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One of the first memories I have from sitting with Cemalnur is from a magical night in Istanbul, where we were treated to a night of her sohbet, mystical discourse. Hour after hour went by, and Cemalnur was sharing stories, anecdotes, Sufi aphorisms, commentary on the Qur’an, and more. It all seemed so… effortless. These were not her stories. They were pouring through her. It was as if she had simply emptied herself of her own ego, and she was a channel of grace to the magical Beyond. There’s something about experiencing a sohbet with her that is a reminder of how thin the veils between this world and the next world can become… The sweetness of Sohbet and insha’Llah, the sweetness ...
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Bringing together an interdisciplinary and international group of researchers working on a wide variety of cities throughout Asia, Latin America and Europe, this book addresses, rethinks and, in some cases, abandons the notions of formal and informal urbanism. This collection critically interrogates both the ways in which 'informal' and 'formal' are put to work in the governing and politicisation of cities, and their conceptual strengths and weaknesses. It does so by focusing on a wide variety of topics, from specific forms of housing and labour often traditionally linked to the formal/informal divide, to urban political negotiations, cultural practices, and ways of being in the city. The book takes stock of and reflects on how contemporary urban informality/formality relations are being produced and are/might be understood, and puts forward an enlarged and comprehensive understanding of urban informality.
Literature is an essential unit of a culture and social, political and historical changes in a society impact both culture, language, and particularly, literature. Although there are various languages in the world, literature is the main communication that connects people from different cultures and countries. Literature: Lingua Franca of Cultures, thus, is designed to depict the similarities between different cultures within similar issues and topics. To meet this purpose, the book contains thirteen chapters, each of which was designed to clarify, exemplify and interpret a specific theme, underscored by remarkable authors from different cultures. Within this scope, each chapter respectively...
Antik Yunan kent-devletlerinin adı olan polis, Batı siyasal düşüncesinde, devletin izlediği tarihsel yolculuğun en mükemmel başlangıç noktası sayılmıştır. 1789 Fransız Devrimi ise, varlığını kendisinden önceki birçok gelişmeye borçlu olmakla birlikte, “eski dünyanın” artık tümüyle tarihe karıştığını, yepyeni bir dünyayı, “burjuva dünyasını” haber veren kırılma noktasını işaretlemek için üzerinde uzlaşılan simgeye dönüşmüştür. Elinizdeki kitap bu nedenle Antik Yunan’la başlayıp Fransız Devrimi’yle kapanmaktadır. Modern siyasal düşüncenin arkaik (eskil) ama eskimeyen köklerine bir yolculuk ya da bir geri dönüş... Ki...
Bu kitap kişisel olarak büyük önem atfettiğim kültürlerarası iletişime daha sağlıklı bir bakış açısı kazandırmak için yazılmıştır. Çünkü farklı kültürlerden gelen insanların iletişim kurmasının ne kadar karmaşık ve zor olduğundan hareketle çoğu zaman bu iletişimin başarısızlığa neden olan yanlış anlamalara da gebe olduğu gerçeği ile karşı karşıyayız. Pürüzsüz ve başarılı iletişim bu koşullarda neredeyse istisna haline gelmektedir. Diğer taraftan küreselleşme ile birlikte kültürlerarası karşılaşmalar ve dolayısıyla etkileşimler günümüzde yoğun ve kaçınılmazdır. Dünya üzerinde farklı kültürel arka plana sahi...
In recent years, Islamic fundamentalist, revolutionary, and jihadist movements have overshadowed more moderate and reformist voices and trends within Islam. This compelling volume introduces the current generation of reformist thinkers and activists, the intellectual traditions they carry on, and the reasons for the failure of reformist movements to sustain broad support in the Islamic world today. Richly detailed regionally focused chapters cover Iran, the Arab East, the Maghreb, South Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Europe, and North America. The editor's introductory chapter traces the roots of reformist thinking both in Islamic tradition and as a response to the challenge of modernity for Muslims struggling to reconcile the requirements of modernization with their cultural and religious values. The concluding chapter identifies commonalities, comparisons, and trends in the modernizing movements.
This book highlights the unique history and cultural context of retranslation in Turkey, offering readers a survey of the diverse range of fields, disciplines, and genres in which retranslation has assumed a central position. Further, it addresses largely unexplored issues such as retranslation in Ottoman literature, paratextual positioning and marketing of retranslations, legal retranslation, and retranslation in music. As such, it makes a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on retranslation by placing special emphasis on non-literary translation, making the role of retranslation particularly visible in connection with politics and philosophy in Turkey.
As modern technologies continue to develop and evolve, the ability of users to adapt with new systems becomes a paramount concern. Research into new ways for humans to make use of advanced computers and other such technologies through artificial intelligence and computer simulation is necessary to fully realize the potential of tools in the 21st century. Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Simulation, and Human-Computer Interaction provides emerging research in advanced trends in robotics, AI, simulation, and human-computer interaction. Readers will learn about the positive applications of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction in various disciples such as business and medicine. This book is a valuable resource for IT professionals, researchers, computer scientists, and researchers invested in assistive technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics, and computer simulation.
İnsanlık tarihi kadar kadim bir mesele olmakla birlikte son yıllarda uluslararası bir boyut kazanmış olan göç olgusunu anlamak ve açıklamak üzere yapılan araştırmalar gerek dünya genelinde gerekse Türkiye özelinde her geçen gün artmıştır. Ancak son yıllarda göç çalışmalarının artışı ve akademik disiplinlerin çeşitliliği göz önüne alındığında, din faktörünün göz ardı edildiği, bir diğer ifadeyle göç olgusunun din faktöründen bağımsız ele alındığı gözlenmektedir. Doğası gereği birçok disiplin ile ilişkisi olan, dolayısıyla disiplinlerarası çalışmaları gerektiren göç olgusunun karmaşıklığı karşısında yeni ve bü...