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This edited volume provides the historical and geological background, as well as the details pertaining to the morphology and morphometric assessments, of a singular human cranial specimen from the Late Pleistocene discovered in Hofmeyr, South Africa. The chapters are divided into 4 main sections. Section 1 discusses the discovery and historical context of the skull, while section 2 addresses its geological and geochronological contexts through dating and stable isotope analyses. Section 3 details the general morphological and morphometric analyses (description, 3-D reconstruction, morphological comparisons), and section 4 details the specific morphological analyses performed (inner ear, dentition, endocranial morphology and size). The volume will be of interest to professional and student paleoanthropologists interested in the later phases of human evolution.
„Cuantica productivității” este o carte captivantă dedicată inovației și productivității în industria tehnică. Abordează teme precum prelucrarea materialelor, inteligența artificială, fabricația aditivă și automatizarea proceselor, oferind soluții practice și studii de caz relevante. Este un ghid esențial pentru profesioniștii din domeniul manufacturier care își doresc să rămână în fruntea tendințelor tehnologice și să își maximizeze eficiența.
This volume showcases the valuable achievements of the Romanian technology and industry worldwide. It started from the premise that the history of Romanian technique is scarcely known outside the borders of Romania. The main Romanian contributions to the world’s technological heritage are missing, except for a few names in the field of aviation, from the great encyclopedias and dictionaries published worldwide. This is due, among other reasons, to the insufficient promotion in widely spoken languages of the history of Romanian technology. The multidisciplinary approach of the volumes means that the field of technology had to be split into several branches. The present volume includes the f...
Lucrarea reprezintă o sinteză apărută şi tipărită în două volume (vol. I – 2002 şi vol. II – 2004 şi) sub egida Editurii “Mica Valahie” din Bucureşti. Volumele, elaborate în temeiul unor documente descoperite în arhivele române şi străine, acoperă perioada de până la 1929 în primul volum şi perioada 1929-2005 în cel de-al doilea volum. În lucrare se relevă rolul şi locul petrolului românesc în derularea istoriei naţionale şi universale, mai ales pe parcursul conflagraţiei mondiale din 1939-1945 şi în desfăşurarea “războiului rece”. Volumul stăruie asupra perspectivelor evoluţiei problemei “aurului negru”. În anexe, se publică documente şi bibliografia completă a petrolului.
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Technologies (RoMat 2014), October 15-17, 2014, Bucharest, Romania
"This textbook, aimed at advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in paleoanthropology courses, tackles a rather difficult task—that of presenting the substantial body of paleontological, genetic, geological and archaeological evidence regarding human evolution, and the associated scientific history, in a logical and readable way without sacrificing either clarity or detail... the sheer quality of the writing and explanatory synthesis in this book will undoubtedly make it a valuable resource for students for many years." —PaleoAnthropology, 2010 This book focuses on the last ten million years of human history, from the hominoid radiations to the emergence and diversification of modern h...
Part I introduces the basic “Principles and Methods of Force Measurement” according to a classification into a dozen of force transducerstypes: resistive, inductive, capacitive, piezoelectric, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, magnetoelastic, galvanomagnetic (Hall-effect), vibrating wires, (micro)resonators, acoustic and gyroscopic. Two special chapters refer to force balance techniques and to combined methods in force measurement. Part II discusses the “(Strain Gauge) Force Transducers Components”, evolving from the classical force transducer to the digital / intelligent one, with the incorporation of three subsystems (sensors, electromechanics and informatics). The elastic element (...
This book presents recent research on ancient Silk Road wall paintings, providing an up-to-date analysis of their coloring materials and techniques, and of developments in efforts to preserve them. The destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in 2001 encouraged international collaboration between conservation research institutes to study and protect the Silk Road’s painted heritage. The collaborations led to exciting new discoveries of the rich materials used in wall painting, including diverse pigments and colorants, and various types of organic binding media. In addition, comparative research across the region revealed shared painting practices that indicate the sophisticated exchange of techn...