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Morphological Complexity within and across Boundaries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 429

Morphological Complexity within and across Boundaries

This volume brings together a collection of original articles investigating state-of-the-art themes in morphology. The papers in the volume provide an in-depth analysis for spoken and sign languages within morphological word domain, morphosyntax and morphophonology. Bringing data from a variety of languages including Turkish, some understudied ones (e.g. Turkish Sign Language, Late Ottoman Turkish) and also endangered languages (e.g. Karachay-Balkar, Sauzini, Cappadocian, Aivaliot and Pharasiot Greek), the volume will be of special interest to a wide audience ranging from typologists to theoretical linguists and graduate students in linguistics and is expected to generate further research on the above mentioned languages, as well as to contribute to the cross-linguistic literature on the themes explored in the volume.

Formal approaches to number in Slavic and beyond
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 506

Formal approaches to number in Slavic and beyond

The goal of this collective monograph is to explore the relationship between the cognitive notion of number and various grammatical devices expressing this concept in natural language with a special focus on Slavic. The book aims at investigating different morphosyntactic and semantic categories including plurality and number-marking, individuation and countability, cumulativity, distributivity and collectivity, numerals, numeral modifiers and classifiers, as well as other quantifiers. It gathers 19 contributions tackling the main themes from different theoretical and methodological perspectives in order to contribute to our understanding of cross-linguistic patterns both in Slavic and non-Slavic languages.

How Language Speaks to Music
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

How Language Speaks to Music

Prosody as a system of suprasegmental linguistic information such as rhythm and intonation is a prime candidate for looking at the relation between language and music in a principled way. This claim is based on several aspects: First, prosody is concerned with acoustic correlates of language and music that are directly comparable with each other by their physical properties such as duration and pitch. Second, prosodic accounts suggest a hierarchical organization of prosodic units that not only resembles a syntactic hierarchy, but is viewed as (part of) an interface to syntax. Third, prosody provides a very promising ground for evolutionary accounts of language and music. Fourth, bilateral tr...

Göçmen Sağlığında İletişim
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 376

Göçmen Sağlığında İletişim

Göç; kişilerin ekonomik, kültürel, politik, doğal afetler gibi çeşitli nedenlerle bireysel, grup veya kitlesel olarak gerçekleştirdikleri yer değiştirme faaliyetidir. 21. yy.da dünyada özellikle ekonomik savaşların olduğu bir dönemde zorunlu sebeplerle insanlar doğup büyüdüğü topraklardan göç etmek zorunda kalmışlardır. Özellikle Orta Asya ve Orta Doğu'da çıkan savaşlar, büyük göç dalgalarına sebep olmuştur. Ülkelerini terk etmek zorunda kalan bu insanlar, kendilerine güvenli bölge olarak ve insan onuruna yakışır bir şekilde yaşamak için özellikle Türkiye, Avrupa devletleri ve ABD gibi ülkeleri seçmişlerdir. Ancak gerçekleşen bu göçle...

KARŞILAŞTIRMALI EĞİTİM YÖNETİMİ / PISA’da Başarılı Ülkelerin Eğtim Sistemleri
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 336

KARŞILAŞTIRMALI EĞİTİM YÖNETİMİ / PISA’da Başarılı Ülkelerin Eğtim Sistemleri

Bir ülkenin eğitim sisteminin mevcut durumundan daha etkili olmasının ve dünya çapında başarılı sonuçlar vermesinin kısa vadede gerçekleşemeyeceği açık olmakla beraber, uluslararası arenada öğrencileri başarılı olan ülkelerin bu başarılarının altında yatan etkenlerin detaylı şekilde incelenmesi yararlı ipuçları verebilir. Okulların ve öğrencilerin başarılarının sürekli izlenmesi, çeşitli reformların yapılması, sınıf mevcutlarının düşürülmesi, yeni dersliklerin açılması, fırsat eşitliğinin sağlanması, okulda demokrasinin tesisi, kültürel, sanatsal, spor ve el becerileri derslerinin ve seçmeli derslerin arttırılması, öğretm...

The Semantics of Nouns
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

The Semantics of Nouns

This volume brings together the latest research on the semantics of nouns in a variety of familiar and less well-documented languages. It offers detailed analyses of individual nouns across a range of conceptual domains, including 'people', 'places', and 'living things', with each analysis fully grounded in a unified methodological framework.

Behçet’s Syndrome
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 357

Behçet’s Syndrome

Behçet’s Syndrome has seen great strides over the last two decades in the availability of new treatments and the understanding of underlying pathogenesis. Only 30 years ago the majority of particularly young men with Behçet’s lost total eye sight, now only a minority do. This book covers the most recent developments in the basic and clinical aspects of Behçet’s Syndrome. International authorities have collaborated to offer their diverse expert knowledge on the multiple affected organs and systems, including the skin, the eye, the brain, the lungs and not the least the gastrointestinal and the locomotor systems. A special chapter is devoted to juvenile disease. The definitive resource on Behçet’s Syndrome, this book is well suited for rheumatologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, and health professionals caring for Behçet’s patients.