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Buku ini berisi beberapa penyakit yang sering ditemukan di Puskesmas dan merupakan kompetensi dokter umum. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut antara lain: infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminth, penyakit eritroskuamosa, impetigo pada anak, infeksi jamur superfisial di kulit, alergi obat, keputihan pada anak usia menarche, abortus, kejang pada anak, demam tifoid dan limfadenopati tuberkulosa. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut dibahas tuntas sampai penatalaksanaan yang dapat dilaksanakan di fasilitas kesehatan primer termasuk Puskesmas. Selain membahas penyakit, buku ini juga berisi beberapa keterampilan yang dapat menjadi bekal bagi dokter umum di Puskesmas antara lain tatalaksana impaksi serumen, teknik sirkumsisi dan bekam. Pada buku ini juga membahas satu hal penting dalam penatalaksanaan pasien sehari-hari yaitu kapan harus memberikan antibiotik pada pasien di Puskesmas. Semua materi yang dibahas pada buku ini ditulis oleh narasumber kompeten di bidangnya. Harapan penulis buku ini dapat menjadi bekal bagi sejawat dokter dan praktisi kesehatan yang bertugas di fasilitas kesehatan primer dalam melaksanakan tugas sehari-hari.
Dunia terkejut. Corona virus (COVID -19) yang sebelumnya merupakan virus yang bisa dan biasa menyebabkan selesma biasa, menjadi pandemi. Spekulasi bermunculan, namun kita tidak bisa hidup berdasarkan spekulasi tersebut. Yang pasti, penyakit ini telah hadir di tengah tengah kita, telah menimbulkan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang nyata. Dan karenanya kita harus melakukan upaya -upaya yang terukur dan bertujuan supaya tidak ada lagi morbiditas apalagi mortalitas kepada manusia. Buku ini mencoba menjawab tantangan tersebut dengan mencoba memberikan persfektif pengenalan COVID dari sisi mikrobiologi hingga sisi pencegahan yang efektif dalam kehidupan sehari -hari dan dalam pelayanan kedokteran dan tindakan kedokteran sehari hari. Penyajian materi terhadap gejala gejala COVID -19 pada saluran nafas seperti gangguan penghidu dan gangguan kulit, juga di bahas dengan rinci oleh penulis yang berkompeten di bidangnya. Buku ini tidak membahas tatalaksana COVID -19 maupun epidemiologi COVID - 19, karena sudah bisa ditemukan pada referensi lain maupun panduan organisasi yang berwenang.
This book is a collection of high-impact papers accepted and presented at the 2019 Vietnam’s Business and Economics Research Conference (VBER2019) organised by Ho Chi Minh City Open University held on 18th–20th July 2019. The Special Issue is associated with a broad coverage of the contemporary issues in Business and Economics in Vietnam and other emerging markets reflecting a key theme of VBER2019: Vietnam’s Place in the Asia Pacific Region. A total of 14 papers were published from more than the 120 submissions to the VBER2019 Conference. Published papers had been undergone a rigorous reviewing process conducted by the Journal of Risk and Financial Management. The papers incorporated ...
Imogene dodges diva designers and evil interns in this fun, flirty, fashionista series. Full-color spot art.
The essential, up-to-date guide for helping children with language and listening problems Does your child have trouble getting the right words out, following directions, or being understood? In this revised new edition of Childhood Speech, Language, and Listening Problems, speech-language pathologist Patricia Hamaguchi-who has been helping children overcome problems like these for more than thirty years-answers your questions to help you determine what's best for your child. This newest edition: * Expands on speech and articulation issues affecting toddlers * Includes a new chapter on socially "quirky" children Explains how to get the right help for your child, including when to wait before ...
Providing insight into current research, and comprehensive guidance on recent legislation and policy, this key text offers anyone working or preparing to work with children with SEND with essential academic and theoretical understanding to underpin and inform existing and future practice. Exploring prime areas in which professionals work directly with children with SEND, chapters broach current issues and debates relating to practice, and examine recent advances in research, policy and legislation in areas including education, health and social care. This interdisciplianry approach, coupled with case studies, points for reflection and clearly signposted activities throughout, gives readers t...
Few countries as culturally rich, politically pivotal, and naturally beautiful as Indonesia are as often misrepresented in global media and conversation. Stretching 3,400 miles east to west along the equator, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and home to more than four hundred ethnic groups and several major world religions. This sprawling Southeast Asian nation is also the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country and the third largest democracy. Although in recent years the country has experienced serious challenges with regard to religious harmony, its trillion-dollar economy is booming and its press and public sphere are among the most vibrant in Asia. A la...