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This book reconsiders the relationship between race and nation in Argentina during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and places Argentina firmly in dialog with the literature on race and nation in Latin America, from where it has long been excluded or marginalized for being a white, European exception in a mixed-race region. The contributors, based both in North America and Argentina, hail from the fields of history, anthropology, and literary and cultural studies. Their essays collectively destabilize widespread certainties about Argentina, showing that whiteness in that country has more in common with practices and ideologies of Mestizaje and 'racial democracy' elsewhere in the region than has typically been acknowledged. The essays also situate Argentina within the well-established literature on race, nation, and whiteness in world regions beyond Latin America (particularly, other European 'settler societies'). The collection thus contributes to rethinking race for other global contexts as well.
The volume offers a panorama of Romance-language migration literature (Castilian, Catalan, Galician) in 21st-century Spain, with special attention being paid to writers from Africa and the Middle East. It includes a comprehensive review of current research in the field, with the critical analysis of a systemized corpus of authors and works providing a solid base for future investigation.
Reflexionar sobre el concepto de violencia es un gesto intelectualmente inabarcable. La ingente producción académica desde las Ciencias Sociales sobre el concepto de violencia convierte este campo de análisis y teorización en uno de infinitas tipologías y debates. Sin embargo, la violencia política extrema rara vez se ha abordado desde las heridas impuestas sobre la palabra narrativa, que en contextos de excepción convertirá al discurso en “praxis rehabilitadora”. En este sentido, la literatura se posiciona como una forma compleja y heterodoxa de producción de conocimiento: este desafío epistemológico supone una de las apuestas clave de esta obra. África indócilestudia y ana...
The Licit Life of Capitalism is both an account of a specific capitalist project—U.S. oil companies working off the shores of Equatorial Guinea—and a sweeping theorization of more general forms and processes that facilitate diverse capitalist projects around the world. Hannah Appel draws on extensive fieldwork with managers and rig workers, lawyers and bureaucrats, the expat wives of American oil executives and the Equatoguinean women who work in their homes, to turn conventional critiques of capitalism on their head, arguing that market practices do not merely exacerbate inequality; they are made by it. People and places differentially valued by gender, race, and colonial histories are the terrain on which the rules of capitalist economy are built. Appel shows how the corporate form and the contract, offshore rigs and economic theory are the assemblages of liberalism and race, expertise and gender, technology and domesticity that enable the licit life of capitalism—practices that are legally sanctioned, widely replicated, and ordinary, at the same time as they are messy, contested, and, arguably, indefensible.
Emigrant Dreams, Immigrant Borders: Migrants, Transnational Encounters, and Identity in Spain offers a new approach to the cultural history of contemporary Spain, examining the ways in which Spain’s own self-conceptions are changing and multiplying in response to migrants from Latin America and Africa. In the last twenty-five years, Spain has gone from being a country of net emigration to one in which immigrants make up nearly 12 percent of the population. This rapid growth has made migrants increasingly visible in both mass media and in Spanish visual and literary culture. This book examines the origins of media discourses on immigration and takes the analysis of contemporary Spanish cult...
From U.S.-Mexico border walls to Flint's poisoned pipes, there is a new urgency to the politics of infrastructure. Roads, electricity lines, water pipes, and oil installations promise to distribute the resources necessary for everyday life. Yet an attention to their ongoing processes also reveals how infrastructures are made with fragile and often violent relations among people, materials, and institutions. While infrastructures promise modernity and development, their breakdowns and absences reveal the underbelly of progress, liberal equality, and economic growth. This tension, between aspiration and failure, makes infrastructure a productive location for social theory. Contributing to the ...
Libro que reúne una serie de ensayos y artículos, en los que diversos intelectuales buscan aportar al estudio y comprensión de la obra y reflexiones del filósofo esloveno, Slavoj Zizek. Contiene además una entrevista inédita.
El llibre presenta una selecció d’articles que tenen com a objectiu fer visible la realitat africana i dels africans, defugint la simplificació, habitual al món occidental, d’un continent que empara països, llengües, ètnies i cultures múltiples. Una heterogeneïtat que ha de servir per a enriquir-nos a tots. Isabel Marcillas és doctora en Filologia Catalana per la Universitat d’Alacant i professora en aquesta mateixa universitat. Forma part del Grup d’Estudis Transversals: Literatura i altres Arts en les Cultures Mediterrànies així com del grup de Recerca de la Literatura Contemporània, ambdós al si de la Universitat d’Alacant. Enrique Lomas López és llicenciat en Filologia Francesa per la Universitat de Granada i professor de llengües i literatura en secundària. També membre del Grup d’Estudis Transversals, les seues línies d’investigació se centren en les literatures magrebines escrites en castellà, català i francés.
Aques llibre presenta una selecció d'articles referits a la realitat africana, enfocats des de disciplines diverses -literatura, pintura, cinema- i des de punts de vista diferents, tant el que es dedueix del món occidental com el proposat pels mateixos africans. El volum busca reflectir i reflexionar sobre aquesta parcel·la de l'alteritat amb l'objecte de reescriure la pròpia societat amb una perspectiva més global i integradora.
La literatura es el arte que se vale del lenguaje natural como medio, al igual que el arte de la pintura usa pigmentos y el de la escultura la piedra. Puede ser también una forma de comunicación y de educación en los valores de una comunidad o un medio para apoyar o para denunciar determinada situaciones socioeconómicas y políticas. El arte literario puede proporcionar placer y entretenimiento, pero también ansiedad y desasosiego; es capaz de despertar conciencias y suscitar rebeldías, pero igualmente puede manipular la realidad y adormecer, mediante la evasión, a las clases desfavorecidas. La literatura, como expresión artística de la comunidad humana, nace siempre de las condicio...