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Antígonas: Writing from Latin America is the first book in the English language to approach classical reception through the study of one classical fragment as it circulates throughout Latin America. This interdisciplinary research engages comparative literature, Latin American studies, classical reception, history, feminist theory, political philosophy, and theatre history. Moira Fradinger tracks the ways in which, since the early nineteenth century, fragments of Antigone's myth and tragedy have been persistently cannibalized and ruminated throughout South and Central America and the Caribbean, quilted to local dramatic forms, revealing an archive of political thought about Latin America's ...
Beginning with Number 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research underway in specialized areas.
La tragedia de Sófocles Antígona ha sido objeto de innumerables versiones, interpretaciones y traducciones a lo largo de la historia de la cultura occidental. La acción de la joven hija de Edipo que entierra a su hermano Polinices a pesar de la expresa prohibición real, la rebeldía de una mujer que arrastra consigo la turbulenta historia de su linaje, ha permitido replantear cuestiones esenciales de la existencia humana todavía vigentes. Antígona alumbra aún hoy problemas tales como la cuestión del derecho al duelo –allí donde hay todavía muertos sin enterrar o desaparecidos a los que no les ha sido restituida su dignidad simbólica–, experiencias como la muerte del otro, así como la decisión de la muerte propia consentida, la cuestión tan debatida hoy en torno a la fraternidad como cimiento de lo común, y aun la temática del género que las filosofías feministas de la diferencia se hanpropuesto repensar a partir de esta obstinada figura. Los textos que constituyen el presente volumen tratan de dar cuenta de las diversas aproximaciones que la tragedia de Antígona ha suscitado.
Within just a generation or two of its arrival, print had become a ubiquitous and spirited part of Spain and Portugal’s urban cultures. It serviced an ever-expanding reading public, as well as many and varied practical quotidian needs. Its impact on society was multi-dimensional and complex, and its social reach far broader than the civic or ecclesiastical elites were ever to be entirely comfortable with. This cross-disciplinary volume of essays focuses on the maturing marketplace for print in the first half of the seventeenth century, shedding new light on some important transformations, with authors and publishers seizing opportunities available to them – negotiating the regulatory efforts of the censors, and scrambling to reconfigure their relationship with their readers.
This book examines a selection of plays from four innovative women playwrights of the first two decades of 21st century Spain. By foregrounding female characters as the subjects and protagonists of their plays, Mar Gómez Glez, Carolina África, Lucía Miranda, and Marta Buchaca reinscribe the stage as a space for the productive exploration of female autonomy and individuation. This book further investigates the use the platform of the theatre and the expressive possibilities therein to portray the realities of gendered oppression and efforts to define subjectivity within a social context where confining patriarchal and dominant cultural conditions place severe strictures on women’s open search and development of selfhood and identity. The diversity of genres deployed in their respective approaches, spanning the subversion of realist conventions, the framework of historical drama, the communal potentialities of forum theatre, and experiential site-specific production, point to important innovations in contemporary stagecraft and performance.
Feminist Readings of Antigone collects the most interesting and provocative feminist work on the figure of Antigone, in particular looking at how she can figure into contemporary debates on the role of women in society. Contributors focus on female subjectivity and sexuality, feminist ethics and politics, questions of race and gender, psychoanalytic theory, kinship, embodiment, and tensions between the private and the public. This collection seeks to explore and spark debate about why Antigone has become such an important figure for feminist thinkers of our time, what we can learn from her, whether a feminist politics turning to this ancient heroine can be progressive or is bound to idealize the past, and why Antigone keeps entering the stage in times of political crisis and struggle in all corners of the world. Fanny Söderbäck has gathered classic work in this field alongside newly written pieces by some of the most important voices in contemporary feminist philosophy. The volume includes essays by Judith Butler, Adriana Cavarero, Tina Chanter, Luce Irigaray, and Julia Kristeva.
La cadena de estudios del Centro de Investigación de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías, dirigido por el Dr. José Romera Castillo, sobre estos ámbitos artísticos es ya muy numerosa. Este volumen, editado por Rocío Santiago Nogales y Mario de la Torre-Espinosa, Teatro y poesía en los inicios del siglo XXI. En reconocimiento a la labor del profesor José Romera Castillo -patrocinado por varias entidades (Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España, Asociación Internacional de Teatro del siglo XXI, Asociación Española de Semiótica, Instituto del Teatro de Madrid, además de la UNED)-, se centra en el estudio de las relaciones de estas dos áreas tan importantes en la ...
This book maps contemporary playwriting and theatre translation practices and ecologies in the European continent. Whether you are a scholar researching contemporary drama and translation, or a theatre practitioner looking for ways to navigate theatrical conventions in other countries, this book is for you. Through questionnaires and one-to-one interviews with key stakeholders, Dr Laera collects qualitative and quantitative data about how each national theatre culture supports living dramatists, what conventions drive the production and translation (or lack thereof) of contemporary plays, and what perceptions are held by gatekeepers, theatre-makers and other cultural operators about the theatre system in which they work. Through country-by-country descriptions and analyses; interviews with playwrights, translators, directors and gatekeepers; a list of key facts and best practices; and a rigorous assessment of its methodologies, this volume is indispensable for those interested in contemporary European theatre practice.
El volumen está integrado por los estudios de ocho expertos en la producción literaria de Antonio Colinas con motivo de la concesión del XXV Premio reina Sofía de Poesía Iberoamericana al poeta y que fueron expuestos en la Jornada de homenaje que se le rindió el 16 de mayo de 2017 en la Universidad de Salamanca. Se trata de artículos de diferentes especialistas que abordan, desde múltiples perspectivas, aspectos y elementos esenciales de la obra coliniana, atendiendo fundamentalmente a su quehacer poético, pero sin olvidar tampoco su producción en prosa –ensayos, libros de viajes, de relatos, etc.–. Los trabajos que aquí se integran insisten y ahondan en algunas de las características principales de este autor, como son: la musicalidad, la pureza verbal, la intensidad, el orfismo, la simbología y los elementos simbólicos, la búsqueda de la armonía, el canto a la naturaleza y al paisaje. A través de todos estos estudios el lector podrá descubrir la singularidad y riqueza que emana del universo poético de Antonio Colinas.
Esta reflexão sobre dois conceitos, baseada em abordagens literárias e filosóficas, produziu um corpus de textos, capaz de retomar, com uma focagem multidisciplinar, a famosa antítese que animou amplas discussões desde a Antiguidade, com origem na Atenas clássica, uma época de luzes que havia de marcar todo o pensamento ocidental ao longo de milénios. Por isso, ainda que assumindo como ponto de partida os argumentos em que assentou, no passado, a discussão dos dois conceitos – nómos versus phýsis –, o espaço de reflexão se tenha aberto ao estudo da sua transmissão e recepção, reconhecendo a essa polémica uma indispensável diacronia.