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Driving A Successful Execution
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 155

Driving A Successful Execution

Buku ini, adalah wujud kolaborasi penulis-penulis yang berlatar belakang praktisi, akademis, konsultan, dan trainer. Tujuan penyusunan buku ini adalah memberikan dan berbagi pemahaman, pengalaman dan visi yang luas dan maju, untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan Project Management. Kedua penulis menuangkan pengetahuan dan gagasan-gagasan mereka ke dalam bentuk materi gabungan antara tataran keilmuan dan penjabaran praktis di lapangan, agar lebih mudah dipahami oleh kalangan awam sekalipun, dengan tetap mengintegrasikan kedalaman pengetahuan di dalamnya. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMediaGroup #PrenadaMediaGroup

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 262


Buku ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan gagasan para Doktor yang merupakan alumni Program Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) BINUS Business School Bina Nusantara University. Gairah untuk berkiprah dan memberi manfaat yang besar bagi masyarakat banyak menjadi pendorong terbitnya buku ini. Digital Transformation yang menjadi pokok bahasan utama merupakan hal yang menjadi pilihan bagi perusahaan untuk tetap bertahan di era Industri 4.0 ini. Aspek ini yang menjadi warna tulisan di buku ini yang dibagi dalam tema-tema Organization and Leadership, Customer and Market Offering, Technology and System, dan Culture and Orientation. Pembagian tema ini menjadikan pembaca bisa membacanya secara acak, tidak harus berurutan. Dunia digital menjadi tidak bisa lepas dari kehidupan nyata. Di masa depan, penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) menjadi keniscayaan. Apa pengaruhnya dan apa insight dari ICT, semoga Anda dapatkan dengan membaca buku ini.

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 79


企業、社會與人生的所有問題 全都能用專案來解決!! ★不論是企業領導人、各階層主管,還是每個上班族, 專案管理是AI時代不被機器取代的必備職場技能! 過去十年間,大環境與社會變化速度飛快,徹底顛覆組織的運作以及我們習慣的管理與工作方式。 在許多工作都被自動化設備與機器人取代的新世界裡,專案已經成為基本的創造價值模式。 在商業用語中,「專案」已經成為最常出現的關鍵詞,不但生活中的各個層面全都成為專案, 而且Amazon、IBM、Nike等大企業全都迫切招攬具備專案管理能力的人才,我們正在目睹專...

MANAJEMEN PROYEK : Teori & Penerapannya
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 157

MANAJEMEN PROYEK : Teori & Penerapannya

Buku "Manajemen Proyek: Teori & Penerapannya" adalah sebuah buku yang menyajikan pengetahuan dasar dan penerapan praktis dalam manajemen proyek. Buku ini dirancang untuk membantu pembaca memahami prinsip-prinsip fundamental yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan proyek, serta memberikan panduan praktis dalam menghadapi tantangan yang sering muncul dalam lingkungan proyek. Buku ini dimulai dengan memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif mengenai pengenalan konsep dasar manajemen proyek, Tahap Perencanaan dan Pelakasanaan Proyek, dan Tahap Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Proyek, serta membahas pentingnya Manajemen Stakeholder dalam Proyek, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Proyek, Manajemen Biaya Proyek,...

Software Pioneers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 714

Software Pioneers

A lucid statement of the philosophy of modular programming can be found in a 1970 textbook on the design of system programs by Gouthier and Pont [1, l Cfl0. 23], which we quote below: A well-defined segmentation of the project effort ensures system modularity. Each task fonos a separate, distinct program module. At implementation time each module and its inputs and outputs are well-defined, there is no confusion in the intended interface with other system modules. At checkout time the in tegrity of the module is tested independently; there are few sche duling problems in synchronizing the completion of several tasks before checkout can begin. Finally, the system is maintained in modular fash...

Major Companies of The Far East and Australasia 1993/94
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 348

Major Companies of The Far East and Australasia 1993/94

This book represents the tenth edition of what has become an established reference work, MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE Guide to the FAR EAST & AUSTRALASIA This volume has been carefully researched and updated since publication of the prevIous arrangement of the book edition, and provides more company data on the most Important companies In the region The information In the ThiS book has been arranged In order to allow the reader to book was submitted mostly by the companies themselves, find any entry rapidly and accurately completely free of charge Company entries are listed alphabetically Within each section, The companies listed have been selected on the grounds of In addition three Indexes are p...

The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 184

The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown

The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh shows the lives of the underdogs the Lachhimsa, the Rukmanis, the Mohors and the Haroas as a contrast to the lives of their all-powerful overlords the Medinis and Ganeshes. Lachhima, whose leashed bitterness and anger of a lifetime against Medini and Ganesh is liberated at the end of the novel when Ganesh begs her to save his life, decides to save him, but on her own terms. The title of the work itself becomes a tool for subversion in this sprawling novel which takes the reader through a multilayered narrative into the socio-economic malaise of post-independence rural India. Mahasweta Devi s corrosive humour and cryptic style are at their best as she takes on issu...

Low-tech Innovation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 230

Low-tech Innovation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-10-28
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book highlights the economic relevance of the so-called low-tech industries and firms. Non R&D intensive firms continue to be the economic backbone of several developed industrial countries. They form the core of National Innovation Systems and contribute significantly to growth and employment. However, due to their lack of R&D activity, they are easily overlooked in the general innovation debate. This book provides latest empirical findings on the current economic relevance and specific innovation strategies and management of non-R&D intensive firms in Germany. It discusses their future role in a knowledge driven economy as well as possible implications for innovation and technology policy. An outcome of several years of dedicated research conducted at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), this book will prove of immense value to researchers and policy makers dealing with innovation and knowledge strategy.

Metal Forming Handbook
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 589

Metal Forming Handbook

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-12-06
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  • Publisher: Springer

Following the long tradition of the Schuler Company, the Metal For ming Handbook presents the scientific fundamentals of metal forming technology in a way which is both compact and easily understood. Thus, this book makes the theory and practice of this field accessible to teaching and practical implementation. The first Schuler "Metal Forming Handbook" was published in 1930. The last edition of 1966, already revised four times, was translated into a number of languages, and met with resounding approval around the globe. Over the last 30 years, the field of forming technology has been rad ically changed by a number of innovations. New forming techniques and extended product design possibilit...