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This open access book offers in depth knowledge on the challenges and opportunities offered by the inclusion of minority teachers in mainstream educational settings from an international perspective. It aims to be a unique and important contribution for scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners considering the complexities brought about by global trends into national/local educational systems and settings. It will also serve to guide future research, policy, and practice in this important field of inquiry. The work will contribute answers to questions such as: How do immigrant/minority teachers experience their work in mainstream educational settings?; How do mainstream shareholders experience the inclusion of immigrant/minority teachers in mainstream educational settings?; What is the effect of the successful (and/or unsuccessful) integration of minority teachers and teacher educators into mainstream education settings?.
Many school students in Germany are plurilingual and use German and further languages in their daily lives. This use is differently approached and valued. Not only languages spoken, but race, too, plays a role in how language use is addressed in schools. Interviews that were conducted and analyzed with a Grounded Theory approach show that subject positions assigned to students concerning plurilingualism shape how they reflect on experiences in school from a retrospective focus. By turning to a raciolinguistic perspective and drawing on subjectivation theory, the terms used to signify dominantly found re-positionings are ‘raciolinguistic norm’ and ‘raciolinguistic Other’. The results highlight the necessity of focusing in more detail on how listening positionalities shape language use in society and in schools specifically.
Migrants and minorities are always at risk of being caught in essentialized cultural definitions and being denied the right to express their cultural preferences because they are perceived as threats to social cohesion. Migrants and minorities respond to these difficulties in multiple ways — as active agents in the pedagogical, political, social, and scientific processes that position them in this or that cultural sphere. On the one hand, they reject ascribed cultural attributes while striving towards integration in a variety of social spheres, e.g. school and workplace, in order to achieve social mobility. On the other hand, they articulate demands for cultural self-determination. This di...
The notion of the native speaker and its undertones of ultimate language competence, language ownership and social status has been problematized by various researchers, arguing that the ensuing monolingual norms and assumptions are flawed or inequitable in a global super-diverse world. However, such norms are still ubiquitous in educational, institutional and social settings, in political structures and in research paradigms. This collection offers voices from various contexts and corners of the world and further challenges the native speaker construct adopting poststructuralist and postcolonial perspectives. It includes conceptual, methodological, educational and practice-oriented contribut...
Das funfbandige Lehrbuch der Sprachheilpadagogik und Logopadie wendet sich bei einer interdisziplinaren Ausrichtung an alle Berufsgruppen, die in Theorie und Praxis mit sprach-, sprech-, rede-, schluck- und stimmgestorten Menschen arbeiten. In Band 3 werden mit den Merkmalen der Diagnostik, Pravention und Evaluation grundlegende Bereiche des heutigen Selbstverstandnisses der Sprachheilpadagogik und Logopadie angesprochen. Diagnostik als Verlaufsprozess und in Kooperation mit therapeutischer Interaktion, Pravention als erstrebenswertes Ziel mit manchen Schwierigkeiten, Evaluation als Begleitung der dabei ablaufenden Prozesse.
As speakers of different languages interact, language contact will occur. Language contact will necessarily lead to language change for both parties involved in such contact. As languages change, the issue of competence becomes problematic. Who has the right to say what language will be taught in schools, or what kind of language will be published in the press and spoken in the media in a world where languages constantly change? The articles in this collection refer to several language areas in Europe, from the North (Scandinavia), the South (Spain / Balkan), the East (Ukraine / Russia), as well as the Center (Austria / Germany) and includes one contribution on Canada. They present different cases of language competence and assessment, languages in contact in different settings, and language changes which are related to applied linguistics, both from a sociolinguistic and an educational linguistic point of view. (Series: Poetry - Truth - Language / Dichtung - Wahrheit - Sprache - Vol. 11)
What is transdisciplinarity – and what are its methods? How does a living lab work? What is the purpose of citizen science, student-organized teaching and cooperative education? This handbook unpacks key terms and concepts to describe the range of transdisciplinary learning in the context of academic education. Transdisciplinary learning turns out to be a comprehensive innovation process in response to the major global challenges such as climate change, urbanization or migration. A reference work for students, lecturers, scientists, and anyone wanting to understand the profound changes in higher education.
An unprecedented number of people is currently on the move seeking refuge in Europe. Large parts of European societies respond with anxiety and mistrust to the influx of people. Nationalist, anti-migrant parties from Slovakia over Germany to the UK have gained increasing support among the electorate and challenge the political mainstream. Europe is struggling how to respond. While the search for solutions is ongoing one pattern seems to be emerging: Fortress Europe is in the making. Unfortunately, few of these discussions and measures consider the structural root causes and dynamics of migration, the motives of migrants or societal challenges more thoroughly. This book seeks to address this deficit. Taking migration and asylum policies as a starting point, it analyses the various dimensions underpinning migration. In doing so, it identifies why receiving countries are in many ways part of the problem. To eschew an overtly Euro-centric perspective and stimulate a debate between science and politics, it contains contributions by academics and practitioners alike from both shores of the Mediterranean.
Multilingual Approaches for Teaching and Learning outlines the opportunities and challenges of multilingual approaches in mainstream education in Europe. The book, which draws on research findings from several officially monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual countries in Europe, discusses approaches to multilingual education which capitalise on students’ multilingual resources from early childhood to higher education. This book synthesises research on multilingual education, relates theory to practice, and discusses different pedagogical approaches from diverse perspectives. The first section of the book outlines multilingual approaches in early childhood education and primary school, t...