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Judul : Metodologi Penelitian Penulis : Dr. Hj. Holiawati, S.E, MSi, CSRA. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 Tebal : 160 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-634-7084-25-5 No. E-ISBN : 978-634-7084-47-7 (PDF) Terbitan : Januari 2025 SINOPSIS Buku Metodologi Penelitian ini hadir sebagai panduan komprehensif bagi siapa saja yang ingin mendalami proses penelitian secara sistematis dan terarah. Dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami, buku ini membimbing pembaca melalui setiap tahap penelitian, mulai dari perumusan masalah hingga analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis. Tidak hanya membahas teori, buku ini juga memberikan panduan aplikatif, menjadikannya sumber yang relevan bagi mahasiswa, akademisi, dan praktisi...
Directory of the alumni of LEMHANNAS; volume commemorating the 26th anniversary of Ikatan Kekeluargaan Alumni Lemhannas.
Untuk merawat keutuhan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, diperlukan upaya yang konkret dan sistemik untuk melakukan revitalisasi nilai-nilai dan spirit Wawasan Kebangsaan. Wawasan Kebangsaan adalah cara pandang bangsa Indonesia yang dijiwai nilai-nilai Pancasila Merawat Nilai-Nilai Kebangsaan Dalam Kebhinnekaan di Tengah Covid-19 dan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 serta memperhatikan sejarah dan budaya tentang diri dan lingkungan keberadaannya yang sarwanusantara dalam memanfaatkan kondisi dan konstelasi geografi, dengan menciptakan tanggung jawab, motivasi, dan rangsangan bagi seluruh bangsa Indonesia, yang mengutamakan Persatuan dan Kesatuan bangsa serta Kesatuan Wilayah pada penyelenggaraan kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara untuk mencapai Tujuan Nasional.
Sphagnum specialist Dierk Michaelis documents the worldwide known peat moss species (genus Sphagnum) and presents keys for their identification. It represents the updated, supplemented English language version of the author's original peat moss flora of 2011 (in German), the first overall presentation of Sphagnum since Carl Warnstorf's "Sphagnologia Universalis" of 1911. Compared to the German edition, 12 species have been added, 23 new plates were added, the chapters on phylogeny and research history have been revised and a new chapter on Sphagnum ecology has been added. Since Warnstorf's comprehensive work, numerous names have been recognized and revised as synonyms - particularly by Andre...
A culture that is dynamic and continues to develop precisely requires supporting technology such as digital archive storage. Public awareness, the role of universities and the government are needed in the recording and archiving of the local culture. The digitalization of cultural assets is one way to protect Indonesia’s diverse cultural heritage for the next generation.
List of members of the Parliament and People's Consultative Assembly of Indonesia for 1997-2002.
Perhelatan pemilu presiden dan wakil presiden di Indonesia telah usai beberapa bulan lalu dan akhirnya melahirkan sosok presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Sedangkan perhelatan serupa di lingkungan Pengurus Wilayah Nahdlatul Ulama Jawa Timur yang digelar pada 3 Agustus 2024 bertempat di Ponpes Tebuireng Jombang juga telah memperoleh pemimpin baru, dimana Rais Syuriah diisi oleh KH Anwar Manshur dan Ketua Tanfidziyah KH. Abdul Hakim Mahfudz (Gus Kikin). Di era kepemimpinan yang baru ini, tentunya banyak tantangan yang akan dihadapi, dan menjalankan sesuai amanah yang diembannya. Tentunya sebagai warga nahdliyin, semua berharap dan berdoa, semoga a...
Keith Devlin. You know him. You've read his columns in MAA Online, you've heard him on the radio, and you've seen his popular mathematics books. In between all those activities and his own research, he's been hard at work revising Sets, Functions and Logic, his standard-setting text that has smoothed the road to pure mathematics for legions of undergraduate students. Now in its third edition, Devlin has fully reworked the book to reflect a new generation. The narrative is more lively and less textbook-like. Remarks and asides link the topics presented to the real world of students' experience. The chapter on complex numbers and the discussion of formal symbolic logic are gone in favor of mor...
Highlighting the new aspects of MATLAB 7.10 and expanding on many existing features, this eighth edition continues to offer a hands-on, step-by-step introduction to using the powerful tools of MATLAB. It includes a new chapter on object-oriented programming, a new discussion of the MATLAB File Exchange window, major changes to the MATLAB Editor, and an explanation of more powerful Help tools. It also presents a synopsis of the most frequently used functions, operators, and special characters-providing quick and easy access to frequently used information. M-files and MEX-files for large examples are available at