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Chamavam-se Inessa, Clara, Nadia, Magda, Felismina, Jiang Qing, Elena, Catherine... E eles Lenine, Mussolini, Estaline, Hitler, Salazar, Mao, Ceausescu, Bokassa. Prostitutas ou mulheres da alta burguesia intelectual, paixões fugazes ou amores intensos, eles maltratavam ou adoravam-nas, mas, sistematicamente, voltavam para os seus braços. Esposas, companheiras, musas, admiradoras, todas têm em comum o facto de terem sido vencedoras, enganadas e sacrificadas. Aos seus homens cruéis, violentos, tiranos e infiéis, faziam crer que eram belos, charmosos e todo-poderosos. Sendo a virilidade um dos alicerces do poder absoluto, os ditadores sentiam a necessidade de juntar figuras femininas ao imaginário de poder e domínio que criaram. E assim controlando-os na sombra, por vezes, até à morte, como se vivessem sob a égide de um Pigmaleão. Diane Ducret relata em detalhe os momentos, as estratégias de sedução, os casos amorosos, as intervenções políticas e os destinos diversos, ocasionalmente trágicos, das mulheres que cruzaram o caminho ou passaram pelo leito dos ditadores.
In 2011, the sweet scent of Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution finally reached Yemen. Its leading proponent there was a slender young woman in her thirties named Tawakkol Karman, who earned the nickname "Iron Woman" for refusing to wear the black niqab, thus clearly revealing her face to international media and global policy makers. In the days that followed, Karman traveled the world in her trademark colorful, flowered headscarves, spreading word of her vision of a democratic and peaceful Yemen. So convincing was she that the Nobel Committee chose to support her struggle by awarding her the Nobel Peace Prize, making her the youngest Nobel Laureate in history. The Nobel Committee said, "In the mos...
During the first mandatory lockdowns of the Covid-19 pandemic, citizens worldwide turned to »pandemic fictions« or started to produce their own »Corona Fictions« across different media. These accounts of (previously) experienced or imagined health crises feature a great variety of protagonists and their (re)actions in response to the exceptional circumstances. The contributors to this volume take a closer look at different pandemic protagonists in fictional narratives relating to the Covid-19 pandemic as well as in existing pandemic fictions. Thereby they provide new insights into pandemic narratives from a cultural, literary, and media studies perspective from antiquity to today.
„O, znowu baba! I co? Też będziesz płakać?”, „Jak na babsko, to ujdzie” – słyszały od swoich instruktorów. Nie pozwoliły jednak, by mężczyźni zniszczyli ich marzenia. W latach 20. Karolina jako pierwsza Polka samodzielnie siada za sterami Basia, Anna i Jadwiga pilotują najszybsze myśliwce czasów II wojny światowej Kasia, dziewczyna z małej wioski, ujarzmia srebrnego smoka – wojskowego MiG-a Nie tylko chłopcy marzą o lataniu. Poznając historię awiacji okazuje się, że kobiety zdobywały niebo na równi z mężczyznami. Sterowały pierwszymi powietrznymi statkami i konstruowały własne skrzydła z drewna. Jednak zawsze było im nieco trudniej, bo oprócz grawitacji musiały pokonać ludzką niechęć. Przyszedł czas, by przypomnieć o odważnych, niezależnych, pełnych pasji lotniczkach – pionierkach i tych nam współczesnych. W czasach, gdy większość kobiet nie mogła nosić spodni, one założyły lotniczy kombinezon i zdobyły niebo. Dziś, gdy mundurem lotnika szczycą się głównie mężczyźni, one wbrew stereotypom również po niego sięgają. Oto losy dziewczyn, którym wyrosły skrzydła. Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy.
The Unknown History of Jewish Women—On Learning and Illiteracy: On Slavery and Liberty is a comprehensive study on the history of Jewish women, which discusses their absence from the Jewish Hebrew library of the "People of the Book" and interprets their social condition in relation to their imposed ignorance and exclusion from public literacy. The book begins with a chapter on communal education for Jewish boys, which was compulsory and free of charge for the first ten years in all traditional Jewish communities. The discussion continues with the striking absence of any communal Jewish education for girls until the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and the implications of this fact for twentieth-century immigration to Israel (1949-1959) The following chapters discuss the social, cultural and legal contexts of this reality of female illiteracy in the Jewish community—a community that placed a supreme value on male education. The discussion focuses on the patriarchal order and the postulations, rules, norms, sanctions and mythologies that, in antiquity and the Middle Ages, laid the religious foundations of this discriminatory reality.
Bringing together historians, political scientists, and literary analysts, this volume shows how biographical narratives can shed light on alternative, little known or under-researched aspects of state power in African politics. Part 1 shows how biographical narratives breathe new life into subjects who, upon decolonization, had been reduced to silence - women, workers, and radical politicians. The contributors analyze the complex relationship between biographical narratives and power, questioning either the power of biographical codes peculiar to western, colonial origins, or the power to shape public memory. Part 2 reflects on the act of (auto-)biography writing as an exercise of power, on...
Du 15 mars 2020 au 6 novembre 2024, de l'annonce du premier confinement à l'élection de Donal Trump, le monde a profondément changé. Mars 2020 a fait basculer notre monde réel et notre monde virtuel dans une spirale infernale. Le vertige s'est emparé des plus doux quand les plus lucides ont ralenti la machine pour tenter d'y comprendre quelque chose. Pour ma part, j'ai participé à mon humble place à des essais parfois désespérés, souvent drôles et décalés je l'espère, à ce que des yeux s'ouvrent, des cerveaux tournent à plein régime et des rires explosent. En parlant cet été avec un ami de ces 4 dernières années, l'idée m'est venue, saugrenue, de réunir toutes mes ch...
The Star of Redemption is widely recognized as a key document of modern existential thought and a significant contribution to Jewish theology in the twentieth century. An affirmation of what Rosenzweig called “the new thinking,” the work ensconces common sense in the place of abstract, conceptual philosophizing and posits the validity of the concrete, individual human being over that of “humanity” in general. Fusing philosophy and theology, it assigns both Judaism and Christianity distinct but equally important roles in the spiritual structure of the world, and finds in both biblical religions approaches toward a comprehension of reality.
"Nous sommes les seules à connaître son vrai visage qui n’est pas si parfait mais que nous aimons malgré la trahison. L’ambiguïté de nos sentiments est le résultat de ce double qui nous perturbe et finit parfois par lui donner raison. Notre vérité, bien fragile face à ses mensonges subtils, tend à nous faire oublier que nous l’avons couvert afin d’avoir la paix. Cette complicité insidieuse et malsaine fait de nous l’auteur de sa détresse".