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Club culture has become an ever-growing interdisciplinary research field in the social sciences. The contributors to this volume offer state of the art perspectives on night studies in France and Germany and the techno scene from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. They explore three main areas: scenes and communities; diversity and inclusion; and social and ecological challenges for a sustainable club culture during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
This book examines the highly ambivalent implications and effects of anti-elitism. It draws on this theme as a cross-cutting entry point to provide transdisciplinary analysis of current conjunctures and their contradictions, drawing on examples from popular culture and media, politics, fashion, labour and spatial arrangements. Using the toolboxes of media and discourse analysis, hegemony theory, ethnography, critical social psychology and cultural studies more broadly, the book surveys and theorizes the forms, the implications and the ambiguities and limits of anti-elitist formations in different parts of the world. Anti-elitist sentiments colour the contemporary political conjuncture as muc...
Despite enduring whispers, sideway glances, and blatant discrimination, men and women today are choosing to remain single—and are enjoying complete and joyful lives. In this carefully crafted, thoroughly researched book, Elyakim Kislev delivers groundbreaking insights on the fastest growing demographic in the world: singles. Happy Singlehood investigates how unmarried people create satisfying lives in a world where social structures and policies are still designed to favor married couples. The book challenges readers to rethink how single people organize social and familial life in new ways, and illuminates how educators, policymakers, and urban planners ignore their needs. Based on personal interviews, singles’ writings, and widespread quantitative analysis, Happy Singlehood investigates how singles nurture social networks, create innovative communities, and effectively deal with discrimination. Showcasing voices of singles, Kislev charts a way forward to assist singles to live life on their terms, and explains how everyone—single or otherwise—benefits from the freedom to develop new and fulfilling lifestyles.
Stephen Bentfield is on the edge. Separated from his wife and suffering burnout, his life unravels when finds a faded bloodstained piece of paper that says "REMEMBER". Causing him to burst into visions of people and places he's never seen, he suddenly finds himself befriended by a mysterious stranger and pursued by killers. Caught up in a mystery involving ancient Mesopotamia, Nazi Germany and the crucifixion of Christ, Bentfield begins a global odyssey in search of a mysterious book that holds a secret that will change his life forever.
»POP. Kultur und Kritik« analysiert und kommentiert die wichtigsten Tendenzen der aktuellen Popkultur in den Bereichen von Musik und Mode, Politik und Ökonomie, Internet und Fernsehen, Literatur und Kunst. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler*innen und Student*innen als auch an Journalist*innen und alle Leser*innen mit Interesse an der Pop- und Gegenwartskultur. Zu den Themen der zwanzig Beiträge in Heft 23 gehören u.a. TikTok, Kanye West und die Bedeutung von Telegram für den Ukraine-Krieg. Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – SFB 1472 »Transformationen des Populären«.
Foster well-being in an institutional setting Human services workers are consistently discovering more about how important adult well-being is as a foundation of positive human development. Adult Development and Well-Being: The Impact of Institutional Environments closely examines this relationship and provides creative strategies to improve outcomes for adults within institutional settings or systems. Leading experts discuss the latest research, offer insightful perspectives on adult development issues, and provide policy recommendations to effectively foster change. This important resource targets specific issues and provides practical answers to questions about how to positively affect hu...
Tot mai mulți bărbați și femei hotărăsc să își petreacă viața neangajați într-o relație romantică de lungă durată. Celibatarii creează rețele sociale și comunități inovatoare, luptând eficient cu discriminarea. Dar sunt ei cu adevărat fericiți? Și dacă nu, ce ar putea face ca să fie? Cum pot să treacă peste teama de a nu îmbătrâni singuri? Dacă vor avea copii, cum se vor descurca pe cont propriu? Cum ar trebui societatea să regândească legăturile sociale și familiale, educația în școli și planificarea urbană, astfel încât să corespundă și nevoilor oamenilor singuri? La aceste întrebări și la multe altele răspunde autorul acestui volum bazat pe sute de studii și statistici culese de pe toate continentele.