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Manajemen Agribisnis Berbasis Pertanian Terpadu
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 258

Manajemen Agribisnis Berbasis Pertanian Terpadu

Buku "Manajemen Agribisnis Berbasis Pertanian Terpadu" karya Dr. Ir. Hamidah Hendrarini, M.Si., dkk ini merupakan panduan komprehensif tentang pengelolaan agribisnis denganpendekatan pertanian terpadu. Buku ini menyelami berbagaiaspek penting dalam manajemen agribisnis, mulai dari dasardasar konsep manajemen agribisnis hingga penerapannyadalam konteks pertanian terpadu. Melalui buku ini, pembacadiajak memahami bagaimana mengelola sumber dayaagribisnis secara efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai hasilyang optimal dalam industri pertanian yang terus berkembangdan penuh tantangan.Dalam bab-bab awal, buku ini membahas konsep dasar manajemen agribisnis dan pertanian terpadu. Pembaca diperkenalkan pada berbagai sistem dan subsistem agribisnis yang saling berinteraksi, seperti agroinput, agronomi, agroindustri, dan agroniaga. Buku ini juga menjelaskan peran manajemen dalam mengoptimalkan setiap subsistem agribisnis, dari proses produksi hingga pemasaran. Penekanan diberikan pada pentingnya penerapan prinsip ekonomi dan manajemen strategis dalam setiap tahap proses agribisnis untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dan daya saing produk pertanian.

Rantai Pasok Produksi dan Penilaian dalam Agroindustri
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 193

Rantai Pasok Produksi dan Penilaian dalam Agroindustri

Buku "Rantai Pasok Produksi dan Penilaian dalam Agroindustri" membahas secara mendalam tentang bagaimana rantai pasok dalam sektor agroindustri dapat dikelola dengan baik untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas. Buku ini menjelaskan konsep rantai pasok dari awal hingga akhir, melibatkan pemasok bahan baku, proses produksi, distribusi, dan akhirnya sampai ke tangan konsumen. Selain itu, buku ini juga mengeksplorasi berbagai metode penilaian kinerja rantai pasok, seperti SCOR model dan Balanced Scorecard, untuk memantau dan mengoptimalkan proses yang terlibat dalam rantai pasok agroindustri. Pada bagian awal, buku ini menjelaskan selayang pandang tentang agroindustri, termasuk definisi,...

Stunting Fenomena, Realita, Solusi
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 110

Stunting Fenomena, Realita, Solusi

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-12-20
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  • Publisher: Deepublish

Buku yang berjudul Stunting Fenomena, Realita, Solusi merupakan karya dari Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, dkk. Buku ini ditulis dengan runtutan yang sangat mudah dipahami. Di bagian awal buku, dijelaskan tentang pengertian stunting, penyebab dan dampaknya bagi kesejahteraan hidup. Dilanjutkan ke bagian kedua ditelaah tentang kasus yang terjadi di Indonesia. Bab tiga dalam buku membahas tentang strategi dan kebijakan penurunan stunting secara umum di skala nasional. Di bagian akhir dari buku ini dibahas solusi penurunan stunting dan kegiatan atau usaha yang dilakukan oleh pentahelix penggerak pembangunan yakni perguruan tinggi, pemerintah, swasta, masyarakat dan media. Diharapkan dengan hadirnya b...

Physiology of Crop Production
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 366

Physiology of Crop Production

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006-05-16
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This single volume explores the theoretical and the practical aspects of crop physiological processes around the world The marked decrease over the past century in the land available for crop production has brought about mounting pressure to increase crop yields, especially in developing nations. Physiology of Crop Production provides cutting-edge research and data for complete coverage of the physiology of crop production, all in one source, right at your fingertips. This valuable reference gives the extensive in-depth information soil and crop professionals need to maximize crop productivity anywhere the world. Leading soil and plant scientists and researchers clearly explain theory, pract...

Digital Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Digital Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-03-07
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  • Publisher: Springer

This pioneering collection seeks to understand why and how some digital enterprises in Africa progress while others firms either stagnate or regress. Using a range of detailed case studies, it addresses the challenges and barriers that are in place and how some outstanding digital firms deal with operating in a hostile business environment. While digital platforms have created equal access for small businesses, many digital entrepreneurs in Africa continue to struggle with local environments replete with corruption, and other economic inefficiencies. The contributions move the debate forward by addressing the challenges, opportunities, and prospects of digital enterprise in Africa. Placing special emphasis on how African new entrant digital firms are shaping the landscape and forging a new beginning for Africa, this book offers entrepreneurial perspectives to both researchers and policy-makers seeking to support and stimulate entrepreneurship in the new era.

The Saemaul Undong Movement in the Republic of Korea
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 115

The Saemaul Undong Movement in the Republic of Korea

The Saemaul Undong movement was a community-driven development program of the Republic of Korea in the 1970s. The movement contributed to improved community well-being in rural communities through agricultural production, household income, village life, communal empowerment and regeneration, and women's participation.This report examines the strengths and weaknesses of the movement along with contributing factors, including institutional arrangements, leadership influence, gender consideration, ideological guidance, and financing. It also reviews existing studies and government data on the movement, and presents excerpts from interviews with key persons engaged in the movement and useful lessons for implementing community-driven development initiatives in developing countries.

The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 184

The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown

The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh shows the lives of the underdogs the Lachhimsa, the Rukmanis, the Mohors and the Haroas as a contrast to the lives of their all-powerful overlords the Medinis and Ganeshes. Lachhima, whose leashed bitterness and anger of a lifetime against Medini and Ganesh is liberated at the end of the novel when Ganesh begs her to save his life, decides to save him, but on her own terms. The title of the work itself becomes a tool for subversion in this sprawling novel which takes the reader through a multilayered narrative into the socio-economic malaise of post-independence rural India. Mahasweta Devi s corrosive humour and cryptic style are at their best as she takes on issu...

Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 492

Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000-04-25
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  • Publisher: CABI

Annotation. Worldwide climatic changes have been raising concerns about potential changes to crop yields and production systems. Such concerns include the ability to accommodate these uncertain effects in order to ensure an adequate food supply for an increasing population. Written by leadinginternational experts, this book is the first comprehensive examination of the potential effects climate change, particularly green house gases, will have on agroecosystems. It also reviews the effects such systems have on climate change itself.

An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 198

An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia

The idea to produce this book originated during the "Tectonics and Sedimentation of Indonesia" seminar, the first regional meeting of the Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum (FOSI), the sedimentological commission of IAGI, in 1999. The meeting was conducted to commemorate the 50 years anniversary of the publication of van Bemmelen's book, entitled "Geology of Indonesia" (1949). This was the first book to deal indepth with Indonesian geology at that time. This work was written before the offshore exploration activities and is now out of print. Van Bem-melen's book is a classic of its type that covers onshore geology and some fields of geological en-quiry that have not been superceded by more mo...

Plant Cell Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 254

Plant Cell Culture

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1994
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  • Publisher: IRL Press

Plant cell culture techniques are used increasingly in basic research for plant exploitation in industry, including for example, genetic engineering and micropropagation. The rapidly developing role of plant cell culture has necessitated this new edition of a widely acclaimed book. It covers a wide range of methods central to the exploitation of plant cell cultures in fundamental and applied research. This thoroughly revised work retains the combination of giving and explaining the general principles involved with the concise description of specific protocols, with appeal to a broad readership, that made the first edition so successful. Internationally recognized experts describe the techniques used for isolating and manipulating cell cultures, and the central importance in plant biotechnology. The book will be of major interest to researchers in plant sciences in general, and specifically to botany, plant physiology, and biotechnology students.