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Islamic Law And Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 280

Islamic Law And Society

Traditional theory of Islamic Law recognizes four sources of Sharia: the Quran, sunnah (authentic hadith), qiyas (analogical reasoning), and ijma (juridical consensus). Four Sunni Madhhab (legal school of Sunni Islam), Hanafi, Maliki, Shafiʽi, Hanbali and Zahiri, developed Sunni methodologies for deriving Sharia rulings from scriptural sources using a process known as ijtihad. Traditional jurisprudence (fiqh) distinguishes two principal branches of law, ʿibādāt (rituals) and muʿāmalāt (social relations), which together comprise a wide range of topics. Its rulings are concerned with ethical standards as much as with legal norms, assigning actions to one of five categories: mandatory, r...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 175


The process of radicalization reaches not only the common people, but also the campus. The campus life is vulnerably infiltrated by radicalism. The vulnerability is seen not only from a psycho-social angle alone, but also in the aspect of the instrument or media that the spread of hatred and violence has been designed with the pattern and lifestyle of the campus. Some of the ways the radicalisms penetrate into the campus life are such as through books, magazines, bulletins, and, the most massive and effective, internet and social media networks. This book talks about radicalism, especially the traces of radicalism in the world of education. Several studies conducted on Indonesian students several years ago found that there was a potential for radicalism among students studying abroad.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 241


Islamic law is a system of law derived from the Qur'an and hadith, which subsequently evolved from legal philosophy. The result of legal thought is the production of legal documents based on the requirements of the community. In Indonesia, Islamic law grows and evolves in the form of four products of legal thought: fiqh, ulama fatwas, court rulings (jurisprudence), and laws. In Indonesia, the four products of legal thinking serve as rules for Muslims in national, state, and social life.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 212


Secara garis besar, buku ini membahas tentang fiqh Masyarakat atau fiqh social. Fiqih sosial adalah hasil dari upaya menggali kembali hukum Islam melalui pengkajian pada sumber-sumbernya untuk diaplikasikan dalam realitas sosial. Fiqih sosial erat kaitannya dengan kemaslahatan manusia dalam bingkai maqashih al-syar’iyah. Fiqih sosial dapat dilihat aplikasinya dalam hukum keluarga misalnya; masalah kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana yang memiliki hubungan dengan konsep pernikahan, batasan usia penikahan yang perlu pertimbangan kesiapan fisik, psikologis di samping aturan hukum Islam dan aturan perundang-udangan; dan hadhanah anak atau pengasuhan serta pemeliharaan anak menjadi aspek pentin...

Rasionalisasi Agama: Memperkokoh atau Membuat Roboh?
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 81

Rasionalisasi Agama: Memperkokoh atau Membuat Roboh?

Rasionalisasi Agama: Memperkokoh atau Membuat Roboh? Tema “Rasionalisasi Agama” dalam edisi kali ini dimaksudkan untuk membahas hal-ihwal penggunaan akal dalam Islam. Agama Islam di satu sisi merupakan sistem kepercayaan yang mengedepankan keimanan daripada akal (rasio). Ketika keimanan ini dirasionalkan, yang terjadi adalah perdebatan-perdebatan yang tidak jarang berujung pada pelabelan status kafir kepada lawan debatnya. Hal ini kemudian memunculkan pertanyaan apakah merasionalkan agama – dalam hal ini adalah perihal keimanan – akan memperkokohnya atau malah membuatnya roboh? Di sisi lain, agama Islam yang bersumber dari teks (nas) Al Quran dan Hadis tentu tidak akan dapat dipahami...

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 96


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-12-01
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  • Publisher: Samudra Biru

Indonesia dikenal dengan negara majemuk dengan beragam agama, suku, ras, maupun golongan. Merujuk data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada tahun 2010 menyebutkan ada 1.340 suku maupun etnis di Indonesia (Rahayu & Mayasari, 2021: 37). Keberagaman ini menjadi daya tarik bagi negara lain untuk mengunjungi Indonesia sebagai destinasi wisata. Semangat kesatuan dalam Ideologi Pancasila dianggap mampu menyatukan masyarakat dengan berbagai latar belakang budaya dan cara berpikir yang sangat beragam.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 646


  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-01-08
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  • Publisher: Pustakapedia


Reading the Qur'an
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 430

Reading the Qur'an

In this enlightening and highly readable book, a leading British Muslim intellectual offers a refreshingly new interpretation of the Qur'an.

World Atlas of Mangroves
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

World Atlas of Mangroves

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010
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  • Publisher: Earthscan

"This atlas provides the first truly global assessment of the state of the world's mangroves. Written by the leading expert on mangroves with support from the top international researchers and conservation organizations, this full color atlas contains 60 full-page maps, hundreds of photographs and illustrations and a comprehensive country-by-country assessment of mangroves. Included are the first detailed estimates of changes in mangrove forestcover worldwide and at regional and national levels, an assessment of these changes and a country-by-country examination of biodiversity protection. The book also presents a wealth of global statistics on biodiversity, habitat area, loss and economic value which provide a unique record of mangroves against which future threats and changes can be evaluated. Case-studies, written by regional experts, provide insights into regional mangrove issues, including primary and potential productivity, biodiversity, and information on present and traditional uses and values and sustainable management."--Pub. desc.