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Pendidkan dan pembelajaran merupakan dua sisi yang berbeda sekaligus bersentuhan erat. Pembelajaran merupakan manifestasi inti pendidikan pada tempat dan situasi apapun. Praktik pendidikan dan pembelajaran yang tidak dipandu oleh teori atau ilmu pendidikan merupakan awal dari bencana proses kemanusiaan, pemanusiaan, dan kebudayaan. Langkah awal dalam proyek pemberdayaan kehidupan bermartabat, pendidikan harus tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai tuntutan zaman. Situasi dan kondisi apapun, pendidikan wajib dan terus berjalan seiring waktu. Seperti yang saat ini kita rasakan di zaman keberlimpahan informasi, ilmu pengetahuan, dan teknologi yang sangat mendukung terhadap berjalannya pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan seperti halnya pendidikan Bahasa dan sastra Indonesia. Terbitnya buku bunga rampai ini merupakan bentuk sumbangsih pemikiran, gagasan, metode, dan praktik dalam dunia ilmu pengetahuan utamanya pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia yang sesuai dengan zamannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan salam literasi.
Halalkan Aku Sekali Lagi PENULIS: E.Sabila El Raihany Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-7953-01-2 Terbit : April 2020 Sinopsis: Berawal dari kekecewaan Cinta pada sang ayah yang diam-diam berpoligami, dan menjadi jalan bundanya meninggal, sejak itu Cinta benci ayah, laki-laki dan cinta. Cinta yang bekerja sebagai perawat di sebuah klinik, selalu membawa pulang cerita tentang tabiat laki-laki yang menjadi pelaku kejahatan seksual. Ironisnya pasien dimana Cinta bekerja adalah anak-anak dan perempuan korban kekerasan dan itu menambah ilfil-nya pada sosok laki-laki. Sang kakak, Keisya Aqna yang telah menikah dengan Muhammad Kaiz pun memberi warna dalam kisah ini, Key yang ketik...
"Jika kita memang berjodoh, bagaimanapun caranya Allan akan mengembalikan kamu padaku, Fahrur." Ucapan itulah yang membuat Bilqis bertahan dalam setiap hempasan cobaan. Bilqis yakin kalau memang takdir bisa mempertemukan dia dengan Fahrur, maka takdir pulalah yang akan menjodohkan mereka walau dalam keadaan yang rumit sekalipun. Cinta dan jodoh.....Dua hal yang memiliki perbedaan sekaligus persamaan. Apakah mungkin dua hal itu bisa didapatkan Bilqis sekaligus dalam waktu singkat, apalagi hanya melalui goresan pena dalam lembaran-lembaran kertas. Apakah mudah untuk seorang gadis percaya kalau dirinya telah dikhitbah hanya dalam kalimat yang bersenandung surga. Kalimat yang begitu menggetarkan jiwa dan kalimat yang mengandung sebuah pengakuan. Tak ada orang yang tahu kecuali Allah saksinya. Lagi-lagi dilema itu pun terjadi, di mana Bilqis harus menentukan gerbang masa depannya dengan jalan ta'aruf. Lalu....siapakah orang yang mampu membuka hati Bilqis?
Accounting Information Systems provides a comprehensive knowledgebase of the systems that generate, evaluate, summarize, and report accounting information. Balancing technical concepts and student comprehension, this textbook introduces only the most-necessary technology in a clear and accessible style. The text focuses on business processes and accounting and IT controls, and includes discussion of relevant aspects of ethics and corporate governance. Relatable real-world examples and abundant end-of-chapter resources reinforce Accounting Information Systems (AIS) concepts and their use in day-to-day operation. Now in its fourth edition, this popular textbook explains IT controls using the A...
A gripping memoir that reads like a political thriller--the story of Malika Oufkir's turbulent and remarkable life. Born in 1953, Malika Oufkir was the eldest daughter of General Oufkir, the King of Morocco's closest aide. Adopted by the king at the age of five, Malika spent most of her childhood and adolescence in the seclusion of the court harem, one of the most eligible heiresses in the kingdom, surrounded by luxury and extraordinary privilege. Then, on August 16, 1972, her father was arrested and executed after an attempt to assassinate the king. Malika, her five younger brothers and sisters. and her mother were immediately imprisoned in a desert penal colony. After fifteen years, the last ten of which they spent locked up in solitary cells, the Oufkir children managed to dig a tunnel with their bare hands and make an audacious escape. Recaptured after five days, Malika was finally able to leave Morocco and begin a new life in exile in 1996. A heartrending account in the face of extreme deprivation and the courage with which one family faced its fate, Stolen Lives is an unforgettable story of one woman's journey to freedom.
This book introduces basic machine learning concepts and applications for a broad audience that includes students, faculty, and industry practitioners. We begin by describing how machine learning provides capabilities to computers and embedded systems to learn from data. A typical machine learning algorithm involves training, and generally the performance of a machine learning model improves with more training data. Deep learning is a sub-area of machine learning that involves extensive use of layers of artificial neural networks typically trained on massive amounts of data. Machine and deep learning methods are often used in contemporary data science tasks to address the growing data sets a...
During the past several decades, there has been a blitz of information, sometimes referred to as the knowledge explosion, and students have struggled in their attempts to distinguish true, fake, and terribly biased information, especially regarding political issues. This book highlights the value of critical thinking as a way to navigate this difficult and frustrating terrain, so that students grow and develop as knowledgeable, independent thinkers. To promote this growth, the book offers thoughtful, evidence-based advice for teachers to support students’ deep thinking as it relates to real-world contexts. Strategies presented include student reflection based on experience, moving from narrow to broader perspectives, and using graphic organizers to build and activate knowledge before, during, and after instructional activities. With the instructional guidance and activities presented in this short, easy-to-apply volume, teachers can give students the tools they need to negotiate the often-murky waters of political communication.
Offers teaching strategies and resources to instruct sixth- through twelfth-graders on how to prepare and write strong arguments and evaluate the arguments of others, providing step-by-step guidance on arguments of fact, judgment, and policy, and including advice to help students understand how judgments get made in the real world, how to develop and support criteria for an argument, and related topics.