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A new view for studying and understanding biological evolution emerges when the concepts of phylogenetic systematics and exaptation are combined. A new definition of macroevolution is created. Preadaptation is shown to be a null concept and its comparison with exaptation is shown to be inappropriate. This book criticizes the prevailing view, the adaptationist, microevolutionary outlook, which considers adaptation as being the exclusive or main evolutionary process responsible for vertebrates having occupied the terrestrial environment. The authors argue that the macroevolutionary processes are significantly more important to explain an improbable evolutionary event. Their research shows that macroevolutionary processes are the dominant factors involved in the origin of terrestriality. This book is a revised and expanded English translation from the original Portuguese edition Peixes conquistam a terra firme: nova abordagem para um evento acidental único (Editora Baraúna, 2017).
Miguel Nenevé e Rose Siepamann destilam a natureza existencial que está atrás de eventos aparentemente simples dentro de uma clareza de percepção que dá vida a sua terra natal. com toda a sua complexidade.
With contributions from a wide range of thematic areas, this book provides a diverse perspective on the contemporary environmental challenges of Brazilian agriculture. Assessing existing experiences of governance interventions, implementation of inclusive and sustainable production practices, as well as technical innovations, this edited volume presents the reader with a nuanced perspective on sustainable future pathways for Brazilian agriculture. In many cases, actors within the agricultural sector stand in a key position to address environmental concerns, which often has generated important breakthroughs and improvement of production practices. Drawing on contributions from authors within ...
This book presents cutting-edge research and developments in the field of Biomedical Engineering. It describes both fundamental and clinically-oriented findings, highlighting advantages and challenges of innovative methods and technologies, such as artificial intelligence, wearable devices and neuroengineering, important issues related to health technology management and human factors in health, and new findings in biomechanical analysis and modeling. Gathering the proceedings of the XXVII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering, CBEB 2020, held on October 26-30, 2020, in Vitória, Brazil, and promoted by the Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering – SBEB, this book gives emphasis to research and developments carried out by Brazilian scientists, institutions and professionals. It offers an extensive overview on new trends and clinical implementation of technologies, and it is intended to foster communication and collaboration between medical scientists, engineers, and researchers inside and outside the country.
Cada irmã sobrevivente, oriunda de um meio social de exclusão, teceu um mundo interior de desejos, frustrações, rejeições e laços afetivos; também fez suas escolhas que, dependendo das condições materiais e imateriais (valores assimilados e aquisição de conhecimento) impostas, cada uma traçou e seguiu os ditames da existência humana. Ambas foram e são guerreiras nutridas pela vontade de viver e vencer. "Vim, vi e venci”.
While human capabilities can withstand broad levels of strain, they cannot hope to compete with the advanced abilities of automated technologies. Developing advanced robotic systems will provide a better, faster means to produce goods and deliver a level of seamless communication and synchronization that exceeds human skill. Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation in Manufacturing is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the application of advanced manufacturing technologies in regards to production speed, quality, and innovation. While highlighting topics such as human-machine interaction, quality management, and sensor integration, this publication explores state-of-the-art technologies in the field of robotics engineering as well as human-robot interaction. This book is ideally designed for researchers, students, engineers, manufacturers, managers, industry professionals, and academicians seeking to enhance their innovative design capabilities.
Segundo o dicionário a dança é uma sequência de movimentos de forma ritmada ao som de música. Possuindo um estilo próprio dança do ventre encanta a quem pratica e quem assiste a uma apresentação. A dançarina do ventre entrega seu corpo à manifestação da alma, ou seja, Magia da Dança.
Hedoneana: a viagem temporal de uma ficção científica hedonista, evolutiva, existencial, materialista e libertária. Transbiônica - Numa sociedade militarizada e muito religiosa, algumas pessoas são acometidas de um distúrbio mental descoberto por um gênio da ciência. Este cientista coordena o projeto para o desenvolvimento de um ser especial, que fará uma incrível e reveladora viagem. Transumana - Três homens, uma mulher e um ciborgue, reclusos numa astronave rumo ao espaço, buscam pela própria identidade em meio a uma revolução moral. Eles tentam entender seus dilemas mais íntimos e descobrem uma vida cheia de aventuras pessoais, prazeres e liberdades. São apresentadas ideias, imagens, simbolismos e curiosidades sobre os personagens e o universo de Hedoneana.
Quem poderia imaginar que a dança do ventre traz consigo uma dinâmica que nos conduz a um conhecimento diferenciado sobre a alma feminina? Navegar nas palavras que descrevem sua origem, trajetória e sentido é alimentar-se ainda mais dessa arte incrível!