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Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 82, the latest release in a series that has been providing in-depth and up-to-date reviews on all aspects of marine biology since 1963, updates on many topics that will appeal to postgraduates and researchers in marine biology, fisheries science, ecology, zoology and biological oceanography. Chapters in this new release include Predatory Bivalves, The Oceanography of the Eastern English Channel Past: Present and Future, Parasites and Pathogens in Seabirds: Effects and Wider Ecological Implications, Progress in Marine Genomics and Bioinformatics, and more.
Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 92 highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on topics including A Review of Coral Reef Rehabilitation Efforts in the Coral Triangle. Each chapter in this series is written by an international board of authors. - Provides the authority and expertise of leading contributors from an international board of authors - Presents the latest release in the Advances in Marine Biology serial - Updated release includes the latest information on the Global Knowledge on the Commercial Sea Cucumber Holothuria Scabra
We belong to an era of non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, stroke, obesity, cardiovascular disorders, etc. About two decades ago, the advent of these so-called lifestyle disorders were seen only in a handful of population. But as time passes, we witness more and more people suffering from such problems. From a homoeopathic standpoint, we view this situation to be alarming. This is because all the above-mentioned diseases indicate a latent chronic process undergoing within the human body, which have a potential to undermine every possibility of an individual to lead a healthy life. The purpose of our book is to demonstrate the efficacy of homoeopathy, as probably, the only curative and scientific-healing science, which can free people from the crutches of chronic disease in a very simple and non-invasive manner. - AUDE SAPERE [DARE TO BE WISE]
Special Volume on Kogia Biology, Part Two, Volume 99 presents reviews on all aspects of marine biology. Published since 1963, this serial updates on marine biology, fisheries science, ecology, zoology and biological oceanography. Topics include Stranding data of Kogia spp. from the seas around Japan, The biology of pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) from New Zealand waters, Age, growth and reproduction of pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales stranded in South Africa, The fast lane revisited: life history strategy of Kogia spp, and Stomach content analysis of pygmy and dwarf sperm whales and its ecological implications: is there niche partitioning? - Reviews articles on the latest advances in marine biology - Authored by leading figures in their respective fields of study - Presents material that is widely used by managers, students, and academic professionals in the marine sciences
Advances in Rhizostomeaen Jellyfish Research, Volume 98 in the Advances in Marine Biology series, the latest release in this serial that highlights new advances in the field, includes comprehensive chapters written by an international board of authors. - Provides the authority and expertise of leading contributors from an international board of authors - Presents the latest release in the Advances in Marine Biology series
The underwater world is a noisy place. Read all about some of the strongest, largest and loudest singers under the sea — whales! 'Have You Ever Heard a Whale Sing?' (English), written by Divya Panicker, illustrated by Deepti Sharma, supported by Oracle, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books,2020) under a CC BY 4.0 license, first released on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
Certo che l’acqua alta può far veramente tanta paura! Razia lo sa bene ed è per questo che è molto decisa a imparare a nuotare. Seguendola in questo suo tuffo nella laguna, tutti possono imparare con lei i trucchetti per galleggiare e muoversi come un pesce. Una volta imparato a nuotare, scoprire le bellezze del mare sarà molto più bello e divertente. Divya Panicker è una ricercatrice marina all’università di Washington. Lavanya Naidu è un’animatrice e illustratrice che vive a Melbourne. "Impara a nuotare con Razia", un libro per bambini sull’oceano, è frutto della loro collaborazione.
Lucrarea de față se configurează ca un ghid exhaustiv, abordând atât aspecte teoretice, cât și practice, pentru a sprijini formarea viitorilor învățători și a profesorilor din învățământul primar, care se pregătesc să susțină examenul de titularizare, definitivat sau gradul II. Organizată în 8 unități de învățare, acoperind teme, precum: noul tipar curricular, lectura „conștientă” a documentelor curriculare, specificul predării limbii române la clasele pregătitoare și I, receptarea și redactarea textelor, strategiile didactice și evaluarea în predarea limbii și literaturii române, lucrarea integrează concepte teoretice cu exemple practice și aplicații educaționale. Elementele vizuale, precum schemele, graficele și tabelele, îmbogățesc înțelegerea conținutului, iar testele de autoevaluare într-o aplicație digitală aduc un plus de interactivitate și feedback imediat.
36 poets come together to create a premium coffee table poetry book with soul stirring poems along with colourful illustrations in the form of a variety of artwork- paintings, digital art, picture art, to enhance the beauty of the poems. Special Feature: A special section on Different Forms of Poetry for the poetry lovers.
Razia moet leren zwemmen maar ze heeft watervrees. Ga mee met Razia de lagune in en kijk wat de zeebewoners haar leren. Het boek werd oorspronkelijk uitgegeven door StoryWeaver van Pratham Books. Verschillende verhalen zijn geschreven door Indiase schrijvers en spelen zich af aan de andere kant van de wereld. Ze verkennen vooral spannende onderwerpen, zoals wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen en hoe we het beste voor elkaar en voor onze planeet kunnen zorgen.