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The Desclergues of la Villa Ducal de Montblanc (2nd edition) is a comprehensive ancestral chronicle, meticulously tracing the Desclergues family lineage from the Greek era through the Villa Ducal de Montblanc in Tarragona to the present in Belgium. This omnibus edition compiles the entire acclaimed series, offering an exhaustive account of the Desclergues of Montblanc alongside the author's other ancestral lines, including de Patin, de Patin de Langemark, Lesage, Benoit, Den Dauw, 't Kint, Surmont, de Croock, Ardan, Lammens, Decaestecker, and de Silva of Uduwara in Sri Lanka. This scholarly work is enriched by a comprehensive DNA analysis, providing genetic depth to the historical narrative....
The Crown of Aragon. A Singular Mediterranean Empire recovers the history of an empire which was of great importance in the late medieval Mediterranean, but which has since been relegated almost to oblivion by the course of history. The Crown of Aragon was a Mediterranean crossroads: between west and east for the economy, and between north and south for culture and religion, drawing in many different peoples, covering Iberia to Greece. A new vision of the Crown of Aragon as a framework of overlapping identities facilitates its historiographical recovery, showcased in the chapters of this volume which analyse the economy, institutions, social evolution, political strategy and cultural expression in literature and art of the Crown of Aragon. Contributors are David Abulafia, Lola Badia, Xavier Barral-i-Altet, Pere Benito, Maria Bonet, Jesús Brufal, Alessandra Cioppi, Damien Coulon, Luciano Gallinari, Isabel Grifoll, Adam J. Kosto, Esther Martí-Setañés, Sebastiana Nocco, Antoni Riera, Flocel Sabaté and Antoni Simon.
The increasing prominence of urban life during the Middle Ages is undoubtedly one of the more transcendental and multi-faceted aspects of this era, having an effect on rules and laws, hygiene, and economic organisation. This book brings together contributions from a wide range of scholars who adopt a new approach to medieval urban life, using health, the economy, and regulations and laws as frames of reference for gaining a greater understanding of this historical period. Through these vectors, interesting insights are provided into medieval housing, cures for diseases, the work of artisans and merchants, and the relationship between the town and the wider region in which it was located.
Many reports over the last few years have analysed the potential use of games, videogames, 3D environments and virtual reality for educational purposes. Numerous emerging technological devices have also appeared that will play important roles in the development of teaching and learning processes. In the context of these developments, learning rather than teaching becomes the main axis in the organisation of the educational process. This process has now gone beyond the analogue world and face-toface education to enter the digital world, where new learning environments are being produced with ever greater doses of realism. Teaching and Learning in Digital Worlds examines the teaching and learning process in 3D virtual environments from both the theoretical and practical points of view.
James Alderman Hayman was a descendant of Henry Hayman who immigrated from England about 1650 to Virginia then to Maryland. Descendants moved to Georgia then to Florida. Includes descendants through 1986.
Un llibre de privilegis és, en principi, un recull de concessions jurídiques específiques atorgades pel corresponent senyor a una vila o ciutat concreta, degudament copiades mitjançant verificació notarial. Forma part de la noció de poder a l’edat mitjana. Aquesta publicació ofereix la transcripció, edició crítica i estudi dels 55 documents que conformen el que coneixem com a “Llibre Gros dels privilegis” de la ciutat de Balaguer, exemplar que es guarda avui dia a l’Arxiu Comarcal de la Noguera (ACN).
Montgai i Butsènit formaven part de la societat feudal catalana dels segles moderns, una societat fortament agrària i enterament dependent del seu entorn geogràfic més pròxim, amb un endeutament crònic i sovint impagable. El poder institucional i social emanava de la capacitat de gestió d’aquests recursos, tradicionalment en mans de l’església i la noblesa laica que, a través dels seus títols, controlaven el monopoli de drets i deures sobre la terra. Poc a poc, els canvis i els esdeveniments històrics van anar erosionant el sistema feudal. L’autor analitza amb detall aspectes com el bandolerisme, la Guerra dels Segadors, la Guerra de Successió i com aquest territori els va viure, experimentant profunds canvis en la seva estructura social. L’edat moderna va estar marcada pel signe del canvi, però la desintegració del món feudal no va ser un procés ni lineal ni directe, sinó intermitent entre la desintegració i el reforç, que seguiria i marcaria l’època contemporània.