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The majority of microbes in many environments are considered “as yet uncultured” and were traditionally considered inaccessible for study through the microbiological gold standard of pure culture. The emergence of metagenomic approaches has allowed researchers to access and study these microbes in a culture-independent manner through DNA sequencing and functional expression of metagenomic DNA in a heterologous host. Metagenomics has revealed an extraordinary degree of diversity and novelty, not only among microbial communities themselves, but also within the genomes of these microbes. This Research Topic aims to showcase the utility of metagenomics to gain insights on the microbial and genomic diversity in different environments by revealing the breadth of novelty that was in the past, largely untapped.
This collection represents certain discoveries that were made in evolutionary and genomic microbiology during the recent ten years. We attempted to shed light on topical issues of microbial evolution and microbiome biology. In our eyes, these articles are of an excellent quality and may be helpful both for casual readers and for specialists in the field.
"The bible for the D.I.Y set: detailed instructions for how to make your own sauerkraut, beer, yogurt and pretty much everything involving microorganisms."--The New York Times *Named a "Best Gift for Gardeners" by New York Magazine The original guide to kraut, kombucha, kimchi, kefir, and kvass; mead, wine, and cider; pickles and relishes; tempeh, koji, miso, sourdough and so much more...! Winner of the James Beard Foundation Book Award for Reference and Scholarship, and a New York Times bestseller, with more than a quarter million copies sold, The Art of Fermentation is the most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever published. Sandor Katz presents the concepts and pro...
Most ecosystem services and goods human populations use and consume are provided by microbial populations and communities. Indeed, numerous provisioning services (e.g. food and enzymes for industrial processes), regulating services (e.g. water quality, contamination alleviation and biological processes such as plant-microbial symbioses), and supporting services (e.g. nutrient cycling, agricultural production and biodiversity) are mediated by microbes. The fast development of metagenomics and other meta-omics technologies is expanding our understanding of microbial diversity, ecology, evolution and functioning. This enhanced knowledge directly translates into the emergence of new applications...
Microorganisms comprise the greatest genetic diversity in the natural ecosystem, and characterization of these microbes is an essential step towards discovering novel products or understanding complex biological mechanisms. The advancement of metagenomics coupled with the introduction of high-throughput, cost-effective NGS technology has expanded the possibilities of microbial research in various biological systems. In addition to traditional culture and biochemical characteristics, omics approaches (metagenomics, metaproteomics, and metatranscriptomics) are useful for analyzing complete microbial communities and their functional attributes in various environments. Metagenomics and Microbial...
Knihu doporučujeme všem kuchařům a kuchařkám, farmářům a farmářkám, pěstitelům a pěstitelkám, experimentátorům a experimentátorkám, gurmánům a gurmánkám i zájemcům a zájemkyním o slow food. I těm, kdo se prostě chtějí dozvědět o fermentaci víc a opravdu dobře si počíst.
‘발효의 왕’이 쓴 발효의 바이블 ‘미생물학’과 ‘경험·구전’에 근거한 발효의 과학·문화 집대성! 발효음식의 부활 운동 통한 지속 가능한 문명 탐색까지 『음식의 영혼, 발효의 모든 것』은 900쪽이 넘는 방대한 분량을 발효에 대한 내용으로 가득 채운 발효의 바이블이다. 저자 샌더 엘릭스 카츠는 이 시대 최고의 발효 전문가로 미국 전역은 물론 전 세계 각지에서 수백 차례 워크숍을 진행하며 발효 문화 부흥에 앞장서는 인물이다. 2003년 『천연발효』를 내놓으면서 이 분야의 권위자로 떠올랐고, 2012년에 출간한 『음식의 영혼, 발효의 모든 것』으로 미국 음식사의 한 페이지를 장식했다는 『뉴욕타임스』의 찬사를 받으며 요식업계의 오스카상으로 불리는 제임스 비어드상을 수상했다.
High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have conquered the genomics and epigenomics worlds. The applications of HTS methods are wide, and can be used to sequence everything from whole or partial genomes, transcriptomes, non-coding RNAs, ribosome profiling, to single-cell sequencing. Having such diversity of alternatives, there is a demand for information by research scientists without experience in HTS that need to choose the most suitable methodology or combination of platforms and to define their experimental designs to achieve their specific objectives. Field Guidelines for Genetic Experimental Designs in High-Throughput Sequencing aims to collect in a single volume all aspects that should be taken into account when HTS technologies are being incorporated into a research project and the reasons behind them. Moreover, examples of several successful strategies will be analyzed to make the point of the crucial features. This book will be of use to all scientist that are unfamiliar with HTS and want to incorporate such technologies to their research.
H. B. Stahelin "Under-or malnutrition is a frequent and serious problem in geriatric patients" (8). Today there is no doubt that malnutrition contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality in the aged. The immune function is impaired, the risk for falls and fractures increases, in acute illness, recovery is delayed, and complications are frequent. Acute and chronic illnesses lead to a catabolic metabolism and hence increase the signs and symptoms of malnutrition. Cytokines related to inflamma tion block the synthesis of albumin and shift protein synthesis to acute phase pro teins. The activation of the ubiquitine-proteasome pathway leads to a degradation of muscle protein, which leads ...
Proceedings of national conference on marine biology and sustainable development in Vietnam.