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Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professions Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 123

Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professions Education


  • Language: en
  • Pages: 407


We proudly present the proceedings of 2nd International Seminar on Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies 2020 (STRUKTURAL 2020). It focuses on how disruptive era influences participants field of researches, especially in Humanities and Social Studies. As we know, the world today is changing and the world we are facing now is the one where everything is connected. Not only are our PCs, our tablets, our hand phones, and other devices connected but everything that happens in societies is also now “connected”. Today, even a robbery incident in a small village has a possibility to make a city in another part of the world collapse. This butterfly effect of social change may also give a big impact in our understanding and our field of study of social sciences and humanities. More than 70 manuscripts were presented at this conference with around 41 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this conference, discussions on how research on humanities and social studies is possible in a disruptive era will give a perspective for the social and humanities studies development.

Insights in Healthcare Professions Education: 2023
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 173

Insights in Healthcare Professions Education: 2023

We are now entering the third decade of the 21st Century, and, especially in the last years, the achievements made by researchers across the world have been exceptional, leading to major advancements in the fast-growing field of Healthcare Profession Educations. Frontiers has organized a series of Research Topics to highlight the latest advancements in science to be at the forefront of knowledge in different fields of research. This editorial initiative of particular relevance, led by Dr. Jacqueline Bloomfield and Lynn Monrouxe, Specialty Chief Editors of the Healthcare Professions Education section, focuses on new insights, novel developments, current challenges, latest discoveries, recent advances, and future perspectives in the field of Healthcare Professions Education. The Research Topic solicits brief, forward-looking contributions from scholars that describe the state of the art, outlining, recent developments and major accomplishments that have been achieved and that need to occur to move the field forward. Authors are encouraged to identify the greatest challenges in the sub-disciplines, and how to address those challenges.

Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 208

Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI 2022)

This is an open access book.Numeracy has become the current buzzword in the world of Indonesian mathematics education since the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbudristek-RI) launched the Minimum Competency Assessment (Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum - AKM) program. Together with literacy, numeracy is the minimum competency measured in the AKM. This policy is expected to foster a learning culture that places students as the main focus, as well as the shift of the paradigm from simply teaching the content, to developing the students' competence in a constructive and adaptive manner.Currently, there are still many mathematics teachers wh...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1195


This book contains the proceedings of the The International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2021). Where held on 6 Maret 2021 in Salatiga, Central Java. This conference was held in collaboration Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Borobudur University Jakarta and the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The papers from these conferences collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of The International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2021). The presentation of such conference covering multi disciplines will contribute a lot of inspiring inputs and new knowledge on current tren...

MSEA 2023
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 859

MSEA 2023

The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Statistics and Economic Analysis (MSEA 2023) was held virtually from 26-28 May 2023 in Nanjing, China. The conference was attended by researchers, teachers, students and engineers in the field of mathematical statistics and economic analysis. Through data statistics and analysis, we can quickly understand the pattern of economic development. This conference combines mathematical statistics and economic analysis, explores the relationship between the two, and provides a platform for experts and scholars in the fields of mathematical statistics and economic analysis to discuss related issues and exchange ideas. Therefore, we hope to create a forum for sharing research results and exploring future research directions, so that participants can learn about the latest research directions, contents and results of mathematical statistics and economic analysis; secondly, we hope that the conference can provide solutions to the major problems facing mathematical statistics and economic analysis, and create a space that encourages discussion and joint development of research, technological development and innovation.

Jejak Pesan Ilahiah di Belantara Hikmah
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 128

Jejak Pesan Ilahiah di Belantara Hikmah

Buku ini adalah jejak kumpulan pesan makna sekaligus sebagai tulisan inspiratif penuh hikmah yang menjadi hadiah indah dari proses panjang pencarian "teknologi kunci" dalam menulis ulang fenomena hebat dalam sunatullah yang selanjutnya kami abadikan dalam buku kecil ini. Kami berharap bahwa pertemuan di antara kita dalam aktivitas literasi ini dapat menjadi daya ungkit pembelajaran hebat. Besar harapan kami dengan terbitnya buku ini bisa menjadi perantara kami untuk berkontribusi nyata meluaskan ilmu sehingga bermanfaat bagi sidang pembaca. Bersama-sama mencari dan memberi pengetahuan baru dalam memperluas wawasan literasi mengungkap "Jejak Pesan Ilahiah di Belantara Hikmah".

Mengejar Malam Pertama
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 210

Mengejar Malam Pertama

Setiap orang ingin bisa melewati malam pertama dengan sukses. Begitu juga Doni, cowok mesum yang semula kurang familiar dengan komitmen, pada akhirnya menyetujui perjodohan yang diatur orangtuanya. Namun dasar apes, ada saja hal yang membuat malam sakral itu terus tertunda. Hingga suatu saat, obsesi tentang malam pertama membawanya pada kondisi dilematis. Doni harus memilih antara menikmati malam pertama atau mengejar karier. Dalam keputusasaan, Doni menemukan makna indah dari sebuah pernikahan, yang ternyata bukan hanya seks semata. -Gradien Mediatama-

Bunga Rampai Gagasan Baru dalam Membangun Kota Layak Anak
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 150

Bunga Rampai Gagasan Baru dalam Membangun Kota Layak Anak

Bunga Rampai ini berisi tentang gagasan baru kota layak anak. Bunga rampai ini dibuat dengan harapan memberikan gambaran kepada berbagai stakeholder di berbagai kota/kabupaten seluruh Indonesia agar terwujudnya Indonesia Layak Anak (IDOLA ), sebagai negara yang layak anak secara nasional dan memberi anak kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 546

Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah

Di Indonesia, berbagi konsep nomenklatur kewilayahan seperti 'wilayah', 'kawasan', 'daerah', 'regional', 'area', 'ruang' dan istilah-istilah sejenis, banyak dipergunakn dan saling dapat di pertukarkan pengertiannya walaupun masing-masing memiliki bobot penekanan pemahaman yang berbeda-beda. Secara teoritik, tidak ada perbedaan nomenklatur antara istilah wilayah, kawasan dan daerah. Semuanya secara umum dapat diistilahkan dengan wilayah (region). Buku ini mencoba mengisi kekosongan -kekosongan bacaan di bidang keilmuan yang terkait dengan kajian perencanaan dan pengembangan wilayah. Domain bahasan buku ini tidak sekadar membahas teori-teori yang dikembangkan bidang ilmu kewilayahan (Regional Science), melainkan juga membahas bidang-bidang ilmu lain yang terkait dan sangat penting untuk menjawab kompleksitas permasalahan pembangunan wilayah di Negara-negara berkembang, terutama di Indonesia, seperti kritik-kritik atas teori-teori pembangunan yang dikembangkan di dunia barat, teori-teori perencanaan dan aspek-aspek kelembagaan hingga masalah-masalah local community development, social capital, hingga ke common property dalam kaitannya dengan perencanaan makro, regional dan lokal.