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El trabajo, como fuente de riqueza, desarrollo, bienestar social y derecho fundamental, debe estar en primera línea frente a cualquier modificación o adaptación del ordenamiento jurídico de un país. De ahí que, con un enfoque en el derecho laboral, este libro aborde los efectos y los cambios que generó, y sigue generando, la pandemia de covid-19 en Colombia, así como la protección social de nuestros ciudadanos y el fortalecimiento del diálogo social, la negociación colectiva y las instituciones y mecanismos de las relaciones laborales en materia colectiva. Dado lo anterior, cada uno de los capítulos que componen esta obra presentan un problema jurídico específico, con un estilo de investigación y una metodología propia, que, con estadísticas, cifras, derecho comparado y normas administrativas o legales, ofrecen análisis y propuestas diversas, que podrán ser el inicio de muchas reflexiones, incluso en el periodo pospandémico.
Performance artist Linda Montano, curious about the influence childhood experience has on adult work, invited other performance artists to consider how early events associated with sex, food, money/fame, or death/ritual resurfaced in their later work. The result is an original and compelling talking performance that documents the production of art in an important and often misunderstood community. Among the more than 100 artists Montano interviewed from 1979 to 1989 were John Cage, Suzanne Lacy, Faith Ringgold, Dick Higgins, Annie Sprinkle, Allan Kaprow, Meredith Monk, Eric Bogosian, Adrian Piper, Karen Finley, and Kim Jones. Her discussions with them focused on the relationship between art ...
Against the grain of the growing literature on screens, *Screen Genealogies* argues that the present excess of screens cannot be understood as an expansion and multiplication of the movie screen nor of the video display. Rather, screens continually exceed the optical histories in which they are most commonly inscribed. As contemporary screens become increasingly decomposed into a distributed field of technologically interconnected surfaces and interfaces, we more readily recognize the deeper spatial and environmental interventions that have long been a property of screens. For most of its history, a screen was a filter, a divide, a shelter, or a camouflage. A genealogy stressing transformation and descent rather than origins and roots emphasizes a deeper set of intersecting and competing definitions of the screen, enabling new thinking about what the screen might yet become.
Imagining Global Amsterdam gaat over het beeld van Amsterdam in film, literatuur, visuele kunst en in het moderne stedelijke discours, in het bijzonder in de context van de mondialisering. De essays gaan onder andere dieper in op Amsterdam als een lieu de mémoire van de vroeg-moderne wereldhandel. Wat betekent deze herinnering in de hedendaagse cultuur? Waarom verwijzen zo veel contemporaine films en romans naar dit verleden terug? Ook het (inter)nationale imago van Amsterdam als een multicultureel en ultra-tolerant ‘%x;global village’%x; komt aan bod. Waarom is dit beeld zo persistent, en hoe heeft het zich in de loop van de laatste decennia ontwikkeld? Tot slot wordt ingegaan op de vraag hoe mondialiseringsprocessen ingrijpen in de stadscultuur, zoals in het prostitutiegebied op de Wallen en via de erfgoedindustrie. Hoe manifesteert de mondialisering zich in de stad, en welke rol speelt beeldvorming daarbij? Deze bundel vormt een rijk geschakeerd onderzoek naar de relatie tussen Amsterdam, mondialisering en stedelijke beeldvorming. Marco de Waard is als docent literatuurwetenschap verbonden aan het Amsterdam University College.
This lavish book documents the developments in the field of fiber-related art over the past half century. The 1960s saw a revolution in fiber art. Where once the focus was on knotting, twining, and coiling thread into works that were immediately recognizable, and therefore connected to utilitarian crafts, fiber artists of the later 20th-century began to experiment with abstract forms that were closer to sculpture than craft. Influenced by postmodernist ideas, these works are the product of experimentation with materials and technique while at the same time confronting important cultural issues. This book traces that development from the mid-twentieth century to the present. In the words of B...
Jeanne Reynal (1903-1983) is a significant figure of the New York School, a mosaicist who showed with Betty Parsons Gallery. Reynal was dedicated to challenging expectations of the medium by creating, as she described, "a new art of mosaic, a contemporary and fresh look for this ancient medium."Mosaic is Light brings together images from Eric Firestone Gallery's major retrospective of Reynal's work which was exhibited at 40 Great Jones St. New York, NY from January 28 - April 10, 2021, essays by Jennifer Samet, Dankin Hart, and Berit Potter, as well as historic images from the Jeanne Reynal archive.
Interweaving phenomenological, hermeneutical, and sociopolitical analyses, this book considers the ways in which feminists conceptualize and produce the temporalities of feminism, including the time of the trace, narrative time, calendar time, and generational time.
This innovative book proposes new theories on how the legal system can be made more comprehensible, usable and empowering for people through the use of design principles. Utilising key case studies and providing real-world examples of legal innovation, the book moves beyond discussion to action. It offers a rich set of examples, demonstrating how various design methods, including information, service, product and policy design, can be leveraged within research and practice.
Why did dance and dancing became important to the construction of a new, modern, Jewish/Israeli cultural identity in the newly formed nation of Israel? There were questions that covered almost all spheres of daily life, including “What do we dance?” because Hebrew or Eretz-Israeli dance had to be created out of none. How and why did dance develop in such a way? Dance Spreads Its Wings is the first and only book that looks at the whole picture of concert dance in Israel studying the growth of Israeli concert dance for 90 years—starting from 1920, when there was no concert dance to speak of during the Yishuv (pre-Israel Jewish settlements) period, until 2010, when concert dance in Israel had grown to become one of the country’s most prominent, original, artistic fields and globally recognized. What drives the book is the impulse to create and the need to dance in the midst of constant political change. It is the story of artists trying to be true to their art while also responding to the political, social, religious, and ethnic complexities of a Jewish state in the Middle East.