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This Italian reference grammar provides students, teachers and others interested in the Italian language with a comprehensive, accessible and jargon-free guide to the forms and structure of Italian. Whatever their level of knowledge of the language, learners of Italian will find this book indispensable: it gives clear and detailed explanations of everything from the most elementary facts such as the relation between spelling and pronunciation, or the forms of the article, to more advanced points such as the various nuances of the subjunctive. Formal or archaic discourse is distinguished from informal, everyday usage, and regionalisms are also indicated where appropriate. The authors have taken care to make it an easy and illuminating reference tool: extensive cross-referencing enables readers to quickly find the information they require, and also stimulates them to discover new, related facts.
Über einen geschlechtergerechten Sprachgebrauch wird in Deutschland nun schon seit über 40 Jahren diskutiert. In Folge der Verbreitung gegenderter Formen (Wählende) und grascher Sonderzeichen (Dozent*in) ist der Ton der Debatte deutlich rauer geworden; die beiden ,Lager' stehen sich inzwischen nahezu unversöhnlich gegenüber und reden nicht selten aneinander vorbei. Dieser Sammelband vereint Beiträge zu elf europäischen Sprachen, in denen sprachgeschichtliche Aspekte und die gegenwärtige Debatte so wertneutral wie möglich und unter Vermeidung von Polemik behandelt werden. Ziel des Bandes ist es, Denkanstöße zum komplexen Verhältnis zwischen Genus und Geschlecht zu bieten und auf diese Weise zu einer gelasseneren und respektvolleren Debatte beizutragen. Einen Einstieg in das Thema bietet der erste Beitrag zum Gendern in der Antike; es folgen Untersuchungen zu den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Niederländisch, Norwegisch, Schwedisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Tschechisch und Finnisch.
The first comprehensive morphology textbook written in the framework of Distributed Morphology, firmly grounded in cross-linguistic theory Distributed Morphology is the theoretical framework that views morphology as syntactic, proposing that there is no divide between the construction of words and the construction of sentences. The first text of its kind, Morphology: A Distributed Morphology Introduction provides a thorough overview of Distributed Morphology using data and problem sets from a diverse selection of the world's languages. Divided into two parts, this valuable resource begins by describing the basics of morphology and then moves into an exploration of more advanced topics in mor...
Themes, places, characters and voices of Elizabeth Jolley’s Mr Scobie’s Riddle are explored in detail in this monograph, which provides different narratological and translational analyses of the novel, as well as an academic translation into Italian. Considering the challenges and issues posited by a literary work’s translation helps to shed light on the original work itself. In this manner, the translation is to be seen as a further analytical instrument to gain insight into the original novel. The purpose of this work is to obtain a deeper understanding of the complicated microcosm created by Jolley in the nursing home of “St Christopher and St Jude”: the typically Australian themes of migration, isolation, place and displacement; the Australian culture-specific elements; the ensemble of curious characters and their entertaining voices. This book strives to preserve the above elements in translation as the expression of something Other, a different culture, and to take Italian readers on a journey to the Australia depicted in Mr Scobie’s Riddle so that Jolley’s characters’ voices can echo in the Italian language.
[This book] will aid your learning of [German] as it is spoken today. [The author] bases his coverage on current usage, including regional variations and registers of the modern standard language. [This book] includes new spelling and punctuation that reflect the German grammar reforms ... Its dual role as a grammar reference and manual of current usage makes this book [appropriate for] intermediate or advanced student[s] ...-Back cover.
Deals with the linguistic repercussions of social and political change in Western Europe in a series of articles by specialists in each area that range from general surveys to detailed studies of one linguistic variety in a particular historical context.
A TLS Book of the Year. 'Erudite and urgent, Ian Thomson's Dante's Divine Comedy is another book that everyone ought to read' Spectator. 'Succinct but wide-ranging, Ian Thomson's richly illustrated exploration of Dante's masterpiece is... fun... ingenious... fascinating' Observer. 'A book worth savouring as a chunky, chatty, richly illustrated guide that brings Dante and his world within our reach' Evening Standard. A lively and wide-ranging exploration of a literary masterwork and its influence on writers, poets, artists and film-makers up to our own time. Dante has no equal as he sings of other-worldly horror and celestial beatitude alike. Yet for all our distance from medieval theology, t...
Monografija na primeru nadiškega in briškega narečja predstavlja izbrana poglavja iz skladenjske problematike slovenskih narečij. Za analizo sta bili izbrani dve obrobni slovenski narečji, ki sta zanimivi tudi zato, ker izhajata iz iste narečne osnove in danes pripadata isti narečni skupini, ozemlji, na katerih se govorita, pa sta bili pretežni del zgodovine v različnih politično-upravnih okvirih. Zato je bil namen raziskave poleg kontrastivne primerjave izbranih skladenjskih vprašanj obravnavanih narečij s slovenskim knjižnim jezikom tudi kontrastivna primerjava med narečjema samima, predvsem glede vpliva stičnih romanskih jezikov, italijanščine in furlanščine, na nadišk...
Dieser Band führt Arbeiten zusammen, die neben der Konzentration auf juristisch-terminologische Fragen das Recht als einen kommunikativen Bereich mit ihm eigenen Einbindungen in unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche Domänen behandeln. Es werden sowohl einzelsprachliche als auch sprachübergreifende Merkmale juristischer Kommunikation untersucht. Dabei werden auch kontrastive Aspekte einbezogen. Von besonderer Relevanz sind Fragen der Übersetzung normativer Texte, die für Situationen institutioneller Mehrsprachigkeit - wie sie in der Europäischen Union und in der Schweiz, aber auch in Grenzregionen bestehen - charakteristisch sind. Es werden theoretische und forschungsmethodische Fragen er...