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In Participation and Covenant: Contours of a Theodramatic Theology, Moes develops a theological framework that has participation in the life of God in Christ through the Spirit as its integrative center. In doing so, he enters into conversation with covenant or federal theology, particularly as it has been presented by Michael Horton, in which the integrative center is the concept of the covenant. He argues that God's fundamental relationship with humanity does not entail a covenant ontology--a fundamentally legal and ethical relationship to God, as we find in Horton's presentation--but rather an ontology of participating in God's loving presence in Christ through the Holy Spirit. For this r...
Jesus rose from the dead, and that makes a difference in our lives here and now. The Christian faith is not just about the past or about the future. We are a new creation in Christ. The gospel is about reconciliation, union with Christ, and participation in Christ. In Life in Christ, all aspects of the life of Christians, in the church and world, are addressed from the perspective that we are in Christ. In doing so, Burger builds bridges between different Christian traditions.
I would love to look more like Jesus. But I just cant . . . Many Christians are longing for change. They make an intentional effort, but when they realize they are not making any progress, they become frustrated. In this book, the author uses 2 Corinthians 3:18 to point us to a way to expect everything from Jesus and his Spirit. You only need to do one thing: Look to Jesus in faith and enjoy his glorious radiation! Then the Spirit will increasingly reproduce Jesus own glorious beauty in your life. Via this new approach, Jos Douma knows how to touch and articulate the core of the Christian faith. In doing so, he shows how the Christian life is really worthy living.
In the Labyrinth of Grief 40 Words of God that Offer Comfort Brief meditations for those in sorrow When death enters our life, a process begins that we refer to as grieving. This is a confusing process that is accompanied by different emotions such as sadness, unbelief, relief, anger, resignation, depression, despair, and even new joy in life. The image of the labyrinth helps us to accept that grieving is a complex process in which we learn to accept the empty place and seek to come to grips with all our emotions. The forty short meditations in this book were written with the goal that we might allow ourselves to be comforted from God's Word and that-in all our confusing emotions-we may know ourselves to be secure in the God who gives us hope.
Surveying the barriers that contemporary thinking has erected between the natural and the supernatural, between earth and heaven, Hans Boersma issues a wake-up call for Western Christianity. Both Catholics and evangelicals, he says, have moved too far away from a sacramental mindset, focusing more on the here-and-now than on the then-and-there. Yet, as Boersma points out, the teaching of Jesus, Paul, and St. Augustine indeed, of most of Scripture and the church fathers is profoundly otherworldly, much more concerned with heavenly participation than with earthly enjoyment. In Heavenly Participation Boersma draws on the wisdom of great Christian minds ancient and modern Irenaeus, Gregory of Ny...
In the decades leading up to the Second Vatican Council, the movement of nouvelle théologie caused great controversy in the Catholic Church and remains a subject of vigorous scholarly debate today. In Nouvelle théologie and Sacramental Ontology Hans Boersma argues that a return to mystery was the movement's deepest motivation. Countering the modern intellectualism of the neo-Thomist establishment, the nouvelle theologians were convinced that a ressourcement of the Church Fathers and of medieval theology would point the way to a sacramental reintegration of nature and the supernatural. In the context of the loss suffered by both Catholics and Protestants in the de-sacramentalizing of modern...
Soteriology, not epistemology, is the best entrance to theological hermeneutics and to the doctrine of Scripture. The triune God uses Scripture to make the community of believers live in Christ. We hear the words of Scripture in the light of Easter and Pentecost. We understand Scripture from faith in Christ and with the mind of Christ. At the same time, we come to know Christ in Scripture and we receive the mind of Christ by reading Scripture. We remain in Christ by remaining in the Word. Understanding Scripture and Christlikeness mutually reinforce each other. Living a Christian life with God and our neighbor in God’s world will deepen our understanding of Scripture. This book explores the complex relationships between Jesus Christ, participation in Christ, theological hermeneutics, and the doctrine of Scripture. It shows the necessity of a holistic approach of life, knowledge, understanding, and renewal.
Embodiment in the theology of Gregory of Nyssa is a much-debated topic. Hans Boersma argues that this-worldly realities of time and space, which include embodiment, are not the focus of Gregory's theology. Instead, Boersma suggests, the key to Gregory's theology is anagogy-going upward in order to participate in the life of God.
Die joernalis en skrywer Herman Lategan word vroeg reeds ʼn hoerkind genoem. Hy is buite die eg gebore. As kind word hy brandarm groot; daar is ʼn skaarste aan kos. Op ses gaan hy vir ʼn jaar kinderhuis toe. Om soos ʼn weggooikind te voel spook dekades lank by hom. Albei sy ouers word alkoholiste. Sy stiefpa skiet op hom. Op 13 beland hy in die kloue van ʼn pedofiel. In sy tienerjare bevriend hy Afrikaanse digters soos Sheila Cussons, Ina Rousseau, Barend J. Toerien en Casper Schmidt. Hy word in die weermag toegesluit. As jongeling vertrek hy na New York waar hy die kunstenaar Andy Warhol op straat agtervolg. Hy keer terug na Suid-Afrika waar hy op die strate beland. Later gaan hy na verskeie rehabilitasiesentrums vir alkohol- en dwelmafhanklikheid. Een aand word hy gyselaar gehou en met ʼn mes gesteek. Hy verloor byna sy been ná ʼn motorongeluk tydens ʼn besoek aan die oudrugbyspeler Mannetjies Roux se plaas. Later vind hy ’n veilige hawe wanneer sy pad met dié van Graham Sonnenberg kruis. Hy maak opgang as joernalis wat na die verste uithoeke van die wêreld reis. Hoerkind is ’n aangrypende relaas oor verlies én oorwinning.