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Buku ini merupakan materi pembelajaran mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian. Melaluinya diharapkan, mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan keterkaitan ilmu pengetahuan dan pendekatan ilmiah, perbedaan pendekatan ilmiah dan non ilmiah, cara berfikir ilmiah, perbedaan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dan etika penelitian. Alasan Mempelajari Metodologi Penelitian secara umum dimaknakan sebagai alat atau cara dimana kita melakukan fungsi-fungsi atau aktivitas. Alasan lainnya adalah dalam rangka menemukan atau memperoleh cara terbaik dan sesuai untuk menghasilkan suatu pengetahuan yang baru dan reliable.
Sebagai mana diketahui, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari proses komunikasi sangatlah penting, entah itu Komunikasi secara langsung ataupun melalui media. Mempelajari ilmu Komunikasi akan memberikan kita pengetahuan tentang proses berkomunikasi secara benar, mulai dari memberi pesan, menerima pesan, dan lain sebagainya. Mata kuliah ini mengajarkan tentang bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan baik, entah itu secara pribadi maupun kepada publik dengan efektif atau teknik public speaking.
Buku ini menjadi pedoman ajar bagi mahasiswa dalam matakuliah Pancasila. Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan Pancasila diharapkan mahasiswa mampu memahami, menjelaskan, dan menganalisis konsep ideologis Pancasila sebagai ideologi negara serta secara kreatif dan inovatif mengaplikasikannya pada berbagai keputusan-keputusan etis.
Judul : BUKU AJAR MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA Penulis : Rabiyatul Jasiyah, Irmawati Sri Agustini, Tungga Bhimadi Karyasa. Ukuran : 20,5 x 29 cm / A4 Tebal : 145 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-5687-51-3 Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT atas karunia dan hidayah-Nya, kami dapat menyusun Buku Ajar Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, yakni mata kuliah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Buku Ajar ini disusun berdasarkan RPS Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Buku Buku Ajar Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia teridiri dari beberapa penulis/dosen Perguruan tinggi ternama. Isi Buku membahas mengenai Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dan Peran MSDM dalam Konteks Global, Peranan SDM dalam keunggulan bersaing dalam...
This volume presents international perspectives on the application and development of theory and methodology in researching higher education. Topics discussed include critical race theory; the use of communities of practice theory; participant ethnography; and decolonization using indigenous principles.
Looks in detail at the history of economic thought on natural resources and the environment, the economics of fisheries, forestry, mining, petroleum, coal and natural gas deposits. There are also chapters devoted to environmental degradation and the economics of the world's natural wonders.
One of the issues of urban development and urban lifestyle, which can be studied from the sea to space, has posed important challenges for humanities, environmental management of cities and urban areas, and the economy. This field is one of the pillars of sustainable development from urban studies towards sustainability welfare. Research and development (R & D) in this part plays a crucial role where urban problems are always alive and increasing every year because of changing customer preferences and needs. City authorities must make appropriate policy choices to protect the provision of equitable housing, health, and transportation services in the future. The megatrends 2030 triggered by t...
This book examines the economic incentives for food safety in the private marketplace and how public actions have helped shape those incentives. Noted contributors analyze alternative public health protection efforts and the benefits and costs associated with these actions to understand: why an excess of foodborne illness occurs what policies have worked best how regulations have evolved what the path forward to better control of pathogens in the U.S. and the international food supply chain might look like While the first third of the book builds an economic framework, the remaining chapters apply economics to specific food safety issues. Numerous chapters explore economic decision making wi...
The ability to effectively communicate with individuals from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds is an invaluable asset. Learning a second language proves useful as students navigate the culturally diverse world; however, studying a second language can be difficult for learners who are not immersed in the real and natural environment of the foreign language. Also, changes in education and advancements in information and communication technologies pose a number of challenges for implementing and maintaining sound practices within technology-enhanced language learning (TELL). Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning provides information on educational tech...