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Sprach- und Kulturkontakte im Ostseeraum
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 313
Bridging Languages and Cultures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 338

Bridging Languages and Cultures

Translation Studies already face new tasks in order to take account of and to discuss the changing translation environment, in order to seek new approaches and tools for description, analysis and teaching activities. This volume of selected papers of the conference Bridging Languages and Cultures brings together current viewpoints in Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication; it provides both specific focus on certain aspects and developments and a more general overview of research landscape. Distinguished authors discuss translation of LSP texts, lexicological and lexicographic modules of bridging history and methodology of Translation Studies, aesthetic and interactional aspects of translation, and intercultural phenomena in the context of translation.

Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 426

Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch

Wie international, interdisziplinär und interkulturell ist Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache? Der Band beleuch - tet diese Frage durch aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Neben der diachronen und synchronen Entwicklung des Deutschen als Wissenschaftssprache wird ihre heutige Rolle in verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen und Ländern diskutiert. Kontrastive Studien zeigen auf, welche Probleme sich bei der Rezeption und Produktion von deutschen Wissenschaftstexten für Muttersprachler und Nichtmuttersprachler ergeben und wie diese durch Text- und Diskursanalysen thematisiert werden können. Der Band beinhaltet ausgewählte Beiträge der Tagung "Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch - international, interdisziplinär, interkulturell", die vom 2.-4. Juli 2014 an der Universität Regensburg stattfand. Er richtet sich insbesondere an Linguisten und Germanisten, aber auch an Entscheider in Bildungsinstitutionen und an Leser, die sich für Sprachentwicklung, Sprachvermittlung und Sprachpolitik interessieren.

Wende? Wenden! – Linguistische Annäherungen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 271

Wende? Wenden! – Linguistische Annäherungen

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-08-12
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  • Publisher: V&R Unipress

Dieser Band ist die Fortsetzung des gleichnamigen ersten Teiles. Anknüpfend an das Vorgehen in Teil 1, in denen sich die Autor:innen mit der Problematik des Begriffs »Wende« linguistisch auseinandergesetzt haben, haben hier weitere Autor:innen die Möglichkeit, die Thematik fortsetzend zu vertiefen und sich dem genannten Begriff linguistisch weiter anzunähern. Die hier dargebotenen Studien sind in vier thematische Bereiche unterteilt, die auf den zentralen Begriff »Wende« aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln Bezug nehmen. Die Bereiche sind wie folgt benannt: Wenden in der sprachwissenschaftlichen Forschung, Digitale Wenden in der medialen Welt, Wenden in ausgewählten Textsorten und Sprachwandel.

Летопись печати Латвии
  • Language: lv
  • Pages: 472

Летопись печати Латвии

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Bridging Languages and Cultures II – Linguistics, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 258

Bridging Languages and Cultures II – Linguistics, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication

Translation Studies are facing new tasks to take account of and to discuss the changing translation environment with new approaches and new tools for description, analysis, and teaching activities. Bridging Languages and Cultures II combines current viewpoints in Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication. The volume provides both specific foci on certain aspects and developments, and a more general overview of research landscape in Latvia, and internationally. The authors discuss translation of Language for Special Purposes (LSP) and literary texts, various interdisciplinary linguistic modules by bridging history and methodology of Translation Studies, aesthetic, and interactional aspects of translation, as well as intercultural phenomena in the context of translation and linguistics.

Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 374

Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature

Minorities and Conflict are prevailing topics in literature and translation. This volume analyses their occurrence by focussing on the key domains: censorship/manipulation, translation flows from the linguistic periphery, and reflections on self-expression. The case studies presented discuss (re)translations of authors such as Virginia Woolf and treat a wide variety of languages, such as Flemish literature in Czech or Russian translations of Estonian prose. They also treat relevant topics such as heteroglossia, de-colonialism, and self-translation. The texts in this volume were originally presented at the conference Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature, held in June 2021. In an increasingly interconnected and complex global landscape they advocate transparency, accountability, and the preservation of linguistic diversity.

Latvijas universitātei--80
  • Language: lv
  • Pages: 330

Latvijas universitātei--80

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1999
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Translation, Mediation and Accessibility for Linguistic Minorities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 386

Translation, Mediation and Accessibility for Linguistic Minorities

Linguistic minorities are everywhere, and they are diverse. In this context, linguistic mediation activities – whether translation or interpreting – are key to the social inclusion of any kind of linguistic minority. In most societies autochthonous linguistic minorities coexist with foreignspeaking minorities and people with (or without) disabilities who rely linguistically or medially adapted on texts to access information. The present volume draws on this broad understanding of the concept of linguistic minorities to explore some of the newest developments in the field of translation studies and linguistics. The articles are structured around three main axes: • accessibility of content, especially audiovisual translation • intralingual translation, including initiatives regarding plain language, easy-to-read and easy language • mediation for minorities in a broader sense and language ideologies.

[Re]Gained in Translation, Volume 1–2
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1016

[Re]Gained in Translation, Volume 1–2

Volume 1: Translations of the Bible take place in the midst of tension between politics, ideology and power. With the theological authority of the book as God’s Word, not focusing on the process of translating is stating the obvious. Inclinations, fluency and zeitgeist play as serious a role as translators’ person, faith and worldview, as do their vocabulary, poetics and linguistic capacity. History has seen countless retranslations of the Bible. What are the considerations according to which Biblical retranslations are being produced in current, 21st century, contexts? From retranslations of the Hebrew Bible to those of the Old and New Testaments, to mutual influences of Christian and J...