam transportasi publik, mendaftar sekolah anak, bekerja paruh waktu, dan masih banyak lagi. Dijamin ingin segera ke Sheffield setelah membaca buku ini. Anita, Yessi, Rinta, Aldya, Rahmah, Kristy, Yunita, Dedi, Surya, Rumi, Dian A, Dian M, Handayani, Rosalina, Erma dan Indah. “Orang-orang biasanya tahu Edensor, tapi tidak tahu Sheffield. Padahal angkutan umum tujuan Edensor ngetemnya di Sheffield.” - Dian Mayasari, Fans Sheffield United FC
As an annual event, 3rd Annual Conference of Engineering and Implementation on Vocational Education (ACEIVE) 2019 continued the agenda to bring together researcher, academics, experts and professionals in examining selected theme by applying multidisciplinary approaches. In 2019, this event will be hed in 16 November at La Polonia Hotel and Convention. The conference from any kind of stakeholders related with Education, Information Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Each contributed paper was refereed before being accepted for publication. The double-blind peer reviewed was used in the paper selection
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 3rd Andalas International Public Health Conference on Advancing Health Promotion & Disease Prevention to Improve the Quality of Life for Achieving SDGs, held in Padang, Indonesia, in October 2019. The 50 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 67 submissions. The papers reflect the conference sessions as follows: Community Nutrition, Environmental and Occupational Health, Health Promotion, Health Service, Health Policy and Information System, Reproductive and Sociocultural Health, and Communicable and Non Communicable Disease.
Buku ini digunakan untuk memberikan kemampuan kepada mahasiswa untuk memberikan asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil normal dengan memperhatikan aspek budaya yang didasari konsep-konsep, sikap dan keterampilan serta hasil evidence based dalam praktek antenatal yang menggunakan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan yang berfokus pada upaya preventif dan promotif, deteksi dini dan komplikasi serta pendokumentasiannya.